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The Core of an Argument: A Claim with Reasons (Writing Arguments Chapter 3) CS4001 Kristin Marsicano.

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Presentation on theme: "The Core of an Argument: A Claim with Reasons (Writing Arguments Chapter 3) CS4001 Kristin Marsicano."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Core of an Argument: A Claim with Reasons (Writing Arguments Chapter 3) CS4001 Kristin Marsicano

2 Discussion/Review Questions  What are the three parts of the rhetorical triangle, what do they mean, to whom/what do they apply?

3 Rhetorical Triangle  Logos  internal consistency and clarity  logic of reasons and support (logical appeal)  Ethos  credibility of arguer  care in presenting alternate views  writer investment in claims  possibly reputation for honesty and expertise (ethical appeal)  Pathos  appealing to audiences imaginative sympathies  making argument palpable and immediate

4 Rhetorical Triangle Message (LOGOS: How can I make the argument consistent and logical? How can I find the best reasons and evidence?) Audience (PATHOS: How can I make the reader open to my message? How can I appeal to the reader’s values and interests?) Writer or Speaker: (ETHOS: How can I present myself effectively? How can I enhance my credibility and trustworthiness?)

5 Discussion/Review Questions  What are the three parts of the rhetorical triangle, what do they mean, to whom/what do they apply?  What are facts and how do they increase the persuasiveness of an argument?

6 Facts…What are they?  “A non-controversial piece of data that is verifiable through observation or through appeal to communally accepted authorities”  Facts can increase persuasiveness by having  Recency. What’s the latest data?  Representativeness. Are the supporting examples typical rather than extreme or rare.  Sufficiency. Are there enough examples to justify the point. (No hasty generalization.)

7 Discussion/Review Questions  What are the three parts of the rhetorical triangle, what do they mean, to whom/what do they apply?  What are facts and how do they increase the persuasiveness of an argument?  What is the difference between an information question and an issue?

8 Issue Questions are the Basis of Argument  Issue question: controversial question that gives rise to alternative answers.  Issue versus information questions  Some questions merely call for more information, not argument. In answering an information question, you assume the role of a teacher.  But if you must assume the role of an advocate, then the question is an issue question.  Also if the facts of the answer are controversial, then the question is an issue question.

9 Information vs. Issue  Which of the following is are issue questions and which are information questions?  What is the percentage that CS enrollments in the U.S. declined in 2005?

10 Information vs. Issue  Which of the following is are issue questions and which are information questions?  What is the percentage that CS enrollments in the U.S. declined in 2005?  What is the effect of outsourcing statistics on CS enrollments in the U.S.?

11 Information vs. Issue  Which of the following is are issue questions and which are information questions?  What is the percentage that CS enrollments in the U.S. declined in 2005?  What is the effect of outsourcing statistics on CS enrollments in the U.S.?  What is the reason that enrollments in CS in the U.S. are now increasing?

12 Discussion/Review Questions  What are the three parts of the rhetorical triangle, what do they mean, to whom/what do they apply?  What are facts and how do they increase the persuasiveness of an argument?  What is the difference between an information question and an issue?  A genuine (not pseudo-argument) requires two ingredients—what are they?

13 Arguments VS Pseudo Arguments  A genuine argument requires  Reasonable participants who operate within the conventions of reasonable behavior.  Potentially shareable assumptions that can serve as a starting place or foundation for the argument.  Otherwise, it is a pseudo-argument:  Fanatical believers or fanatical skeptics  Lack of shared assumptions

14 Discussion/Review Questions  What are the three parts of the rhetorical triangle, what do they mean, to whom/what do they apply?  What are facts and how do they increase the persuasiveness of an argument?  What is the difference between an information question and an issue?  A genuine (not pseudo-argument) requires two ingredients—what are they?  How do we support our claims for an issue?

15 Arguments: Claims Supported by Reasons  A reason is a claim used to support another claim.  Reasons are usually linked to their claims with words like because, thus, since, consequently, and therefore to underscore their logical connection.  Formulating lists of reasons for the competing views can break the persuasive task into more manageable subtasks.  A good way to formulate an argument is to create a working thesis statement that summarizes your main reasons as because clauses attached to your claim. However, be aware of the opposing points of view.

16 Argumentation Workout Claim: Public libraries should make it impossible for patrons to access pornographic website content from library computers.

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