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$100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500.

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3 $100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500

4 Types of Government

5 Culture

6 Geography

7 Economics

8 Current Events

9 Types of Government CultureGeographyEconomics Current Events $100 $300 $200 $400 $500

10 Types of Government - $100 Name the country in the Middle East that is a kingdom and give the name of the term used to describe a government led by a king or queen characterized by large control over resources.

11 Types of Government - $200 Which of the following government types (name of) has a leader known as a Prime Minister that is appointed by the legislative branch of that nation (not directly elected by people) and name one country in the Middle East that is an example of one.

12 Types of Government - $300 Define Theocratic Republic by explaining the division of power between the “theocracy” and “republic” parts of this Middle Eastern nation. Also identify the nation and what the names of the “theocrat” and head of “republic” are.

13 Types of Government - $400 What is the term used to describe a voluntary federation of states that group for political or economic purposes and give an example of one type that we have discussed in class.

14 Types of Government - $500 Define the concept of secular government and give examples from class that highlight where in the Middle East this is applied.

15 Culture - $100 People of this ethnic group speak Arabic and most (but not all) practice Islam-What group?

16 Culture - $200 Most Israelis speak Hebrew and practice what religion?

17 Culture - $300 Group from class whose members are largely Christians in the Middle East? Whom?

18 Culture - $400 Ethnic group found in Southern Turkey and Northern Iraq whose members largely practice Islam but don’t speak the “Muslim” language Arabic-The language they speak is very similar to the name of their ethnic group? Whom?

19 Culture - $500 Name the two types of Islam that are most common in the Middle East. Which is more common? Which countries are the exceptions (two) to the general rule that most Muslim countries in the Middle East are predominantly (mostly) this type of Islam? 100 pts each part

20 Geography - $100 Name of the two “lifegivers” in present-day Iraq that the ancient Mesopotamians settled around.

21 Geography - $200 The creation of this in Egypt made trade between Europe, Africa, and Asia much easier. It also helps the Egyptian economy as boats pay tolls to travel through it with their goods.

22 Geography - $300 This is the largest desert in the world and makes up about 8% of the world’s total land surface. Found in Northern Africa-

23 Geography - $400 This narrow passageway of water in the Middle East is where much of the Middle East’s petroleum passes through before being exported to the many oil-buying nations of the world. What is it called?

24 Geography - $500 This body of water was used by America in the first Gulf War with Iraq as a means to get supplies in. etcetera. It is also similar in name to what Iran was called until 1935. What water?

25 Economics - $100 No economic system is completely government-controlled or totally free. Because of this countries are a mixture of some government controls and individual choice (with differing degrees depending on type of government) known as what?

26 Economics - $200 Scale used to measure a particular countries’ economic “freeness or level of government control” is known as an economic ________?

27 Economics - $300 (see visual) On the economic scale, a country that is closer to the controlled side of the line with large amounts of government control of resources (like Saudi Arabia) with little but some “free enterprise opportunities for individuals would be mixed market but mostly _____.

28 Economics - $400 Countries with less government interference where individuals are freer to make choices with their money that also have relatively little but some government control (like the U.S.) would be mixed market but closer to the ______ side of an economic scale.

29 Economics - $500 Type of economic system characterized by carrying on the traditions of the prior generations in a family. For example, if Ms. Primack came from a family of farmers then she would become one as well. What type of economic system?

30 Current Events - $100 Name of government that harbored Osama bin Laden’s “Al-Qaeda” in Afghanistan that the U.S. is currently involved in war with to root out.

31 Current Events - $200 Controversial Middle Eastern nation currently in discussions with other world nations over the potential development of a nuclear weapons program that is also the second largest oil producing nation in the world and OPEC member.

32 Current Events - $300 America continues its war with this nation based on the suspicion that their former dictator may have been developing “weapons of mass destruction”. What country and what is the war called?

33 Current Events - $400 President Hosni Mubarak is currently serving his fifth term as leader in this republic and is unpopular with some members of the group known as the Muslim Brotherhood because they feel that he has tried to silence their oppositional voice.

34 Current Events - $500 Conflict between these two groups continues in areas such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip as the PLO’s desire for independence continues to be a major “hot button issue” in the Middle East.

35 Types of Government - $100 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a monarchy (absolute)

36 Types of Government - $200 Parliamentary democracy-Israel or Turkey are good examples

37 Types of Government - $300 Iran-Ayatollah is Supreme Leader- appointed by Muslim Clerics-head of theocracy-Islamic law-Sharia- President Ahmadinejad elected as well as legislature are the elements of a republic-

38 Types of Government - $400 Confederation-Organization of African Unity (OAU) OPEC- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries-NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization-UN- United Nations

39 Types of Government - $500 Secular-Division/separation between religious values held in a society and laws that leadership make. In America we refer to this as separation of church and state. Turkey and Israel are examples from class-Ataturk’s westernization of Turkey-etcetera

40 Culture - $100 Arabs

41 Culture - $200 Judaism

42 Culture - $300 Armenians

43 Culture - $400 Kurds

44 Culture - $500 Sunni and Shia Islam-90% are Sunni-Iran and Iraq are the majority Shia countries where the rest of the Middle East have Sunni majorities-

45 Geography - $100 Euphrates and Tigris Rivers

46 Geography - $200 Suez Canal

47 Geography - $300 Sahara Desert

48 Geography - $400 Strait of Hormuz

49 Geography - $500 Persian Gulf

50 Economics - $100 Mixed market economies

51 Economics - $200 Economic continuum

52 Economics - $300 Command

53 Economics - $400 Free market or just market

54 Economics - $500 traditional

55 Current Events - $100 Taliban

56 Current Events - $200 Iran

57 Current Events - $300 Iraq-Operation Iraqi Freedom

58 Current Events - $400 Egypt

59 Current Events - $500 Palestinians and Israelis


61 U.S. Involvement in Middle East

62 FINAL CATEGORY Name 3 ways that the U.S. has used their influence to impact affairs pertaining to the nations of the Middle East. We have covered many from class.

63 1. Iraq war Persian Gulf 2. Iraq war current 3. war in Afghanistan 4. U.S. assisting Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war 5. U.S. role in trying to make peace with Israel and Palestinians with Camp David accords 6. Economic relationships with nations such as Saudi Arabia 7. Others- FINAL CATEGORY

64 END OF GAME Daily Doubles and usage notes follow...





69 JEOPARDY! Slide Show Notes The font for the question & answer slides is “Enchanted;” a copy of this font in located in the “REAL Jeopardy Template” folder. (This font will need to be installed in the C:/WINDOWS/FONTS folder of the computer running the show.) In order to keep all of the sounds and fonts together, copy the entire “REAL Jeopardy Template” folder. To change the categories: –1. Go to “Edit” and “Replace…” –2. In the Find box, type Types of Government (all caps) –3. In the Replace box, type the category in all caps (for example, PRESIDENTS) –4. Click Replace All... To use the Daily Double: –1. Choose which dollar values to set as Daily Double –2. Link that dollar value to one of the DD slides –3. Link the arrow on the DD slide to the correct question slide (so dollar/category match)

70 Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. (The first game board is used only to blink in the dollar values like the show.) ICONS: –? Go to the answer screen. –House Go back to the game board. –Right Arrow (on Daily Doubles) Go to the question screen. –Turned-up Arrow Reload question screen after incorrect guess

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