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BSA Rechartering Let’s make it as painless as possible. By Dan Arters, Centennial District Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "BSA Rechartering Let’s make it as painless as possible. By Dan Arters, Centennial District Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSA Rechartering Let’s make it as painless as possible. By Dan Arters, Centennial District Executive

2 Internet Rechartering Benefits – Easy to use – Increased accuracy because unit is using ScoutNET data – Saves time for unit and council Use “Internet Explorer” as your browser to run Internet Rechartering software

3 Who to call for Help Someone in your unit that did the charters in previous years that knows the online Internet Rechartering steps Your Unit Commissioner District Commissioner – Mike Tolman District Executive – Dan Arters Scout Office – Judi Albert

4 The Basics Vocabulary – Unit: Pack, Troop, Team or Crew of scouts – Recharter: Process to renew the “charter” that BSA gave to the church or civic group which owns your unit. Must be done annually. – Recharter is also typically the time that each youth and adult person renews their BSA membership. Dues are paid etc.

5 How Does it Work? Inventory your members and collect fees – If someone else is in charge of collecting the money, give them a copy of the roster – Collect membership applications – Ensure adult leaders have Youth Protection – Update your roster – Calculate your fees (if a leader has two jobs, ensure you don’t pay twice)

6 New Applications for Membership Youth – Application signed by parent and unit leader Adults – Application fully completed with references – must be signed by applicant, Committee Chairman, and Chartered Org Head or Rep – Criminal background authorization – must be signed by applicant – Youth Protection Training

7 Common Adults Applications Errors Question 6 – Truth or Dare questions (have you ever had your driver’s license suspended, etc.) Criminal Background Check form only need a name, date and signature. Youth Protection Training certificate missing

8 Membership Renewals Do not need application if already registered in unit -- even when moving positions – True only when during Rechartering – All other times will require application to move Ensure each person is counted on roster only once. Calculate fees, but DO NOT fill out check until your calculation is rechecked

9 Applications for “Promotions” Youth – You fill out a youth application with: Full name Birthdate Address (and phone number) – You sign as “designee” Adult – Same requirement as New Applicant – Youth Protection if not already done

10 10 Unit Charter Renewal Packet What's on the Envelope? Internet Rechartering Access Code Charter Turn-In Date & Time What's in the Envelope? Welcome to Internet Rechartering Instruction Sheet Charter Renewal Agreement My.Scouting Tools Instruction Sheet Reconcile YP Training with MyScouting Profile Recharter Worksheet Boy’s Life Subscription Order Journey to Excellence Form (Unit Specific) Unit Accident Insurance Information Adult and Youth Applications

11 Informational site for COR’s (Chartered Organization Representatives) and CC’s Committee Chairman to check unit records Use Google Chrome or Firefox Membership Dashboard Print a Unit Roster (Adults & Boys)

12 IR – The Process Go to the Council Web site and select the “Recharter Now button” Register with access code from packet Complete the rechartering process (multiple visits) Print recharter applications (after submit) Obtain necessary signatures Complete the Journey to Excellence Form Turn in charter application, new member applications, and fees @ designated time and place

13 “Recharter Now” Button Internet Recharter window opens for the Ore-Ida Council on Monday, November 3 rd

14 IR – Sign-in page

15 IR – You agree to be Trustworthy

16 IR – Contact Info / password create

17 Description of Stages

18 IR – Recommend Load Council Info

19 IR – Update Charter contact info

20 IR – Renew existing members

21 IR – Confirm renewals

22 Promote = electronic COPY of member record from another unit

23 If the Unit is listed, you can Promote member records from it If you can get another Unit’s Access Code, you can Promote from it.

24 Promote Adults and/or Youth

25 IR – Adding new members

26 IR – New Adult page 1

27 IR – New Adult page 2

28 IR – New Youth page 1

29 IR – New Youth page 2

30 IR – New Youth page 3

31 IR – New Youth – select parent

32 IR – Parent information

33 IR – Parent info continued

34 IR – Update any existing info

35 IR – Check for needed adults – click Update to change position


37 IR – Check for errors

38 IR - click Update to indicate person paid for in another unit


40 IR – Submit after triple check

41 List of Applications Needed

42 IR – How it Works

43 Charter Renewal Package Completing Internet Rechartering process will update the roster and prepare your package Print a paper version after you Submit to Council Obtain signatures – Executive Officer (Bishop, Chair of Board, Pastor – Listed as Institutional Head) – Unit Leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Team Coach, Crew Advisor)

44 Calculate Fees Ensure that numbers are correct Double check that you don’t double pay – Adult leaders with multiple roles, (i.e.. Serve on committees for Troop, Team and Crew) – Youth that may be in multiple units – registered in Troop and a Crew

45 Journey to Excellence This BSA program allows you to: – Review your accomplishments for this year – Plan and set goals for improvement for next year – Be recognized when you meet various levels of accomplishment in your scouting program Please turn in your scorecards for 2014 with your Recharter packet

46 Checklist Signed and Updated Charter Renewal Package Complete Applications for those listed on cover page of Charter Renewal Package YPT Certificate for Adults needing it Journey to Excellence Scorecard Check – recommend that amount be blank until your Unit Commissioner double checks Signed Annual Charter Agreement

47 Rechartering Questions?????

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