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CHS 123 STUDENT WORKER ORIENTATION. Welcome Student Workers! Cook-DeVos Center for Health Sciences Family Health Center.

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Presentation on theme: "CHS 123 STUDENT WORKER ORIENTATION. Welcome Student Workers! Cook-DeVos Center for Health Sciences Family Health Center."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome Student Workers! Cook-DeVos Center for Health Sciences Family Health Center

3 Lunch Introductions Generational Group Power PPT Break out groups AGENDA

4 KCON Dean- Dr. Cynthia McCurren Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs- Dr. Elaine Van Doren Associate Dean for Graduate Programs- Dr. Yvette Petti Associate Dean for Practice- Dr. Ann Sheehan Associate Dean for Research- Dr. Cynthia Coviak THE DEAN’S


6 Office Image It is important to maintain a professional office image. Be alert and be helpful. Slumping in your chair, bracing your feet on the desk or other supports, laying your head on desk as well as sitting on the desk or floor are not acceptable. As you complete your scheduled work hours, be sure to straighten your workspace so that the student assistant taking over can start with an organized area.

7 Office Demeanor Please be formal when addressing and referring to faculty and administrators. For example, “Dean McCurren”, Professor Winter, Dr. Sheehan Please be careful what you say in the office…you never know who is on the other side of a partition!

8 HIPPA & FERPA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)-is a privacy act to insure that the patients health record will not be shared with anyone without prior written approval by the patient. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)- is a federal law that protects the rights and the educational records of the students. No information shall be given to a parent or guardian without the student giving prior written approval.

9 Telephones Telephones are very busy at both the FHC and KCON. Each student employee must know how to pick up the phone and answer. Phones should be answered by the third ring. Never leave the telephones unattended. Be courteous to the caller and smile while you talk, the caller will be able to hear it in your voice.

10 Project/Job Completion If you are given a job and you are unsure what needs to be done, ASK QUESTIONS! Make sure that if you encounter problems or have to leave prior to the completion of the task that you clearly communicate the status of the project to the office staff member who assigned it to you or heard the instructions. If you leave a project unfinished, leave clear and DETAILED information on how to finish the project for the next student worker on the Wiki. Make sure you tell the next person coming in there is a job for them posted. Proofreading is very important! Please proofread all jobs before returning them to staff members. Make it a habit to read the document as well as run the “spell check” on all documents. Accuracy in some tasks is so important that you may need to proofread your work with another person in the office.

11 Dress Code FHC and KCON want you to maintain a professional image while at work. Good grooming habits and clean, neat clothes are a must. You will be given a name tag and these must be worn at all times while working to help everyone learn who you are. When we break into our specific work groups we will go over specifically what is expected of you at each location.

12 Evaluations An evaluation of your employment will be conducted at specified intervals. Please don’t see these as a means of telling you what you are doing wrong. Open lines of communication are essential to any employment and evaluations should be seen as a time to improve yourself.

13 Breaks Student assistants are allowed a paid 15-minute break for each 4 hours of continuous work (this time may be used for eating). Please discuss with a staff member the best time to take your break. Break periods may not be accumulated and are not a reason to arrive 15 minutes late for work or leave work 15 minutes early.

14 Absenteeism & Tardiness You will be expected to be in the office ready to work at your scheduled time, unless you have previously made different arrangements. If you are ill and unable to work as scheduled please follow the department specific rules that will be outlined in your student handbook.

15 Ultra Time Is an on-line system that GVSU uses for payroll. The payroll system is set up to document two-week pay periods. Be sure to complete your UltraTime on a daily basis. Pay checks are automatically deposited into your bank account. The automatic deposit forms will be given to you today. You will need your checking account number or a voided check.

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