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R E C Y C L I N G.

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1 R E C Y C L I N G

2 What is recycling ? Recycling
is one of the methods of environmental protection. It reduces the consumption of natural resources and reduces waste production.

3 Advantages and disadvantages of recycling
Recycling waste is a series invaluable advantages such as saving of storage facility of waste, saving energy, water, oil, coal, iron, reduce the amount of cut trees (recycled paper), a significant reduction in air pollution,or reduction of industrial waste, and most importantly, to minimize degradation of the landscape

4 Disadvantages However, besides these significant advantages there are also disadvantages  of recycling.The materials coming from recycling are less durable and less resistant for high temperatures. .

5 What is suitable for recycling ??
Glass (bottles and jars) Paper and cardboard Plastics Organic waste Aluminium cans Steel Batteries Clothing

6 Types of recycling Chemical recycling - includes processes where used waste materials are processed into materials about other of physico – chemical Energy recycling includes not only the burning of waste, but also the production from waste solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and processing them into insulation material - that is, chemical recycling Feedstock recycling is the process of processing waste materials and products to form the raw materials from which these materials and products have been produced Organic recycling meant by treatment oxygen, including composting or non-oxygen that biodegrade

7 Forms of recycling We can distinguish three forms of recycling:
Reopened apply - repeated apply material or product for the same purpose. Further apply - use of waste for new applications after proper processing of physical, chemical or biological. Reopened utilization - recovery of chemical waste from the trash and re-introducing them into production.

8 Bins Separation of waste reduces the amount of waste going to landfill. Segregated waste material should be throw to colorful containers.

9 Paper – blue containers
Newspapers, magazines Books, notebooks Office paper Cardboard Plastic – yellow containers Bottles Plastic nut Plastic bags Aluminum – red containers Cans Small scrap Clear glass – white containers Clear jars Clear glass bottles Colored glass – green containers Colored glass bottles

10 Recycling in Poland In Poland every year is created about 30 million of tons of waste, but only a small percentage is used for recycling. The reason is the lack of segregated waste, and companies that will deal with them . It is necessary to change this state of affairs, because of the shrinking resources of raw materials and energy gets more expensive. Recycling reduces the amount of waste and their disposal costs (storage), also is beneficial for the economy, environment and society. Relieves the landfill, reduces the amount of waste polluting the environment. By recycling protect natural wealth, including those non-renewable, save the energy needed to produce and create new jobs what in our country is a particular advantage.

11 Second hand. In the community at certain times and places useless and damaged electronic equipment are collected. You can also meet a the large containers for old clothes.

12 Recycling in our community
In our community we carry out many actions which aim to increase the environmental protection. In our school we collect corks from the bottles, all kinds of batteries and waste paper. People in own homes segregate rubbish in special containers on fractions of dry and wet.

13 Our school tries to be ecological school, so recently a bin for segregation waste was bought . We also organized a specialistic containers for used batteries which are collected by a selected company from our building.

14 Thank you for your attention

15 THE END Made for the purpose of Comenius project „Recycle Today for a Better Tomorrow” By Comenius Team Bystrzyca Stara 2013

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