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Director’s Report Unidata Policy Committee Meeting 12 May 2008 Mohan Ramamurthy Unidata Program Center UCAR Office of Programs Boulder, CO.

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Presentation on theme: "Director’s Report Unidata Policy Committee Meeting 12 May 2008 Mohan Ramamurthy Unidata Program Center UCAR Office of Programs Boulder, CO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Director’s Report Unidata Policy Committee Meeting 12 May 2008 Mohan Ramamurthy Unidata Program Center UCAR Office of Programs Boulder, CO

2 Unidata 2013 Proposal Unidata 2013: A Transformative Community Facility for the Atmospheric and Related Sciences Six focus areas: Six focus areas: 1.Broadening Participation 2.Advancing data services 3.Developing and deploying useful tools 4.Enhancing user support services 5.Providing cyberinfrastructure leadership 6.Promoting diversity

3 Use of Unidata in Graduate Research

4 2008 DeSouza Award  This award honors individuals whose energy, expertise, and active involvement enable the Unidata Program to better serve the geosciences.  Dr. Mark Laufersweiler, University of Oklahoma, received the 2008 DeSouza Award during the Users Committee meeting earlier this month.  Mark was recognized for efforts and contributions through the years that truly reflect the goals and ideals of the Unidata program.  His advocacy on behalf of Unidata tools and data, and his entrainment of dozens of students through that advocacy have provided a robust cadre of new Unidata community members.

5 Unidata & 2008 AMS Awards David Fulker Receives the Cleveland Abbe Award Rich Clark Receives the Teaching Excellence Award

6 Dave Fulker, Director Emeritus Former Unidata director, Dave Fulker, has been appointed Unidata Director Emeritus, with approval from the UCAR Board of Trustees. Former Unidata director, Dave Fulker, has been appointed Unidata Director Emeritus, with approval from the UCAR Board of Trustees. Emeritus status is bestowed on people who have provided sustained leadership and impact on the UCAR organization. Emeritus status is bestowed on people who have provided sustained leadership and impact on the UCAR organization. It clearly fits Dave who has served in various capacities within UCAR for over 38 years, including 18 years as the founding director of Unidata. Dave retired in 2005 and has continued to offer his time unselfishly to UCAR. It clearly fits Dave who has served in various capacities within UCAR for over 38 years, including 18 years as the founding director of Unidata. Dave retired in 2005 and has continued to offer his time unselfishly to UCAR.

7 Staffing Changes Steve Chiswell, who provided excellent support for GEMPAK and CONDUIT, left Unidata in January to pursue his scientific interests. Steve Chiswell, who provided excellent support for GEMPAK and CONDUIT, left Unidata in January to pursue his scientific interests. A nationwide search for a new person was conducted, but the position remains unfilled at this time. The search was reopened last week.A nationwide search for a new person was conducted, but the position remains unfilled at this time. The search was reopened last week. UPC is exploring other options to cover GEMPAK support and the upcoming transition of NAWIPS to AWIPS2. In the meantime, Don, Tom Y. and Jeff W. will continue to provide GEMPAK support.UPC is exploring other options to cover GEMPAK support and the upcoming transition of NAWIPS to AWIPS2. In the meantime, Don, Tom Y. and Jeff W. will continue to provide GEMPAK support. Anne Wilson, the developer of the NLDN and TDR, and a co-PI on LEAD, is leaving Unidata on 16 May. Anne Wilson, the developer of the NLDN and TDR, and a co-PI on LEAD, is leaving Unidata on 16 May. Dr. Dennis Heimbigner joined UPC in January as a netCDF developer to work on a new NSF- funded project for improving netCDF and OPeNDAP integration. Dr. Dennis Heimbigner joined UPC in January as a netCDF developer to work on a new NSF- funded project for improving netCDF and OPeNDAP integration. Dennis comes to Unidata from the University of Colorado, where he was involved in research on security, distributed systems, and databasesDennis comes to Unidata from the University of Colorado, where he was involved in research on security, distributed systems, and databases

8 Data Flows   The number of sites participating in the IDD continues its steady growth. Nearly 500 hosts in 240 unique network domains are running LDM-6 and reporting real time statistics.   COSMIC Radio Occultation data is now flowing to universities via the LDM. Nine universities already signed up to receive the data using the LDM Steven Businger: “ We are actively working to assimilate the new COSMIC data stream over the data-poor N. Pacific. Once we have some results from that effort, I will share them with you (and COSMIC). This is an important development and I am grateful to Unidata for spearheading it.”

9 New Data Streams Real-time distribution of USPLN lightning data is in the offing, thanks to efforts spearheaded by Chris Herbster. Real-time distribution of USPLN lightning data is in the offing, thanks to efforts spearheaded by Chris Herbster. UPC is in discussions with CUAHSI & USGS to access and distribute stream gauge data in near real-time. UPC is in discussions with CUAHSI & USGS to access and distribute stream gauge data in near real-time. UPC is in discussions with GALEON team and EPA to access and distribute air-quality data in real-time. UPC is in discussions with GALEON team and EPA to access and distribute air-quality data in real-time.

10 USPLN-NLDN Composite

11 NetCDF NetCDF-4, the next major upgrade to netCDF, uses the HDF5 format to read and write files through the netCDF API. Benefits include compression, parallel I/O, multiple unlimited dimensions, etc. NetCDF-4, the next major upgrade to netCDF, uses the HDF5 format to read and write files through the netCDF API. Benefits include compression, parallel I/O, multiple unlimited dimensions, etc. Release planned for June 2008 (delayed by HDF5 v1.8 availability) Release planned for June 2008 (delayed by HDF5 v1.8 availability) NOAA has recently announced that all GOES-R Level 2 and Level 2+ products will be made available in netCDF-4 format. This is a significant development! NOAA has recently announced that all GOES-R Level 2 and Level 2+ products will be made available in netCDF-4 format. This is a significant development!

12 RAMADDA Repository for Archiving, Managing and Accessing Diverse DAta) A is a new effort, spearheaded by Jeff McWhirter, began in December 2007.A is a new effort, spearheaded by Jeff McWhirter, began in December 2007. It complements and dovetails with the THREDDS Data Repository effortIt complements and dovetails with the THREDDS Data Repository effort The goal of this project isThe goal of this project is To provide an open and extensible data repository framework/server. RAMADDA is Java-based and uses a relational database as its underlying metadata storage facility. It has been designed to run both stand-alone as well as running under a Tomcat server.To provide an open and extensible data repository framework/server. RAMADDA is Java-based and uses a relational database as its underlying metadata storage facility. It has been designed to run both stand-alone as well as running under a Tomcat server. To manage and provide access to an IDD/LDM real time archive.To manage and provide access to an IDD/LDM real time archive. To provide a rich environment to support end users in publishing, organizing and sharing data and other information - a "youtube or flickr for data". Use caseTo provide a rich environment to support end users in publishing, organizing and sharing data and other information - a "youtube or flickr for data". Use case Use case: Next-generation, community-centric case studies Use case: Next-generation, community-centric case studies Embedded in end-user clients (e.g., the Integreated Data Viewer) to provide a richer level of data access services for local disk-based data holdings.Embedded in end-user clients (e.g., the Integreated Data Viewer) to provide a richer level of data access services for local disk-based data holdings. Capabilities for supporting field projects during and after the project.Capabilities for supporting field projects during and after the project.

13 Integrated Data Viewer  IDV use continues to grow. It now has users in nearly 200 institutions.  IDV Version 2.5 was released on 8 May 2008  Support for reading GEMPAK grids  Many GEMPAK grid diagnostics implemented  Support for WSR-88D super- resolution Level III data At the University of Wisconsin, a semester-long radar and satellite IDV-centric curriculum is being developed via IDV bundles that can be utilized in future semesters and shared with other interested instructors. “Overall, our experiences with the IDV in the classroom have been very positive, and student evaluations have consistently credited the IDV as being a crucial, exciting, and practical component of the course.”

14 AWIPS II and N-AWIPS Evolution Active development of the current NAWIPS/GEMPAK system will cease in Summer 2008. After that, only routine maintenance (bug fixes, table/map updates as necessary) will occur. Existing and new NAWIPS development resources will be moved to the AWIPS2 migration. Deployment of NAWIPS functionality in AWIPS2 is planned to be completed in FY11 The migration to AWIPS II has important implications for the Unidata community. UPC staff are working closely with NCEP in tracking AWIPS2 development.

15 Collaborations with Shanghai Typhoon Institute STI and Unidata will collaborate to design and develop a Tropical Cyclone version of the IDV (TC-IDV) STI and Unidata will collaborate to design and develop a Tropical Cyclone version of the IDV (TC-IDV) TC-IDV will enhance capabilities of the IDV (diagnostic and visualization functions)TC-IDV will enhance capabilities of the IDV (diagnostic and visualization functions) Provide an integrated system for TC research and operationsProvide an integrated system for TC research and operations Unidata will provide support, training, modifications to IDV frameworkUnidata will provide support, training, modifications to IDV framework IDV provided to STI under LPGLIDV provided to STI under LPGL

16 CONDUIT Update A CONDUIT Meeting was held on 23 January 2008 during the AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, attended by Unidata staff and people from NCEP, NWS, and one person representing the private sector. The meeting was NOT well attended by the university community; Action item 1: Ask the Unidata Users Committee to take on the responsibility of polling the community for CONDUIT data set input, including deletion of data sets not being used, and addition of new data sets desired for research and education. Action item 2: Generate usage metrics to enable NCEP, NWS, and Unidata to continue providing the service to the community Number of sites receiving CONDUIT data: 117

17 2008 AccessData Workshop April 30- May 3, Portland, OR The workshop provides an opportunity for data providers, analysis tool developers, scientists, curriculum developers, and educators to interact with one another in a variety of sessions, all working toward the goal of facilitating the use of data in education. 57 attendees were grouped into teams that include a data provider, analysis tools expert, scientist, curriculum developer, and an educator. Team members will work together to develop an educational module, drawing upon the expertise of individuals in each role on the team.

18 Unidata Regional Workshop at Plymouth State University Lead: Brendon Hoch The workshop is fully subscribed!!!

19 2008 Community Equipment Awards   A solicitation was issued to the community in January and advertised at the AMS Annual Meeting   We received only four proposals   Themes:   Further the use of Unidata tools and systems (e.g., THREDDS, NetCDF, IDV, GIS connections) to support education and research on various aspects of climate (e.g., diagnostics, change and impacts), including upgrades to existing classroom and laboratory equipment or procurement of new computers to support climate studies.   Enhance participation and advancement of underrepresented populations in Community and Baccalaureate colleges and minority serving institution.   The review panel met on 9 April to rank and recommend funding for the following proposals: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dr. Christopher G. Herbster – “The Creation of a Community Resource for Weather Case Studies and Innovative Real-Time Weather Data for the IDD” Jackson State University, Loren D. White – “Unidata Equipment Proposal to Upgrade the JSU Meteorology High-Performance Computing Lab” Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Steven G. Decker - “Upgrading the Rutgers Weather Center to Meet Today’s Needs” Award notifications were mailed out last week.

20 State of the Program: A Snapshot Community relations: Green Community relations: Green Data flows: Green Data flows: Green Software development: Green Software development: Green Partnerships: Green Partnerships: Green Staffing: Yellow Staffing: Yellow Support: Green Support: Green Finances : Yellow Finances : Yellow ? Questions?

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