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STATE CENTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Willow International COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTER Educational Enrichment Summer Program for Spanish 2.

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1 STATE CENTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Willow International COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTER Educational Enrichment Summer Program for Spanish 2

2 “Early exposure to college classes introduces students to the rigor of college work while easing their transition from high school.” 2005

3 EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Opportunity to earn credit for Spanish 2 at the college level Opportunity to earn credit for Spanish 2 at the college level Similar to Spanish 3 at the high school level (each transfer institution will determine how Spanish 2 at the college level will be applied) Similar to Spanish 3 at the high school level (each transfer institution will determine how Spanish 2 at the college level will be applied) WICCC Enrichment Program Requires 2.5 GPA or better and WICCC Enrichment Program Requires 2.5 GPA or better and – Open to Juniors & Seniors in High School – Desire from the student to participate – Permission from parents – Counselor & Principal recommendation and approval – College counselor approval

4 REQUIRED MATERIALS FOR ENROLLMENT Online SCCCD Admission Application Online SCCCD Admission Application Educational Enrichment Application Packet Educational Enrichment Application Packet High School Transcripts High School Transcripts

5 Financial Incentive of Educational Enrichment Program The Cost of California Public Colleges Enrollment/Tuition Fees Community CollegeCSU UC 12 units (one semester)$552.00$3143.50 $5,610.00 Enrolling in the Enrichment Program saves Future College Costs Sample Class ListUnitsEnrollment Fees Art 23.0$138.00 History 113.0$138.00 FN 403.0$138.00 History 123.0$138.00 Total12.0$552.00 You Pay $0 Enrollment Fees

6 Spanish 2 Course Description – Second semester course in conversational and written Spanish for non-native speakers. Developmental of grammatical structures and expansion of vocabulary. Further study of the cultures of Spain, Latin America, and Hispanic cultures of the US. Introduction to the literary text. Course Description – Second semester course in conversational and written Spanish for non-native speakers. Developmental of grammatical structures and expansion of vocabulary. Further study of the cultures of Spain, Latin America, and Hispanic cultures of the US. Introduction to the literary text. College Credit – 4 units of transferable credit College Credit – 4 units of transferable credit Schedule Information for CUSD Schedule Information for CUSD – 8:00Section #82413M – Th6 weeks (CNHS) – 10:30Section #82429M – Th6 weeks (CNHS) – 1:00Section #82415M – Th6 weeks (CUSD)

7 Spanish 2 Educational Enrichment Program Components Parent Orientation at the High School (April 2014) New Student Orientation and Tour – August 6, 2014 at 6:00p.m. Academic Center 1 Room 150 at WICCC

8 Summer 2014 Academic Calendar 4 Week Summer Session5/27/2014 -6/19/2014 6 Week Summer Session6/23/2014 – 7/30/2014 HolidayJuly 4, 2014

9 SCCCD E-mail Account The primary means of communication from the college is through your SCCCD e-mail account The primary means of communication from the college is through your SCCCD e-mail account To Activate your account: Go to: To Activate your account: Go to: Sign in on the first screen: Sign in on the first screen: – For example: – The password the first time you log in is: P@ssword123 (only the P is capitalized)

10 SCCCD Blackboard If your instructor chooses to utilize Blackboard, this is where you will find your syllabus, class assignments, announcements, and general information. Blackboard, combined with your SCCCD e-mail account, will keep you updated with everything you need to know about your class If your instructor chooses to utilize Blackboard, this is where you will find your syllabus, class assignments, announcements, and general information. Blackboard, combined with your SCCCD e-mail account, will keep you updated with everything you need to know about your class – Launch your internet browser and go to – Click the link on the left-hand side of the home page called Blackboard – For your Blackboard UserName: Type your 7-digit college ID number – For your Blackboard Password: Type your 7-digit college ID number. You can change your password.

11 SCCCD Web Advisor Launch your Internet Explorer and go to Launch your Internet Explorer and go to Click the WebAdvisor link on the left-hand side of the home page or Click the “Quick Links” drop-down located on the upper right-hand side of the screen and click on WebAdvisor Click the WebAdvisor link on the left-hand side of the home page or Click the “Quick Links” drop-down located on the upper right-hand side of the screen and click on WebAdvisor Click the “Log In” link at the top of the WebAdvisor home screen Click the “Log In” link at the top of the WebAdvisor home screen Type your User ID in the textbox (lastname_0123456) Type your User ID in the textbox (lastname_0123456) Type your Password (initially use your 6 digit birthdate). You can change your password. Type your Password (initially use your 6 digit birthdate). You can change your password.

12 “CCCAP helped me get a feel of what the college class was like.” “CCCAP helped me get a feel of what the college class was like.” “It showed me how college classes work and what the professor expected from us students.” “It showed me how college classes work and what the professor expected from us students.” “I went into college after the CCCAP program with a lot of confidence.” “I went into college after the CCCAP program with a lot of confidence.” “It brought me into the college picture slowly, which I really appreciated.” “It brought me into the college picture slowly, which I really appreciated.” Student Evaluation for Other Enrichment Programs

13 Educational Enrichment Summer Program for Spanish 2 “If I hadn’t signed into the program, I would have lost an opportunity of having a head start in college.”

14 Willow International Contacts Deborah IkedaCampus President Kelly FowlerVice President, Instruction and Student Services Dr. Thomas MesterDean Instruction and Technology Doris Griffin Dean of Students Dr. Erica JohnsonAcademic Counselors/Program Coordinators (559) 325-5200

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