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Published byClinton Conley Modified over 9 years ago
David W Kabel MD FACC
NH activation is an acute adaptation that initially allows BP and cardiac output to be maintained NH activation rapidly becomes detrimental Vasoconstriction is a hallmark of untreated LV dysfunction Starts a self perpetuating cycle of cell death and remodelling with further NH activation
Pump failure is sensed as hypovolemia RAS activation leads to increases levels of angiotensin II ANS activation leads to increased circulating catecholamines Hyperaldosteronism
Myocyte dysfunction and cell death Remodeling occurs LV dilatation Increased wall stress Ischemia Energy depletion Interstitial fibrosis More NH activation Mitral regurgitation Change from ellipsoid to spherical shape
Relieve Symptoms Improve LV function-both systolic & diastolic Reduce hospitalizations Improve prognosis Increased ejection fraction is associated with improved prognosis Diastolic function can also improve Manage expectations
Pharmacologic Diuretics Neurohormonal inhibitors Antiarrhythmic drugs Device therapies AICD Resynchronization therapy LV assist devices Adjunctive measures Diet Fluid restriction Home monitoring
Treat co-morbidities according to guidelines Hypertension!-Systolic BP<120 Diabetes-some hypoglycemic drugs may worsen HF Lipid abnormalities Sleep apnea! Atrial fibrillation Avoid drugs which may exacerbate HF Anti-arrhythmic drugs other than amiodarone and dofetilide Calcium blockers-verapamil, diltiazem NSAIDS Sodium retention Inhibit effects of diuretics, ACEIs and ARBs Renal toxicity
Monitor Weight Blood pressure Renal function Home health monitoring can reduce hospital admissions Regular low to moderate physical activity Medicare now pays for Cardiac Rehab for CHF Avoid dietary indiscretion Stop smoking
First goal is to achieve euvolemia Initiate therapy to block neurohormonal activation Treat comorbidities Most patients can be treated effectively with inexpensive generics
Relieve symptoms faster than any other drugs Relieve dyspnea Reduce edema Improve exercise tolerance Only drugs that control fluid retention Should not be used alone in symptomatic patients
Increase sodium excretion by 20-25% Enhance free water clearance Maintain efficacy in reduced GFR
Increase sodium excretion 5-10% Reduce free water clearance Lose effectiveness with decreased GFR Better antihypertensive drugs than loop diuretics Longer duration of action
Too little Fluid retention Reduced effectiveness of other therapies Too much Volume contraction Hypotension Hyponatremia Renal insufficiency Right dose may be difficult to determine Dosage requirements change with change in clinical status
Initiate with loop diuretics Furosemide most common Torsemide or butenamide may work better in a few patients, especially with deteriorating renal function Start low dose once a day Titrate up and go to BID dosage as needed I like AM and noon schedule Reduces nocturia Restrict dietary sodium
Maintenance therapy may require lower doses than at initiation Monitor electrolytes frequently Some class I and II patients may not need any diuretics for a time Consider lower dose while up-titrating other drugs, especially if BP is low
Fluid retention may result in poor absorption from GI tract Reduced GFR requires increased dose of loop diuretics Intermittent IV loop diuretics Combination therapy Add metolazone
Electrolyte imbalance-sodium, potassium, and magnesium Volume contraction Hypotension Azotemia Hearing loss Hypotension, fluid retention, and azotemia together have a poor prognosis
Block effects of circulating catecholamines Sympathetic activation initially beneficial to increase cardiac output Long term ANS activation is deleterious Increased LV volume and pressure overload Vasoconstriction Impaired renal sodium excretion LV hypertrophy and dilatation Myocardial fibrosis Arrhythmias Benefits outweigh negative inotropic effects
Three drugs are approved for use in HF Carvedilol Metoprolol succinate Bucindolol All patients with reduced EF should receive beta blockers unless contraindicated Reduced mortality Increased EF Symptomatic relief
Do not start until vascular congestion is relieved Start at same time as ACEI or ARB Effects are additive Small doses of both are more effective than higher dose of a single drug Even a small dose is better than none Use with caution with COPD or bradycardia
Initiate at small doses Unless replacing another beta blocker Titrate up every 2-4 weeks as tolerated Monitor fluid balance Daily weights Continue even if clinical improvement is not evident Avoid abrupt withdrawal
Worsening CHF and fluid retention Increase diuretics Can usually continue beta blockers Fatigue Often resolves in a few days or weeks Reduce dose or change to a different drug Hypotension Often occurs for 1 st 24-48 hours Decrease diuretic dose Give beta blocker and ACEI at different times of day Bradycardia and heart block May require pacemaker
Best studied of RAS inhibitors First class of drugs shown to improve EF and prognosis Prevent conversion of Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II Modifies LV remodelling possibly more than ARBs All ACEIs equivalent Tissue ACEI?
Improve symptoms and clinical class Reduce SCD Reduce combined risk of hospitalization and death Improve outcomes in presence or absence of CAD Improvement occurs in all NYHA classes
Prevent Angiotensin II from attaching to vascular receptors-Prevents vasoconstriction Modify LV remodelling perhaps less than ACEIs Less data than ACEIs but clinical effects are similar Fewer hospitalizations and deaths Seen in all NYHA classes May be better than ACEIs in preventing atrial fibrillation Most commonly used for patients who develop cough while taking ACEIs
Use in all patients with reduced EF unless contraindicated Even Class I Use with beta blockers Use with diuretics if fluid retention Start at low doses and titrate up unless hypertensive Check BMP at 1-2 weeks and q3-6 months after that
Tolerated by 85-90% of patients Try to achieve maximum dose Symptomatic relief may come in a few days or several months Continue treatment even in absence of symptomatic improvement Don’t delay beta blockers while titrating up Avoid NSAIDs No data supporting ACEIs and ARBs in same patient-some data against it
Avoid in: Hx of angioneurotic edema-high incidence of cross- reactivity between ACEIs and ARBs Oliguric renal failure Pregnancy Use with caution in: Hypotension Creatinine>2.0 Bilateral renal artery stenosis Serum potassium >5.0
Spironolactone and Elperenone (Inspra) Main advantage of Inspra is decrease in side effects- breast pain, GI, but much more costly Block effects of aldosterone in renal tubule Enhance effects of loop diuretics Increased sodium excretion Potassium retention Most difficult drugs to use in HF Under-utilized even by experts who advocate increased usage
Added after beta blockers and ACEIs, ARBs Should be used with caution in absence of loop diuretic or thiazide Monitoring aldosterone antagonists-AHA recommendations for K+ and renal monitoring 3 days 7days Monthly for 3 months 3-6 months after that
Both venous (nitrate) and arterial (hydralazine) vasodilatation Both preload and afterload reduction Reduce mortality but not hospitalizations Inferior to ACEIs, ARBs Frequent side effects Headache GI symptoms Lupus like syndrome
Most effective in African-American patients when added to standard therapy Suitable alternative for patients intolerant to ACEIs and ARBs Angioneurotic edema Azotemia May be added to standard therapy if patient remains hypertensive Compliance may be an issue Large number of pills TID dosage Nitrate tolerance
Only indication is for rate control in atrial fibrillation If beta blockers are ineffective Should consider pacemaker & AV node ablation instead Has mild positive inotropic effects Dosage-Never exceed 0.125 mg daily-less if decreased GFR Followup to AFFIRM trial showed 40% increased all cause mortality for AF patients on digoxin
Look for reasons to DC the drug Avoid in patients with recent MI or ischemia Toxicity enhanced by hypokalemia, hypoxia, thyroid disease Side effects Bradycardia and heart block Re-entrant tachycardias Anorexia, weight loss, nausea Visual disturbances-yellow vision, hoarfrost Mental status change
Achieve euvolemia Start beta blockers and ACEIs, ARBs at low doses Push beta blockers faster-more effect on prognosis May increase both at once depending on BP Titrate up q2-4 weeks BMP on each visit May have to go slowly in elderly Maximum dose determined by BP, renal function
Inform patient of possible side effects Fatigue May disappear after several days Ask patient to stick with therapy Lightheadedness Hypotension may require dose reduction Drug specific side effects Increase meds to maximum tolerated dosage
Check LV function after 3-4 months of maintenance therapy Add spironolactone If little or no improvement in EF If loop diuretics and metolazone ineffective Add hydralazine-nitrates In African-American patients If response to standard Rx inadequate Add additional antihypertensives to achieve systolic BP of <120 If BP not controlled with standard Rx Hydralazine Amlodipine-Only calcium blocker to use in LV dysfunction Clonidine
30% of patients with low EF and Class III-IV symptoms have QRS>120 msec Mechanical consequences of dysynchrony Suboptimal LV filling Reduced rate of rise of LV contractility Prolonged duration of mitral regurgitation Paradoxical septal motion Dysynchrony increases mortality
Pacemaker therapy-Biventricular Three leads Right atrium if in sinus rhythm Right ventricular apex Coronary sinus for left ventricular pacing LV and RV are paced in synchronous fashion Septum contracts with rest of LV May require echo guided adjustments
Novel agent designed to slow HR in systolic HF and EF<40% already on beta blockers. Sinus rhythm Target HR 50-60 bpm Demostrated that lower resting HR correlated with improved prognosis Does not lower BP
S ystolic H eart failure treatment with the I f inhibitor ivabradine T rial Heart rate at baseline influences the effect of ivabradine on cardiovascular outcomes in chronic heart failure: analysis from the SHIFT study Effect of ivabradine on outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure and HR 75 bpm Effect of ivabradine on outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure and HR 75 bpm www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
To assess the effect of ivabradine on outcomes in heart failure patients on recommended background therapies with heart rates ≥75 bpm in the SHIFT trial www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Ivabradinen=2052Placebon=2098 Mean age, years Mean age, years6060 Male, % Male, %7777 BMI, kg/m 2 BMI, kg/m 22828 Mean HF duration, years Mean HF duration, years3.43.4 HF ischemic cause, % HF ischemic cause, %6665 NYHA class III, % NYHA class III, %5051 NYHA class IV, % NYHA class IV, %22 Mean LVEF, % Mean LVEF, %28.728.5 Mean HR, bpm Mean HR, bpm84.384.6 www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Ivabradinen=2052Placebon=2098 β-Blockers, % β-Blockers, %8788 At least half target dose At least half target dose5556 At target dose At target dose2626 ACE inhibitors/ARBs, % ACE inhibitors/ARBs, %9090 Diuretics (excludes AAs), % Diuretics (excludes AAs), %8583 Aldosterone antagonists, % Aldosterone antagonists, %6361 www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Effect of ivabradine on primary outcome CV death or hospitalization for HF 0612182430 40 10 0 Hazard ratio=0.76 P <0.0001 Patients with primary composite end point (%) Time (months) 20 30 Placebo Ivabradine www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Effect of ivabradine on cardiovascular death Hazard ratio=0.83 P =0.0166 Patients with cardiovascular death (%) 0612182430 10 0 20 30 Time (months) Placebo Ivabradine www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Patients with cardiovascular death (%) 0612182430 10 0 20 30 Time (months) Placebo Ivabradine Hazard ratio=0.70 P <0.0001 Effect of ivabradine on hospital admission for worsening heart failure www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
1.00 Primary composite end point Cardiovascular mortality Hospitalization for worsening HF Death from HF All-cause mortality All-cause hospitalization Any cardiovascular hospitalization 0.76 0.68-0.85 0.83 0.71-0.97 0.70 0.61-0.80 0.61 0.46-0.81 0.83 0.72-0.96 0.82 0.75-0.90 0.79 0.71-0.88 0.20 <0.000 1 0.0166 <0.000 1 0.0006 0.0109 <0.000 1 P P Hazard ratio 1.200.400.600.80 Effect of ivabradine on major outcomes Favors ivabradineFavors placebo 95% CI www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Effect of ivabradine on outcomes according to HR achieved at 28 days 06121824 40 10 0 Time (months) 20 30 Patients with primary composite end point (%) Day 28 75 bpm 70 to <75 bpm 65 to <70 bpm 60 to <65 bpm <60 bpm www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Effect of ivabradine on outcomes according to magnitude of HR reduction 06121824 40 10 0 20 30 Day 28 Time (months) Patients with primary composite end point (%) 0 bpm -10 to <0 bpm < -10 bpm www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
In HF in sinus rhythm with HR ≥75 bpm heart rate reduction with ivabradine improves outcomes, including all-cause death and cardiovascular death reduces § Ivabradine-associated risk reductions are related to both HR achieved and magnitude of HR reduction § Patients achieving 10 bpm reduction have the best prognosis Conclusions www.shift-study.comBöhm M, Borer J, Ford I, et al. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013;102(1):11-22
Younger than normal patient population Less that optimal doses of beta blockers Ivabradine can cause atrial fibrillation Useful in limited number of patients Cost
Neprilysin degrades several vasoactive peptides BNP,bradykinin, adrenomedullin Neprilysin inhibition increases levels of natiuretic peptides, thus counteracting RAS activation LCZ696 compared to enalapril Combination of valsartan with neprilysin inhibitor sacubitril Would LCZ696 improve outcomes over enalapril?
Kaplan–Meier Curves for Key Study Outcomes, According to Study Group. McMurray JJV et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:993-1004
Kaplan–Meier Curves for Key Study Outcomes, According to Study Group. McMurray JJV et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:993-1004
Kaplan–Meier Curves for Key Study Outcomes, According to Study Group. McMurray JJV et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:993-1004
Kaplan–Meier Curves for Key Study Outcomes, According to Study Group. McMurray JJV et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:993-1004
Adverse Events during Randomized Treatment. McMurray JJV et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:993-1004
Primary and Secondary Outcomes. McMurray JJV et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:993-1004
Neprilysin inhibition is similar to other effective therapies Beta blockers ACEI, ARB Blocks neurohormonal activation Appropriate for most patients with HF Elderly Atrial fibrillation Will probably become part of standard CHF regimen Cost will be a factor
EF less than 35% LBBB with QRS >150 msec HFSA recommends for QRS >120 RV pacing with EF <35% should be upgraded to CRT MADIT II trial showed benefit for Class I-II patients Usually combined with AICD Depends on patient preferences and prognosis
Improves LV contraction Increases EF by 5-10% (or more) Reduces mitral regurgitation Improves hemodynamics Clinical improvement Symptoms may improve by 1-2 classes QOL improvement Improved exercise tolerance and O2 comsumption Reduced hospitalizations Improved survival
New generation of ICDs can monitor volume status by measuring thoracic impedance Can be measured in office with a programmer Optivol by Medtronic Detects fluid retention before clinical signs and symptoms Can help to determine if symptoms are due to fluid retention
Allows early intervention Prevents hospitalizations Outpatient IV diuretics Enhances standard therapy Devices have alarms but FDA requires them to be turned off
Strict criteria for implantation-Eligibility limited Indications EF< 35% with Class IV symptoms refractory to standard therapy Refractory VT and VF LVAD used to be considered bridge to transplant LVAD now may be destination therapy for some patients
Often the most difficult aspect of therapy Disease is progressive Therapy tends to become less effective over time Most patients with HF will die of it Need to be honest with patient and family Get 2 nd opinion if necessary May benefit from Hospice or Palliative Care Timing is difficult Prognosis less certain than with cancers and neurologic diseases
World Health Organization reports worldwide mortality rate holding steady at 100%- The Onion We physicians don’t prevent anything, we merely postpone-Anonymous
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