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Go to the website and highlight the address. Once highlighted, right click the highlight once, and select copy.

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Presentation on theme: "Go to the website and highlight the address. Once highlighted, right click the highlight once, and select copy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go to the website and highlight the address

2 Once highlighted, right click the highlight once, and select copy.

3 Open another Internet Explorer window to the easily website. Then select Control Panel

4 Enter username and password, then click the Login button

5 Click on “D” Administer My Domain Name

6 Click on “W” Administer Website/Hosting

7 Click on the drop down menu, and change from “Easily holding page”, To “External website (Web Forwarding)”

8 Then click on the “Change” button.

9 Click in “Redirect box, then right click once, then select paste. Your freeserve website address should now be here. Then click on the “Frames” radio button. Then click the “Save” button.

10 Then click the “Close” button on all the following screens until You get to the following screen on the next slide.

11 Then click the “Logout” button. All done. The redirect will take up to 24 hours to go through.

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