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About us!  We are excited to be team teaching this year!  We will prepare students to be academically successful, socially aware, scientifically literate,

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2 About us!  We are excited to be team teaching this year!  We will prepare students to be academically successful, socially aware, scientifically literate, and respectful, responsible citizens in the global community.

3 Curriculum  Writer’s Workshop  Balanced Literacy with a focus on Reader’s Workshop  Math Workshop  Problem-Based Learning (STEM)  Whole-class and small groups  Projects: Home and school-based!

4 What is Problem-Based Learning?  Student-centered and experimental  Builds on or challenges student schema/knowledge  Develops critical and creative thinking  Creates effective problem-solvers  Highly context-specific: based on real-life situations  Promotes collaboration and interdependence

5 Reading & Writing Reading Standards  Inferring  Identifying Theme  Describing Characters & Setting  Comparing/Contrasting Genres  Point of View  Using Text Features  Main Idea  Summarizing  Collaborative Discussion  Making Connections  Reading with Accuracy & Fluency Writing Standards o Opinion Pieces o Expository Essays o Narratives: Real & Imaginary o Publishing with Technology Focused on: Clear topics Evidence Transitions Conventions Figurative Language Dialogue

6 Reading We are committed to creating Avid Readers. Reader’s Workshop Will Include:  Whole-Group Instruction  Guided Reading/Target Groups  Independent Reading  Reading Informational (NF) texts  Literature Circles/Book Clubs  Wordly Wise- Vocabulary & NF passages

7 By the end of 4 th Grade students should be able to…  Discuss and have detailed and meaningful conversations about their reading-thinking.  Critically analyze texts and make connections. Our overall goal is to bring all students towards high levels of Reading Literacy!

8 Writer’s Workshop  Write for a variety of purposes and audiences  Shared writing  Guided writing  Independent writing  Words Their Way (learning word patterns)- in lieu of traditional Spelling  Every PBL will have a writing piece to it

9 Math  Critical thinking and problem-solving skills  Whole Numbers and Place Value- writing, comparing and computation  Fractions- adding, subtracting, multiplying & comparing  Geometry- lines, angles & shapes  Measurement- includes conversion, area & perimeter  Algebra- order of operations & algebraic expressions It is very important that students continue to practice multiplication tables!

10 Math Math Workshop Will Include:  Dreambox- Replaces First in Math  Manipulatives- base 10 blocks, fraction tiles, geometric shapes, etc.  Games- playing with partners/groups to practice specific Math skills  Reasoning- explaining their thinking/problem- solving  Problem-solving- working through real-life problems  Small-Group

11 & Engineering  Forces & Motion  Matter: Properties and Change  Energy: Conservation and Transfer  Earth History and Landforms  Earth and the Universe  Ecosystems  Molecular Biology  Engineering projects

12 Social Studies Our focus is on North Carolina…..  Geography (including landforms)  History  Civics and Government  Culture  Economics

13 Homework ReadingComprehension Practice MathProjectsUnfinished Work 30 minutes each night Fiction, Non- Fiction & Poetry: Given nightly Skills practice: Students should complete one column each night Given well in advance of due date Must be completed that night so that students are prepared for the next day Communication Folders will be sent home on Tuesdays. Please sign and return all assignments. Return on Wednesday.

14 Grades  Grades are recorded in PowerSchool. Parents have direct access to grades by logging in. Please let me know if you have any questions. If you forget your login information, please contact our data manager, Mrs. Cragan. She has access to passwords.  Scale: A 93-100 B 85-92 C 77-84 D 70-76 F 69 and below  Homework is not graded

15 Grades  Students will have the opportunity to correct their grades and earn some additional points, based on their efforts.

16 Behavior  In order to facilitate learning, all students are expected to follow rules and procedures.  Poor choices prohibit the students' ability to succeed and meet his/her potential.  SOAR is a school-wide program designed to promote good behavior.  Pasvankas’ class will use Class Dojo  Kenny’s class will use a 1-2-3 system  Please review your child’s day with him or her

17 Pasvankas’ Class Dojo Demo In lieu of character cards, we will use Class Dojo. After you create an account, you can check on your child’s behavior and participation anytime!

18 Volunteers Needed  Class Parent  Math 24  Jr. Great Books  New this year: Clubs  Additional class activities  General help!!!!  You must have a current background check on file with CCS in order to volunteer!

19 Field Trips  Arts Council  Raleigh: Capitol Building, Science Museum & History Museum  Aw Shucks Farm

20 Contact Information Ms. Katherine Pasvankas   ext. 605, after 3:15 pm Ms. Ragin Kenny   ext. 603, after 3:15 pm  Email is the best way to communicate with us. We will check our email between 4:00 and 6:00 pm each day and will be happy to respond to any questions or concerns.

21 Questions? Thank you for coming! Your support is very much appreciated!

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