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Well done! Due to all your hard work writing your lists of essentials we need in order to live on our new planet we have began to bring more people here!

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Presentation on theme: "Well done! Due to all your hard work writing your lists of essentials we need in order to live on our new planet we have began to bring more people here!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Well done! Due to all your hard work writing your lists of essentials we need in order to live on our new planet we have began to bring more people here! ©MsKeleghan’sEducationBlog

2 Have you ever heard of the Universal Declaration of human rights? A lot of what you wrote down are listed in this declaration of human rights. Have you ever heard of the Universal Declaration of human rights? A lot of what you wrote down are listed in this declaration of human rights. ©MsKeleghan’sEducationBlog

3 Lets take a look at the declaration of human rights. Can you spot any rights on the list that are similar to what you wrote down yesterday? Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms listed in the declaration, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion. No one shall be held in slavery. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Everyone has the right to recognition before the law. Everyone is equal before the law. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy for violation of their legal rights. Everyone is entitled to a fair hearing. Everyone is innocent until proved guilty No one shall suffer arbitrary interference. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement. Everyone has the right to seek asylum. Everyone has the right to nationality. Everyone has the right to marry. Everyone has the right to own property. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Everyone has the right to freedom of assembly and association. Everyone has the right to take part in government. Everyone has the right to full security in society. Everyone has the right to work. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. Everyone has the right to education. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms listed in the declaration, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion. No one shall be held in slavery. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Everyone has the right to recognition before the law. Everyone is equal before the law. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy for violation of their legal rights. Everyone is entitled to a fair hearing. Everyone is innocent until proved guilty No one shall suffer arbitrary interference. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement. Everyone has the right to seek asylum. Everyone has the right to nationality. Everyone has the right to marry. Everyone has the right to own property. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Everyone has the right to freedom of assembly and association. Everyone has the right to take part in government. Everyone has the right to full security in society. Everyone has the right to work. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. Everyone has the right to education. ©MsKeleghan’sEducationBlog

4 We have collected all your lists and made one declaration including the most important essentials 1.Everybody has a right to food and water. 2.Everybody has a right to own property. 3.Everybody has a right to be treated equally regardless of race, color or religious beliefs. 4.Everybody has a right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. 5.Everybody has a right to an education. 6.Everybody has a right to freedom. 7.Everybody has a right to be part of a democratic government. 8.Everybody has a right to work. 9.Everybody is equal before the law. 1.Everybody has a right to food and water. 2.Everybody has a right to own property. 3.Everybody has a right to be treated equally regardless of race, color or religious beliefs. 4.Everybody has a right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. 5.Everybody has a right to an education. 6.Everybody has a right to freedom. 7.Everybody has a right to be part of a democratic government. 8.Everybody has a right to work. 9.Everybody is equal before the law. ©MsKeleghan’sEducationBlog

5 Breaking news! On planet X today trouble broke out between different religions! The main religions involved in the conflict are: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. ©MsKeleghan’sEducationBlog

6 Trouble has broken out on our new planet. We must solve these issues…and fast! Christians are beginning to refuse to shop in stores owned by Muslims and Jews are beginning to call Christians names on the street! We must stop this behavior. People deserve to be treated equally! ©MsKeleghan’sEducationBlog

7 Group Work In groups of three investigate these three major world religions. Each student will look at one religion. Answer the questions on the worksheet. In groups, work together to discover how each world religion have things in common. ©MsKeleghan’sEducationBlog

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