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Published byGiles Hunt Modified over 9 years ago
eWiSACWIS Initial Assessments - Assignments Tracking Tool And IA Tracking Report
Initial Assessment – Assignments Tracking Tool The need exists for both Access and Initial Assessment supervisory staff to be able “see”, at any point in time, who is assigned to a particular case(s). Real Time. Need something that gathers information as it exists at the exact time of the request. Online
The Online Report Provides detailed and summary data related to case assignments of an Initial Assessment type. –The page is in effect a decision analysis tool, which provides users (primarily IA and Access supervisors) with an immediate and current data snapshot of IA workloads. –Helps Supervisors equalize assignment/distribution. –Able to see priority cases.
Page Navigation Access this functionality via the Utilities menu, on the main eWiSACWIS desktop menu bar. Select ‘Initial Assessment Assignments’. Page Information Box:Search Criteria Fields:County/Site: The county and site name. Drop down selection will include: “xxxx county” which equates to all sites within county) and a listing of the active sites/regions within the user’s county. Defaults to the current user’s county and site. Field is required. Supervisor:The Initial Assessment Supervisor for the County/Site selected. Drop down will include all IA Supervisors for the county/site selected, but blank may be chosen (meaning all Supervisors). Default is blank. Assignment type:The assignment types to search for. Drop down will include “All IA types”, as well as the five Initial Assessment related types: CPS Initial Assessment, Court Ordered Study, Courtesy Initial Assessment, Child Welfare, and Independent Investigation (cd_asgn_type in (49, 68, 84, 74, 75). Default is “All IA types”. Field is required. View by:Drop down will include “All Assignments”, “Open Assignments”, and “Closed Assignments” (in that order). Default is “All Assignments”. Results query will return both open and closed assignments when All Assignments is selected. Results query will only return open assignments (dt_end is null) when Open Assignments is selected. Results query will return only closed assignments (dt_end is not null) when Closed Assignments is selected. Time Period:Drop-down showing several pre-determined time periods. Values include “Today”, “Last 3 Days”, “This Week”, “This Month”, and “Custom” (in that order). When a value is selected, prefill the From and To fields and utilize in query. When Custom is selected, activate the From and To date fields. Default is “Today”. From:Date field with edit mask. Activated and user editable when the “Time Period” is set to Custom. Prefills and is disabled based on Time Period selections. Default is Sysdate (since Time Period default is “Today”) To:Date field with edit mask. Activated and user editable when the “Time Period” is set to Custom. Prefills and is disabled based on Time Period selections. Default is Sysdate (since Time Period default is “Today”) Box:Initial Assessment Worker Assignments Fields:Worker: The name of the worker on the Assignment record. Retrieved from PERSON where id_prsn = ASSIGNMENT.id_prsn. Display as “Last, First”. Asgn Role:The Role on the Assignment record. Retrieved from ASSIGN_CATEGORY.tx_asgn_role for the row which matches Assignment cd_asgn_ctgyr, cd_asgn_type, cd_asgn, role, and cd_asgn_rspns. Date Assigned:The date and timestamp of the ASSIGNMENT.dt_strt. Display as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi am/pm, e.g. 01/01/2010 04:15 pm Display as a hyperlink which takes the user to the Assignment page in Edit mode. Referral Received:The date the timestamp of the most recent CPS report that precedes the Date Assigned. Retrieved from CPS_REPORT.dt_rfrd. Display as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi am/pm, e.g. 01/01/2010 04:15 pm Display as a hyperlink which takes the user to the Access Report in view mode. Response Time:The Response Time value corresponding to the selected Response Time Required on the CPS Report. Retrieved from CODE_DESC.tx_desc_lrg where id_grp = ‘CPSRSPTM’ and id_grpi = CPS_REPORT.cd_rspns. Display as a hyperlink which takes the user to the Access Report in view mode. Case Name (ID):The name of the case and the case ID. Retrieved from CASE.nm_case_lst, CASE.nm_case_frst, CPS_REPORT.id_case where CPS_REPORT.id_case = CASE.id_case. Display as “Last, First (caseID)”. Display as a hyperlink, which takes the user to the Maintain Case page in view mode. Case Status:Text field describing whether the referral resulted in a New case, Re-Opening of a case, or was a Re-Referral (already existing and open case). Expando:Worker Assignment by CPS Response Time The count, by worker of how many referrals (assignments) were created and the associated response times of the referral, based on the retrieved records in the Search Results. Expando:Worker Assignment by Referrals The county, by worker of how many referrals (assignments) were created, based on the retrieved records in the Search Results. Buttons:Close:Standard close processing. Background Processing: 1.The page will have a new Security Resource. The Expandos will also have a new Security Resource (a single resource is acceptable). 2.Search Criteria elements may be changed and related drop-downs refreshed to display properly filtered values. But the search results should not be cleared or refreshed until the Search button is clicked. 3.The County/Site drop-down will default to the County and Site of the user, as stored in CODE_DESC for the reference group ‘LLORGCD’. 4.When a specific site is selected, the query will return results only for that cd_dept_unit value: where ASSIGNMENT.cd_dept_unit = CODE_DESC.id_grpi and ASSIGNMENT.cd_ofc_div = CODE_DESC.cd_cnty and CODE_DESC.id_grp = ‘LLORGCD’ 5.The user may select the drop down to change the County/Site to any value related to their own county. Additionally, a value will be available “{countyname} – All sites”. 6.When this {countyname} – All sites value is selected, the query will return results for that county, regardless of cd_dept_unit: where ASSIGNMENT.cd_ofc_div = CODE_DESC.cd_cnty and CODE_DESC.id_grp = ‘LLORGCD’ 7.County/Site is a required field. 8.The Supervisor drop-down will default to blank. The drop-down list will include all supervisor users who share the same county as the current user and will further be filtered to the County/Site selected. Otherwise, default to blank. 9.Logic to determine supervisor level: SELECT TRUE FROM JOB_CLASS J, WORKER W WHERE J.CD_JOB_CLS = W.CD_JOB_CLS AND J.CD_APRVL_LVL IN (2,3) AND W.CD_OFC_DIV = {county of the current user} AND W.CD_DEPT_UNIT = {selected County/Site} and are associated with SCRTY_RSRC = 100392 (View Approve for Initial Assessment) 10.If a supervisor is selected, only display assignment query results for workers who are associated with that supervisor. WORKER.id_prsn_spvr = selected supervisor and ASSIGNMENT.id_prsn = WORKER.id_prsn. If no supervisor is selected, then do not use this field in the search query. 11.Supervisor is not a required field. 12.The Assignment Type drop-down allows workers to restrict results to just specific assignment types. The Initial Assessment type of assignments are ASSIGNMENT.cd_asgn_type in (49, 68, 84, 74, 75) and ASSIGNMENT.cd_asgn_ctgry = 1 (case assignments). 13.The drop-down will include a value of “All IA types”. When this is selected the query results will return for all of these assignment types above. 14.All IA Types is the default value. 15.Assignment Type is a required field. 16.View by: restricts the results based on the assignment status. 17.When “All Assignments” is selected, the query will return results without regard to ASSIGNMENT.dt_end. 18.When “Open Assignments” is selected, the query will return results only where ASSIGNMENT.dt_end is null 19.When “Closed Assignments” is selected, the query will return results only where ASSIGNMENT.dt_end is not null. 20.The default value is All Assignments. 21.View by is a required field. The From date field is only active when the Time Period drop-down is set to “Custom”. The From date accepts a value with a date edit mask. If a From date is entered, the page should clear and disable the “Time Period” drop-down. When a From date is present, the query results will return Assignment rows where trunc(ASSIGNMENT.dt_strt) >= the From date. The Time Period drop-down is used to specify a window of time without entering specific dates. When a Time Period value other than “Custom” is selected, the From and To dates will be disabled. When “Today” is selected the From date will be pre-filled with the system date. The To date will prefill with the system date. When “Last 3 Days” is selected the From date will be pre-filled with the system date minus three days. The To date will prefill with the system date. When “This Week” is selected the From date will be pre-filled with the most recent Monday (suggest code trunc(sysdate, ‘day’) + 1 ). The To date will prefill with the system date. When “This Month” is selected the From date will be pre-filled with the 1 st of the current month The To date will prefill with the system date. When “Custom” is selected, the From and To dates will be active and cleared and the user many enter any date period. The From and To date fields are only active when the Time Period drop-down is set to “Custom”. When it is active the From date is a required field. The From date accepts a value with standard date edits and mask. The To date will not be required to be entered, and a search can be executed without a To Date. In this situation the query will use the system date (without time) as the To date criteria. The to date accepts a value with standard date edits and mask. When a From date is present (with or without a To date) the query results will return Assignment rows where trunc(ASSIGNMENT.dt_strt) >= the From date and trunc(ASSIGNMENT.dt_strt) <= trunc(nvl to-date, sysdate) (alternatively, trun(dt_strt) between {From date} and trunc(NVL({To date}, Sysdate)) If the user clicks the Print button in the header bar, the Print Data Window functional should process and print all results, even if there is a scroll bar. If the ‘Worker Assignment by CPS Response Times’ expando and/or Referrals Assigned by Worker are opened, they should also be printed as displayed. All columns in the Search Results will have column sorting functionality The order of sorting will be: Select column- Primary sort Secondary sortTertiary sort WorkerDate Assigned (Desc) Asgnd RoleWorker (Asc)Date Assigned (Desc) Date Assigned (Desc default) Referral Received (Desc default)Date Assigned (Desc) Response TimeWorker (Asc)Date Assigned (Desc) Case NameReferral Received (Desc) Case StatusWorker (Asc)Date Assigned (Desc)
Default Base Page View
Fully Expanded View
Site/Region drop-down. Defaults to user’s county site. List shows all active sites/regions for the user’s county.
Assignment Types Default is “All IA types”, which will return assignments of all five listed values: –CPS Initial Assessment –Court Ordered Study –Courtesy Initial Assessment –Child Welfare –Independent Investigation
“View by” relates to the assignment status. “All” shows open and already-closed assignments. “Open Assignments” shows only those that have not yet been ended. “Closed” Assignments shows all closed assignments.
Time Period Drop-down showing several pre- determined time periods. Values include –“Today” – Default –“Last 3 Days” –“This Week” (Starting with Monday) –“This Month” (Starting with 1 st of current month) –“Custom” (User entered dates)
Supervisor The Supervisor drop-down will default to blank. The drop-down list will include all supervisor users who share the same county as the current user and will further be filtered to the County/Site selected.
Worker The name of the worker on the Assignment record. “Last, First”.
Fully Expanded View
Assignment Role The Role on the Assignment record. –Primary –Secondary –Supervisor
Fully Expanded View
Date Assigned The date and timestamp of the assignment Displays as a hyperlink which takes the user to the Assignment page in Edit mode.
Fully Expanded View
Referral Received The date the timestamp of the most recent CPS report that precedes the Date Assigned. Displays as a hyperlink which takes the user to the Access Report in view mode.
Fully Expanded View
Response Time The Response Time value corresponding to the selected Response Time Required on the CPS Report. Displays as a hyperlink which takes the user to the Access Report in view mode.
Fully Expanded View
Case Name The name of the case and the case ID. Display as “Last, First (caseID)”. Displays as a hyperlink, which takes the user to the Maintain Case page in view mode.
Fully Expanded View
Case Status Text field describing whether the referral resulted in a New case or was a Re- Referral (already existing and open case).
Fully Expanded View
Worker Assignment by CPS Response Time The count, by worker of how many referrals (assignments) were created and the associated response times of the referral, based on the retrieved records in the Search Results.
Fully Expanded View
Referrals Assigned by Worker The county, by worker, of how many referrals (assignments) were created, based on the retrieved records in the Search Results.
Fully Expanded View
On to the Reports…………..
IA Tracking Report SM06a106-IA Tracking Available on-demand in eWReports Purpose: –To assist in tracking the assignment of Initial Assessment cases –Provide an overview of referrals and Initial Assessment assignments, and related IA case work, across different time windows.
IA Tracking Report On-Demand Request
IA Tracking Report The report has four tabs, covering different time windows: –Daily Recap: The previous day’s assignments. –Weekly Review: Assignments since the *prior* Monday (can span up to a two-week period) –Monthly Tracking: Assignments since the 1 st day of the *prior* month. –Over 45 Days: IAs that are approach or have passed 45 day mark. Actual logic is IAs >= 40 days.
IA Tracking Report – Sample
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