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Tanzania By Florian Schweitzer. Population 45 million Income 1512 Int. USD per capita Administrative Sub-Divisions 135 Local Government Authorities 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanzania By Florian Schweitzer. Population 45 million Income 1512 Int. USD per capita Administrative Sub-Divisions 135 Local Government Authorities 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanzania By Florian Schweitzer

2 Population 45 million Income 1512 Int. USD per capita Administrative Sub-Divisions 135 Local Government Authorities 2

3 „Local Governments will operate in a more transparent and democratic manner, reflecting enhanced accountability to the people they are supposed to serve.“ The Local Government Reform Agenda October 1996 3

4 4

5 10 Days silence „Where is the letter?“ HR Officer Ward Executive Officer DED Registration Desk 5

6 6

7 StatisticPercentage Minimum0 Lower Quartile0 Median0 Upper Quartile5 Mean6 Maximum48 Standard Deviation 13 7

8 StatisticPercentage Minimum0 Lower Quartile0 Median0 Upper Quartile5 Mean6 Maximum48 Standard Deviation 13 8

9 SectionPercentage Section 3: Budget Execution68 Procurement92 Enacted Budget63 Section 4: Reporting / Audit47 Audit78 Year-End-Report52 Service Delivery29 Section 2: Budget Formulation29 Total Score48 9

10 10

11  Government of Tanzania is aware of gap between LGA and community.  O&OD is a participatory planning methodology conducted at community level every 3 years to achieve  increased peoples‘ participation  integrated development planning  bottom-up planning  Citizens do not meaningfully participate in the annual budget process. 11

12  Quality of produced budget information is recognizable due to extensive application of templates.  There is great potential to improve scores if sub-national government are convinced to share the produced information.  Sub-national legislators are our allies in setting higher transparency standards.  Need to educate citizens how to access budget information and use it.  O&OD can be used to further integrate citizens into the sub-national budget process. 12

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