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Directions: Write down tonight’s HW, begin making vocab cards, and put the following on your right side of your desk: Friday’s homework, highlighter, red.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions: Write down tonight’s HW, begin making vocab cards, and put the following on your right side of your desk: Friday’s homework, highlighter, red."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions: Write down tonight’s HW, begin making vocab cards, and put the following on your right side of your desk: Friday’s homework, highlighter, red pen, post-its, binder ring, notecards, SSR book. 1. Insolent (adj) – rudely disrespectful 2. Scrupulous (adj) - careful to behave ethically and/or diligently 3. Prodigious (adj)- enormous; or far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree Root: duc/duct- “to lead” 4. conducive (adj.) helping to bring out, helpful, favorable 5. induce (v.) to lead towards some action 6. deduce (v.) to draw a conclusion from fact, figure out

2 Vocabulary Example Sentences  Nothing remained to him but his thirst, a prodigious (enormous) possession in itself that grew more prodigious with every sober breath he drew.  He is so very strict and scrupulous (detailed) in his notions; over-scrupulous I must say.  She was fired for being offensive and insolent ( rude)to our customers.  Having a car is conducive (helpful) to getting around in the city.  Cecilia induced (led) the freshman girl to join the basketball team even though she seemed nervous.  My father deduced (figured out) that my sister had broken the lamp because he found it hidden under her bed. When you finish, add your hints/connections to your cards.

3 Why Should we learn to write?  Read the article, and make notes on the side. Be ready to discuss the reading and your thinking.

4 Think-Pair-Share: With a partner, brainstorm at least 2 reasons why grammar is important.

5  SWBAT distinguish between contractions and possessive nouns.  SWBAT use apostrophes correctly in regular and irregular plural nouns.

6 Apostrophes Notes: TermDefinition/ RuleExample Possessive Noun  -Possession is another word for ownership. -A noun is a person, place, thing, or emotion. -A possessive noun is a noun that owns something. Ex: The dog’s eyes are blue. -dog is the possessive noun because the dog owns the blue eyes. Ex: The lady’s purse was ugly. -lady is the possessive noun because the lady owns the ugly purse. Apostrophe  -An apostrophe is a flying comma used for two things: 1.Show possession 2.Join two words Ex: The dog ’ s eyes EX: do + not= don’t

7 If the Noun is Singular  Singular Nouns not ending in “s” Add ’ S girl + ’ + S = girl’s Ex: Kramer’s hair Ex: Daphne’s father Ex: the car’s engine Ex: the boy’s intelligence Ex: the girl’s sadness Ex: the desk’s legs Singular Nouns ending in “s” Add ’ S Ms. Daniels + ’ + S = Ms. Daniels’s Ex: Dr. Seuss’s sense of humor Ex: the bus’s seats Ex: the class’s desks Ex: Mr. Williams’s dinner party Ex: Ms. Burns’s classroom Ex: Mr. Richards’s suit

8 If the Noun is Plural  Plural Nouns ending in S Add only ’ girls + ’ = girls’ Ex: the singers’ voices Ex: the cousins’ favorite uncle Ex: the houses’ fences Ex: the girls’ hair bows Ex: the dishes’ cracks Ex: the dancers’ practice time Plural Nouns not ending in S Add ’ S men + ’ + S = men’s Ex: men’s clothing Ex: women’s hair Ex: teeth’s plaque Ex: children’s room Ex: people’s hopes Ex: syllabi’s place on the table

9 Time to Practice! 1. Together we will do part 1. 2. Part two will be done with your partners at level 1. 3. Part 3 will be done indpendently.

10 Clear your desk for your exit ticket  You will have five minutes!

11 1. Take out your homework. 2. Write a dialogue (conversation) between two or three real or made up Greek deities (gods). Include 3 of our vocabulary words and the following: 2 plural possessive nouns  ex: rays’ 2 contractions (do + not =don’t)  ex: weren’t

12 GEN 502: Draw generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas and so on in more challenging passages.  What is a generalization?  A generalization is a broad statement about a subject based on evidence provided from the text.

13 Examples of generalizations  Dogs are nicer than cats.  Anyone can learn to cook if they try.  Most students enjoy when we have pizza for lunch on Thursday.

14 Making generalizations about characters.  Identifying characters’ actions allows the reader to make generalizations.

15 Making generalizations:  With a partner, make a generalization about Miley Cyrus. Identify two pieces of evidence to support your generalization.  Miley Cyrus is a poor role model. She sings about using drugs. She did inappropriate dancing on TV.

16 1. Take out your homework 2. Begin reading your SSR book.

17 Vocabulary Quiz and Apostrophes Quiz  Clear your desk except for a pencil.  We will begin with the Vocabulary Quiz. After we collect the Vocab Quiz, we will begin the Apostrophe’s Quiz.  When you have finished the Apostrophes Quiz, begin reading “Phateon’ in your Greek Mythology text.

18 Purpose for Reading:  SWBAT create and support 3 generalizations about the characters of “Books 3 & 4.”

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