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Welcome Parents to Open House -Grab an agenda on the table -Sign up for a conference date -Find your child’s portrait and take the quick Parent Night Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents to Open House -Grab an agenda on the table -Sign up for a conference date -Find your child’s portrait and take the quick Parent Night Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents to Open House -Grab an agenda on the table -Sign up for a conference date -Find your child’s portrait and take the quick Parent Night Quiz -If you wish, you may write back a short letter to them -We will begin shortly _

2 Staff in Room R12

3 Daily Schedule

4 Behavior System Yellow Card-Warning Green Card-Problem Solving sheet, loss of a recess, NO School Store Blue-Problem Solving sheet, loss of recess, NO School Store, student calls home to parent Red-Student reports to office, principal or teacher will call home, consequence to follow

5 School wide Behavior System PBS-brochure available -Richland 2013-2014\Revised Richland Brochure - SWPBS-1.docx -Richland PROUD / Overview “Caught doing something good” -Richland 2013-2014\School rules12-13 Behavior Sheet.docx

6 Classroom Expectations Point Sheet: –Be There, Be Ready –Be Responsible –Be Respectful –Personal Space –Follow Directions 2=did not need any reminders 1=needed one or two reminders 0=needed more than three reminders

7 Curriculum Reading –SRA Corrective Reading Decoding Strategies –Rigby Series –Selected Read Alouds –Journeys –Lexia Computer Based Reading Program Homework: Read EVERY night for 15 minutes Goal: 25 chapter books 50 regular books

8 Curriculum Math –Everyday Math –Math Triumphs –Supplemental math materials –On-line resources

9 Curriculum Spelling/Writing –Spelling Connections –Quakertown Spelling Curriculum –Writing supplemental material –Write Source materials –Kid Writing sources Homework: Monday-3 times each Tuesday-Sentences Wednesday-ABC Order Thursday-Rainbow Writing Friday-Test

10 Curriculum Science/Social Studies Taught in the regular ed. setting with aide support. Review concepts on a daily basis UNITS: Variables (Physical Science) Microworlds (Life Science) Food Chemistry (Physical Science) Ecosystems (Earth & Space Science) -Social Studies material covered: Explore Native American tribes, early explorers and colonization, the American Revolution and Westward Expansion Understand the concept of regions and the four main geographical regions in the U.S. Understand early and current geographical and economical development of U.S. regions Use maps, charts, tables, graphs, & timelines to acquire and analyze information

11 Curriculum Science/Social Studies Taught in the regular ed. setting with aide support. Review concepts on a daily basis –4 th Science material covered: Motion and Design Animal Studies Land and Water Magnets and Electricity -Social Studies material covered: Pennsylvania history Tails of a Towpath (life on the Lehigh Canal)

12 Curriculum Science/Social Studies Taught in the regular ed. setting with aide support. Review concepts on a daily basis –3 rd Science material covered: Rocks and Minerals Plants and bees -Social Studies material covered: Government Economics Community

13 Grading/Report Cards Standards Based Grading & Alternative Based Grading 4=mastery/advanced-I can apply what I learned to NEW situations 3=proficient-I can do it MYSELF 2=developing/basic-I can do it with HELP 1=beginning/below basic-I don’t understand, and I need MORE HELP

14 Web Page Richland Elementary School

15 Contact Information Fall Conferences are scheduled for November 4 th, 12 th, and 14 th. If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for a conference time before you leave tonight! I will send a reminder note. Phone Number: 215-529-2462 ext. Email:

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