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Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/7/10 World Religions T. Seay, BHS.

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1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/7/10 World Religions T. Seay, BHS

2 9/7/10 I. What are the major world religions? Main idea: There are five major world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam A RELIGION is a set of beliefs, practices, and often lifestyles of a group of people – Explains their past, their ideas about where people came from, and what we’re doing here.

3 9/7/10 What is a Religion? All religions have – Rituals: practices or routines in order to gain favor of higher power, or as a reminder of holy events of the past Passover (Judaism) Pilgrimage to Mecca (Islam) Sacrament (Christianity)

4 9/7/10 What is a religion? All religions have – Holy places or objects Cross, crescent, place – Jerusalem

5 9/7/10 What is a religion? All religions have – Belief in a universal power

6 9/7/10 What is a religion? Generally, religions have sacred texts – Judaism: “Old Testament” – Christianity: New Testament and Old Testament – Hinduism: Vedas – Islam: the Koran

7 9/7/10 There are thousands of different religions. Generally, the “Big Five” have had the most influence All five major religions began in Asia

8 9/7/10 II. Hinduism Began in India around 1500 BCE Uses CASTE SYSTEM: Levels of power in society A. BRAHMINS: highest caste; priests B. VAISYAS (VYS-yuhs): ordinary people; merchants, farmers, teachers, etc. C. SUDRAS (SOO-druhz): servants and peasants D. “UNTOUCHABLES”: outcasts E. No social mobility (no moving from caste to caste)

9 9/7/10 Hinduism (cont’d) Do we have levels of power in the U.S.? Is there social mobility in the U.S.? KARMA: Circle of actions in life – It changes according to good or bad deeds – Good deed  “good karma” – Bad deed  “bad karma”

10 9/7/10 Hinduism VEDAS: writings about Hindu religion – Dharma: Doing your job here on earth the best way you can Stay in your caste Don’t complain about your problems Practicing your dharma brings good karma

11 9/7/10 Hinduism REINCARNATION: cycle of rebirth of the soul in different forms – Depends on your karma – Don’t step on that ant! It could be your great- grandmother! – The more good karma you get, the closer you get to stopping reincarnation

12 9/7/10 Hinduism Moksha: the ultimate goal – Union with the godhead – The end of reincarnation

13 9/7/10 Think, pair, share What are three characteristics that the five major religions have? What are five characteristics of Hinduism?

14 9/7/10 III. Buddhism Began in Nepal (NE India) around 500 BCE – Siddartha: a young, rich prince Siddartha was a Hindu He was not satisfied with life Wandered through his father’s kingdom & found suffering people Left wife and child, wore rags, begged for food for years – Meditated under a ming tree for over a month

15 9/7/10 Siddartha became “the Buddha”: The “Enlightened One”

16 9/7/10 Buddhism The Buddha became a poor preacher – Announced the Four Noble Truths Life is full of suffering and pain Suffering is caused by desire To end suffering, end your desires Do this by following the Eight-fold path

17 9/7/10 Buddhism The Eight-fold path – Be charitable – Be peaceful – Accept what is around you

18 9/7/10 Buddhism Buddhists believe in KARMA and REINCARNATION – When desires are stopped, reincarnation stops – You reach NIRVANA

19 9/7/10 Buddhism spread from India east to China, Japan, and Korea

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