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Technology is the answer!!! u Now... just what was the question???

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Presentation on theme: "Technology is the answer!!! u Now... just what was the question???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology is the answer!!! u Now... just what was the question???

2 The Internet Making the Link!!!!

3 I. Internet: What is it? u Millions of computers all over the world connected to and communicating with one another.

4 “What good is it to me?” u personal use e-mail someone in your family or a friend plan a trip check your stock quotes find a long, lost friend personal business fun!!

5 “What good is it to me?” u teacher resource  information access  lesson plans & projects  free software, clipart, sounds, movies  collaboration

6 “What good is it to me?” u Classroom Integration  interactive and collaborative projects  keypals  publish student work  research  on-line lessons

7 u Be patient - it takes time. It can be very frustrating at first, but you WILL become an experienced “navigator” in time..

8 How to Get On the Internet: u Double Click on a browser icon (Netscape, Internet Explorer...) this will open the browser software application and allow you to access (browse) the internet




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