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An Introduction To Building An Open Standard Web Map Application Joe Daigneau Pennsylvania State University.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction To Building An Open Standard Web Map Application Joe Daigneau Pennsylvania State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction To Building An Open Standard Web Map Application Joe Daigneau Pennsylvania State University

2 PURPOSE To demonstrate and discuss: Two methods for building a web map application Decisions that need to be made when building a web map application What open standards mean to your web map application


4 BEHIND THE SCENES Application Web Server Map Server Database

5 APPLICATION CREATION ArcGIS Server GeoServer & MapBuilder



8 ArcGIS

9 Microsoft IIS

10 ArcGIS Server 9.2



13 uDig

14 Style Layer Descriptors

15 Apache Tomcat 5.5.23

16 GeoServer

17 MapBuilder



20 APPLICATION DIFFERENCES ArcGIS Server GeoServer & MapBuilder Programming Needed X Free X Wide Support X Tightly Coupled X Web Feature Service Support X Ease of Use x

21 CONSIDERATIONS Budget Time Line Personnel Data Standards Software Programming Hosting / Hardware

22 BUDGET Hosting Hardware Software Solution: Create an estimate

23 TIMELINE Online date Resources Solution: Set up a schedule

24 PERSONNEL Programmers Do they have the time Network personnel for hosting Solution: Roles and Responsibilities Matrix

25 DATA Size Accuracy Styling Labeling Importance Permissions

26 STANDARD ORGANIZATIONS Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) International Standards Organization (ISO) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)

27 SOFTWARE Web Server Mapping Server Client Author

28 HOSTING / HARDWARE Server Specs Connection Speeds Capacities Security Issues Internet address

29 BEHIND THE SCENES Client URL Request Standards Web Server Map Server Database Response

30 CLIENT Web Browser (Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox) Email Software (Microsoft Outlook / Gmail) Google Earth GIS Software (ArcGIS / uDig) Clients

31 OPEN STANDARD A specification with a set of rules that is available for all to read and implement Interoperability - Products and systems from multiple vendors that can be used together without modification or development of custom interfaces and tools

32 STANDARDS World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Hyper Text Modeling Language Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service Web Feature Service

33 WEB MAP SERVICE (WMS) Produces maps of spatially referenced data dynamically from geographic information for display by a web client. Your GIS data never leaves the server except as an image or text. WMS-produced maps are generally rendered in a pictorial format such as PNG, GIF or JPEG, or occasionally as vector-based graphical elements in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) or Web Computer Graphics Metafile (WebCGM) formats.

34 WMS The response to a Web Map Service request is always a computer file that is transferred over the Internet from the server to the client. The file may contain text, or the file may represent a map image.

35 WMS The WMS Standard defines three operations: 1.Returns service-level metadata 2.Returns a map whose geographic and dimensional parameters are well-defined 3.Returns information about particular features shown on a map (optional)

36 WEB FEATURE SERVICE (WFS) An interface allowing requests for geographical features across the web using platform-independent calls. Geographic Markup Language (GML) – is the XML grammar defined by the OGC to express geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet.

37 WFS Get or query features based on spatial and non- spatial constraints Update a feature instance Delete a feature instance Create a new feature instance

38 GEO-WEB Geo-web: a distributed network of interconnected geographic information sources and processing services that are: 1.globally accessible – available on the Internet and accessed through open OGC and W3C standards 2.globally integrated data sources that make use of GML data representation and can explicitly refer to one another

39 CONCLUSION Web Map Application Concept Options/Considerations for GIS Server and Client Software Architecture Importance of Open Standards

40 THANK YOU Pennsylvania State University (PSU) Dr. Ian Turton ESRI ASIS Family

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