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Case Management, Collaborative Care & Crisis Intervention

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1 Case Management, Collaborative Care & Crisis Intervention

2 Case Management Definition-It is a concept purposefully designed to control the balance between cost and quality of care. Goals of case management Easy access to needed service and coordinate care of clients. Prevent avoidable episode of illness Control or reduce the cost of care Activities of case management- Identification, assessment, service planning, monitor,service delivery, advocacy

3 Collaborative Care Definition-It is the shared planning, decision making, goal setting and assumption of responsibilities by individuals who work together cooperatively and with open communication Key features Integration of mental health personnel in medical care setting Close collaboration of mental health personnel with medical providers Treating whole person and whole family Types of collaboration Unidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

4 Collaborative Care-Contd……
Barriers of good collaborative care Inappropriate education and training Traditional organizational structure Goal and role setting Power and status inequities Personal qualities of individuals

5 Crisis Intervention Definition- It is a short term therapy focused on solving the immediate problem, which is limited to six weeks. Phases of crisis intervention 1)Assessment Precipitating event Perception of the event Support system and coping recourses Coping mechanisms

6 Crisis Intervention-Contd..
2)Planning and Implementation Levels of crisis intervention Environmental manipulation General approach Generic approach Individual approach Techniques of crisis intervention Catharsis Clarification Suggestion Reinforcement of behavior Support of defense Raising of self esteem Explanation of solutions

7 Crisis Intervention-Contd..
3) Evaluation Modalities of crisis intervention Mobile crisis programme Group work Telephone contacts Disaster response Victim outreach programme Health education

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