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Jeopardy $100 Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400.

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2 Jeopardy $100 Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

3 1 - $100 The most general group an organism can be classified under…. The most general group an organism can be classified under…. – Genus – Species – Kingdom – Phylum KINGDOM KINGDOM

4 1 - $200 Which of the following phyla has the simpliest body plan of all organisms in the Animal Kingdom Which of the following phyla has the simpliest body plan of all organisms in the Animal Kingdom Porifera Porifera Nematoda Nematoda Cnidaria Cnidaria Porifera Porifera

5 1 - $300 The scientific name for the dinosaur known as T.Rex is Tyrannosaurus rex. Tyrannosaurus would be this dinosaurs… The scientific name for the dinosaur known as T.Rex is Tyrannosaurus rex. Tyrannosaurus would be this dinosaurs… Species Species Kingdom Kingdom Genus Genus

6 1 - $400 Carl Linnaeus classified organisms according to their Carl Linnaeus classified organisms according to their Analogous traits Analogous traits Homologous traits Homologous traits Who their parents are Who their parents are Homologous traits Homologous traits

7 1 - $500 Mammalia, reptilia, amphibia, and aves are all “classes” that fall under what phylum? Mammalia, reptilia, amphibia, and aves are all “classes” that fall under what phylum? Echinodermata Echinodermata Nematoda Nematoda Chordata Chordata

8 2 - $100 Any insect, from spiders to flies, fall under what phylum? Any insect, from spiders to flies, fall under what phylum? Arthropoda Arthropoda Annelida Annelida Nematoda Nematoda Arthropoda Arthropoda

9 2 - $200 The organism Felis leo (lion) is most closely related to which of the following? The organism Felis leo (lion) is most closely related to which of the following? Felis domesticus Felis domesticus Rana pipiens Rana pipiens Homo sapies Homo sapies Felis domesticus Felis domesticus

10 2 - $300 The scientific name for the bacteria E. Coli is Escheria coli. coli would refer to this bacteria’s The scientific name for the bacteria E. Coli is Escheria coli. coli would refer to this bacteria’s Species Species Kingdom Kingdom Genus Genus Species Species

11 2 - $400 Which of the following is NOT one of the 6 Kingdoms under which we classify living things Which of the following is NOT one of the 6 Kingdoms under which we classify living things Plantae Plantae Protista Protista Moldas Moldas Archaebacteria Archaebacteria Moldas Moldas

12 2 - $500 An organism who is one celled, that one cell is prokaryotic, and it can live in very harsh, hot conditions – much like those on early planet Earth – belong to what kingdom? An organism who is one celled, that one cell is prokaryotic, and it can live in very harsh, hot conditions – much like those on early planet Earth – belong to what kingdom? Eubacteria Eubacteria Protista Protista Archaebacteria Archaebacteria

13 3 - $100 Organisms in the kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia contain 1 or more of these types of cells Organisms in the kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia contain 1 or more of these types of cells Eukaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell

14 3 - $200 What is the general order in which things are classified? What is the general order in which things are classified? Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species Kingdom, phylum, order, family, class, species, genus Kingdom, phylum, order, family, class, species, genus Genus, species, class, family, phylum, order, kingdom Genus, species, class, family, phylum, order, kingdom Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

15 3 - $300 Of all of the invertebratre phyla, which contains animals with the most complex organ systems? Of all of the invertebratre phyla, which contains animals with the most complex organ systems? Arthropoda Arthropoda Porifera Porifera Annelida Annelida Arthropoda Arthropoda

16 3 - $400 An organism who is one celled, that one cell is prokaryotic, and is often responsible for making you sick (although not always – they can be good too!) belong to what Kingdom? Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Eubacteria Eubacteria

17 3 - $500 Going outside in the middle of winter and being able to still stay relatively warm inside your body (maintain an internal temperature of 98.6º even though it is 32º outside) is an example of what characteristic of life? Going outside in the middle of winter and being able to still stay relatively warm inside your body (maintain an internal temperature of 98.6º even though it is 32º outside) is an example of what characteristic of life? Metabolism Metabolism Response to stimuli Response to stimuli Homeostasis Homeostasis

18 4 - $100 All things on earth can be classified as either? All things on earth can be classified as either? Living or nonliving Living or nonliving

19 4 - $200 All bacteria are made of what type of cell? All bacteria are made of what type of cell? Prokaryotic Prokaryotic

20 4 - $300 Every kingdom can be broken up smaller into Every kingdom can be broken up smaller into Phylums Phylums

21 4 - $400 According to the table, which two species are most closely related? According to the table, which two species are most closely related? Dog and wolf Dog and wolf Organism  House CatRed FoxDogWolfGopherFly KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata Arthropoda ClassMammalia Insecta OrderCarnivora RodentiaDiptera FamilyFelidaeCanidae GeomyidaeMuscidae GenusFelisVulpesCanis ThomomysMusca SpeciesdomesticusfulvafamiliarislupusbottaeDomestica

22 4 - $500 According to the table, which organism is the most distantly related to all others? According to the table, which organism is the most distantly related to all others? Fly Fly Organism  House CatRed FoxDogWolfGopherFly KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata Arthropoda ClassMammalia Insecta OrderCarnivora RodentiaDiptera FamilyFelidaeCanidae GeomyidaeMuscidae GenusFelisVulpesCanis ThomomysMusca SpeciesdomesticusfulvafamiliarislupusbottaeDomestica

23 5 - $100 Mold, mildew, mushrooms, and yeast all belong in what kingdom? Mold, mildew, mushrooms, and yeast all belong in what kingdom? Fungi Fungi

24 5 - $200 These microscopic organisms can appear like plants or animals. They are single celled and belong to the most diverse kingdom of all living things. These microscopic organisms can appear like plants or animals. They are single celled and belong to the most diverse kingdom of all living things. Protists Protists

25 5 - $300 According to the chart, Felis tigris must belong to what family? According to the chart, Felis tigris must belong to what family? Felidae Felidae Organism  House CatRed FoxDogWolfGopherFly KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata Arthropoda ClassMammalia Insecta OrderCarnivora RodentiaDiptera FamilyFelidaeCanidae GeomyidaeMuscidae GenusFelisVulpesCanis ThomomysMusca SpeciesdomesticusfulvafamiliarislupusbottaeDomestica

26 5 - $400 Jellyfish, sea urchins, and sea anemones belong to what phyla? Jellyfish, sea urchins, and sea anemones belong to what phyla? Cnidaria Cnidaria

27 5 - $500 Viruses are considered what type of organism? Viruses are considered what type of organism? Living Living Nonliving Nonliving

28 Final Jeopardy Homo sapiens were NOT the only of species of human to exist on Earth. Name one other species of human Homo sapiens were NOT the only of species of human to exist on Earth. Name one other species of human Answer will vary Answer will vary

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