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REGinNET web page and region presentation IGLO Meeting Brussels, 30 May 2006 Technology Transfer Centre Cracow University of Technology Anna Stachowicz.

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Presentation on theme: "REGinNET web page and region presentation IGLO Meeting Brussels, 30 May 2006 Technology Transfer Centre Cracow University of Technology Anna Stachowicz."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGinNET web page and region presentation IGLO Meeting Brussels, 30 May 2006 Technology Transfer Centre Cracow University of Technology Anna Stachowicz

2 REGinNET web page and region presentation Project web page: Project info Project overview Events (organized by the partners) Project partners FP6 partner search (Cordis, Idealist, ManagEnergy) Success stories (provided by the partners) Newsletter of the project

3 REGinNET web page and region presentation


5 Project Partners: From Poland: 4 From Hungary: 3 From Czech Republic: 2 From Romania: 2 From Bulgaria: 1 From Turkey: 1

6 REGinNET web page and region presentation From Austria: 1 From the Netherlands: 1 From the United Kingdom: 1 From Italy: 1 From Spain: 1 From Denmark: 1

7 REGinNET web page and region presentation Project co-ordinator: Wroclaw Technology Transfer Centre (Poland) Region: Lower Silesia 26 schools of higher education, with 131,000 students; Over 4,600 companies with foreign capital registered in the region

8 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Poznan Science and Technology Park (Poland) Region: Wielkopolska 28 universities and schools of higher education, with 155,000 students officially cooperates with seven European regions and one in Asia

9 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Technical Univeristy of Szczecin (Poland) Region: West Pomeranian attractive tourist region with geothermal water, spas and sanatoria shipbuilding industry Close to: Berlin, Copenhagen and Stockholm

10 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Technology Transfer Centre Cracow University of Technology (Poland) Region: Malopolska 26 public and private universities, ca. 153,000 students, tourism Special Economic Zone automotive sector and construction

11 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: S.C. IPA S.A. CIFATT Craiova (Romania) Region: Otlenia 11 universities (public and private), ca. 40,000 students aeronautics, automotive, electro technical industry

12 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Timisoara Chamber of Commerce, Industry&Agriculture-Euro Info Centre (Romania) Region: EIC Timisoara RO 823 region chemical, food processing and railway transport means industries more than 11 public and private universities

13 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Research Institute of Textile Machines, plc. (Czech Republic) Region: North-East Bohemia textile and general engineering industries, alimentary production, metalworking the rubber and plastic industries the glass industry

14 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) Region: Moravian-Silesian 4 high education institutions with ca. 34,000 students the coal mining, metallurgy and power productions

15 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Pecs University Medical Center (Hungary) Region: South Transdanubia good higher education background well-trained labour force innovation development industrial parks and incubators

16 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Varna Free University (Bulgaria) Region: Varna Region Varna - the Pearl of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast real estate operations, renting activities and business services agricultural, hunting and forest industry

17 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: Ege University, EBILTEM (Turkey) Region: the Aegean Region 15 Universities with 250,000 students leading industries: construction materials, textiles, electronics automotive sub-industry, iron & steeltourism

18 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: University of Szeged (Hungary) Region: Southern Great Plain University of Szeged - one of the most important research institution in Hungary services connected to nature, like equestrian tourism, medical tourism, eco- and water tourism

19 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partner: University of Debrecen (Hungary) Region: North Great Plain university with 24,000 students the largest continuous natural grassland in Europe- Hortobágy

20 REGinNET web page and region presentation Partners from the old Member States: FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency (Austria) Beta Technology Limited (United Kingdom) Agency for Promotion of European Research (Italy) CARTIF Technology Centre (Spain) EuroCenter (Denmark)

21 REGinNET web page and region presentation Thank you for your attention! Anna Stachowicz Technology Transfer Centre Cracow University of Technology Tel. +48 12 628 25 56

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