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CESA #4 EEL Meeting Thursday, December 4, 2014. o Evaluator Step 4 Deep Dive for Evaluators Evaluator Step 4 Deep Dive for Evaluators.

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Presentation on theme: "CESA #4 EEL Meeting Thursday, December 4, 2014. o Evaluator Step 4 Deep Dive for Evaluators Evaluator Step 4 Deep Dive for Evaluators."— Presentation transcript:

1 CESA #4 EEL Meeting Thursday, December 4, 2014

2 o Evaluator Step 4 Deep Dive for Evaluators Evaluator Step 4 Deep Dive for Evaluators

3 Mid Year Activities --SLO Midinterval and PPG Midyear documentation for all --Conferences with those in Summary Year in Late January – Early February (peer review others) --Formal Observations and Mini-Observations as scheduled (feedback within 7 days)

4 Other Midyear Activities Identify plans for educators to watch Step 4 Mid Year Module o Principals x2 Consider how to document completion Continue to conduct principal observations and school visits

5 Value-Added Measures (VAM) What do you know about the concept of “Value-Added” Measures? T-chart at table: -What do we know? -What do we want to know?

6 Value-Added for Principals value-added Documents from EE website Reports in SAFE



9 UMS User Management System EAM Evaluation Assignment Manager Focus/Reflect/Learn Add users Edit existing users Archive users Decide on Roles/Groups Similar to HR…assign emails, access to reports, import all new staff, change names, etc. Only in Reflect 1/district EEL must contact Teachscape to change Assign evaluators Assign workflow

10 User Management System

11 Evaluation Assignment Manager

12 Let’s Talk About Calibration Evaluators need to calibrate every 6 months DPI is suggesting a window be opened by the end of January and calibration complete by end of the school year. You decide how long the window stays open. WI is using the Compliance Model 2 videos (15 minutes or so each) Collect evidence Score Compare with Master Scorer

13 Focus Administrator



16 Things to consider locally: o Timing and length of your calibration window o Will you set calibration ‘cut scores’? o Is there a point where a principal should not be conducting observations? (But don’t remove them!) o Is there a point at which an uncalibrated principal should resume calibration?

17 How should we plan to support your principals? Calibration half day for anyone? RtI for those with calibration issues?

18 Observations, Tagging, and Scoring Scoring doesn’t take place at the time of the observation (mini or formal). Tagging does take place shortly after the observation. Practice with CESA4 Training Accounts

19 Teachscape Reports


21 Reports and Tips Available Reports Tips for Running and Reading Reports

22 Jigsawing the Reports What does this report show? How might this report be useful?

23 Evaluation Status Report

24 Score Distribution Report

25 Score Tree Map Report

26 Domain and Component Averages Report

27 Individual Progress Report

28 Teachscape Buttons Submit – the form goes to the evaluator (be sure to also select Shared link). Status changes from In Progress to Completed (with green checkmark) Open or Edit means the document is in draft form. Review means the document has been submitted and is not editable by the educator. Request Revision gives educator edit rights again.

29 Teachscape Tips The “HELP” button is specific to each screen – use it freely!!! Saving documents as a PDF, then printing produces a shorter document. Internet Explorer is not a good browser for Teachscape. Selecting the Summary Tab in each section allows you to see what has been submitted by both educator and evaluator.

30 EE Coaches How are you using your coaches? What conversations have you had as an admin team about expectations of coaches? What conversations has your admin team had with the EE coaches? What do you anticipate for your coaching needs for next year? Coaching Team workshop – Jan. 13 or 20

31 EE Support for 2015-2106 EE Service (250): Will be similar to this year: $2,000 per district, unlimited participation in designated workshops for $25 per person Adding a Coaching Option: Anticipating a minimal cost for multiple coaches, 4 workshop days

32 EE Calendar

33 Next EEL Meeting: Feb. 10, 12:30- 3:30 pm

34 Billie Finco 608-786-4830 Want to get all the latest information and updates or just ask a question? Join the CESA #4 Educator Effectiveness Google+ Community: Sherri Torkelson 608-786-4855 Torkelson & Finco34

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