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PAB/School Initiative Green School Environment St Louis Eco-School.

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2 PAB/School Initiative Green School Environment St Louis Eco-School

3 Curriculum We already cover many environmental areas in the curriculum Global Warming middle school Movie year 9 Primary intro

4 Eco-Schools Award Scheme Background Programme developed by FEE in 1994 following the Earth Summit in Rio, 1992 Need to involve young people in finding solutions to environmental & sustainable development challenges - LA 21 Introduced into UK in 1995

5 Global Participation Eco-Schools operates in over 35 countries Approx 20,000 Schools are registered world-wide More than 5000 schools have achieved Green Flag status 5654 schools are working towards achieving green flag status in England 609 schools currently fly the green flag in England

6 Environmental Review/Audit Key Environmental Areas Litter Waste Minimisation Energy Water Transport School Grounds Healthy Living Biodiversity Global Perspective*

7 SEVEN STEPS Implementing the Elements 7 STEPS 2. Review 1. Eco Committee …SC 3.Action Plan 4.Monitoring 5.Curriculum Work 6.Informing & Involving the school community 7.Eco -Code Lets watch the video

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