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Published byPaige McPherson Modified over 11 years ago
HINARI Overview (For Presentations at Registered Institutions)
Table of Contents Benefits/Audiences Partners HINARI E-Journal Access Features Other HINARI Resources Reference Sources Evidence Based Medicine resources Other Free Collections HINARI/PubMed Features Training Material Dos and Donts Research4Life Programs
HINARI The HINARI Access to Research Programme is coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO) HINARI is a public-private partnership between the WHO, publishers and other health care content owners To provide biomedical and health care research and guideline information to non-profit academic and research institutions, governmental and policy making departments in low income countries. Allows access to full-text articles in more than 8000 e-journals and other health resources.
HINARI Online portal to publishers Coordinated by WHO/Yale University, USA Free/Low cost to >100 countries/territories Over 8500 e-journals, 7000 e-books and other resources / 150 publishers Medicine and health 5000+ institutions registered Data: 2012 02
Objectives of HINARI To connect developing world researchers with the international scientific community To reduce the publishing gap and improve the quality of locally produced articles and journals Ultimately – to improve health in relation to Millennium Development Goals of 2015
Primary Target Audiences Eligible categories of institutions are: national universities research institutes professional schools (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, dentistry) teaching hospitals Government: ministries and agencies national medical libraries locally based non-governmental agencies All permanent and visiting faculty, staff members and students are entitled to access and can obtain the institutional User Name and Password.
Partners Principal Publishers Elsevier Science Springer Wiley-Blackwell Sage Taylor & Francis Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins BioOne Oxford University Press Nature Publishing Other science/technical/ medical publishers Program Partners World Health Organization - WHO Food and Agriculture Org. – FAO United Nations Environment Programme – UNEP World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO Yale University Library Mann Library/Cornell University International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers – STM Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa National Library of Medicine Microsoft Librarians Without Borders ® /MLA
Eligibility/Registration (01 2012) Institutions in countries with GNI (gross national income) per capita below $1600 or HDI (human development index) less than 0.63 are eligible for free access (Group A) Institutions in countries with GNI per capita between $1601-$5000 or HDI less than 0.67 pay a fee of $1000 per year (Group B) Some publishers opt out of this option and do not allow access to their journals For details, see
HINARI Website This is the initial page of the HINARI website. Note in the left-hand column, that there are links to the Access to Content, Eligibility,, FAQs and Training Materials pages. To access the HINARI website, enter the URL We will Login to look at the options for accessing full-text journal articles and other resources. `
Logging into HINARI 2 Each institution has one HINARI User Name and Password. By properly signing in, you will have access to the full text articles and other resources of HINARI.
Once logged-in, you will be taken into the Access to content sub-page of the website. Note the Logged in from in message. This proper login also can be confirmed by the url
Journals can be accessed by title from an alphabetical list. For this exercise, click on L from the A-Z list. Note: there also is a View complete list of journals option although this drop down menu does not have hypertext links to the journals.
We have displayed the L journal list. Click on the title for The Lancet. The default is the Accessible Content page. This and the All Items displays will be discussed in subsequent slides. The green box notes access to the contents of the journal for you while the ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Group B although some Group A with exclusions). Note that the years of volumes available are listed after the journal title.
Accessing journals by title 4 Another window will open at the journal publishers website usually with access to the current issue.
Another option to find articles through HINARI/PubMed. PubMed is an database with citations and annotations to over 21,000,000 articles. Using this option will be discussed later in this presentation.
Click on the link to find journals by Subjects. From the drop down menu, we will select Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases.
An alphabetical list of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases journals is now displayed with links to the journal websites. Click on the title Trends in Parasitology After the title of the journal, the available volumes/issues are listed.
To find books by title, click on the appropriate Books collection alphabetical letter. Note that there is a View complete list of books option although this drop down menu does not have hypertext links to the specific titles. You will need to go back to the Books collection A-Z list to open any e-books.
Now opened is the O list from the Books by title drop down menu.. This example is for a Group A institution with no exclusions.
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 5 th edition is one of the foremost international textbooks of internal medicine. It provides practical guidance on the clinical management and prevention of disease, with in-depth coverage of the traditional specialty areas. The initial page contains an expandable table of contents that details the contents of each topic. Also available is the Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine, 3 rd edition.
Also included in the Reference Sources listing are numerous psychiatry/psychology related full-text resources. We have opened the American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines tool that is searchable by keyword and broad subject categories.
From the HINARI Content page, you also can open the Search inside HINARI full-text through database and article searching, Reference sources and Free collections lists. Note: Many of these resources are underutilized by HINARI users as most individuals concentrate on obtaining full-text journal articles.
Via clicking on the Database and article searching link, we have opened the Browse databases A-Z list. Similar to other access points, there are the Accessible Content and All Items listings that depend on the Publishers exclusions.
We have opened the initial page of Scopus (Elsevier), a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track and analyze research. Being from a HINARI registered institution, and having logged into HINARI, you will be able to use these resources from various commercial publishers.
CINAHL (EBSCO) is another resource from the Databases and (Bibliographic) Indexes menu. It provides indexing for 2,960 journals and can be searched for information on nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/ complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Via HINARI, many of these journals can be accessed.
Now we have clicked on the Reference Sources link and opened the Browse reference sources A-Z list. Many of these resources contain full- text information on a variety of topics.
Cochrane Library contains high quality, independent evidence for health care decision making. It includes numerous access options including via keyword, MeSH terms and category listings. Cochrane Library is one of 5 sources of information on evidence-based practice in HINARI.
Another useful Reference Sources resource is BMJ Learning. This site contains over 500 peer reviewed evidence based learning modules. You are able to browse the modules via a subject based drop down menu.
From the Free Collections drop down menu, you can access other free e-journal gateways and be able to obtain full-text articles. We will examine one of these – Highwire Free to Developing Economies.
HighWire Press 3 This is the HighWire Press initial page. From this site, we can locate full-text articles and/or journal titles directly without accessing HINARI as this resource is based on IP (computer) addresses of eligible countries. The Free Access to Developing Economies link is located on the initial page. Also of interest is the Free full-text content link.
This is the initial page of the Free Access to Developing Economies list of HighWire Press. As noted, the access is based on the computer's IP Address and you can go directly to the site using the url.
The Other Free Collection menu includes FreeBooks4Doctors, a website that has links to 365 full-text books on the Internet. This gateway is searchable by keyword, topic or language.
Our final Free Collection resource to view is PubMed Central, a free digital archive of life sciences journals created by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. This resource can be searched via a keyword search engine or journal title.
PubMed Overview From the main HINARI webpage, we can access PubMed by clicking on Search HINARI journal articles through PubMed (Medline). Note: If you do not properly sign on, you will not have access to full text articles from the HINARI/PubMed database.
We now will have opened HINARI/PubMed and will enter a search in the PubMed Search box. In this example, we will enter a search for malaria infections AND Africa into the Search or query box. To execute the query, click on the Search button.
Results of the search are displayed in the main body of the page in Summary Format, 20 Items per Page and Recently Added Sort by options. This is the default setting when you complete a search. Note the two additional filters for Free Full Text and HINARI articles. These have been created in the HINARI/PubMed searches saved in My NCBI (see module 4.5). Of the 4237 articles, 2030 are available via the HINARI filter and 1717 with Free full text filter ( there are some overlaps).
Note the additional hypertext link for Free article. By clicking on this link, you will be re- directed to the Abstract display and be able to access the full text. Also note how the terms of the search – malaria, infections and Africa - are bolded if found in the title.
You have numerous Display Settings options. From the Display Settings drop down menu, we have clicked on the Abstract Format, 20 Items per Page and Recently Added Sort by options.
We have displayed the search results using the Abstract display. By clicking on the HINARI or the Free article icons, we can access the full-text article.
In order to save the citations and abstracts, we would open the Send To drop down menu. From this menu, we are able to select the File, Collections, Order, Clipboard and E-mail options.
To use these options, you must place check marks in the boxes to the left of the citations that you wish to send to File, Collections, Order, Clipboard and E-mail options. If you do not place check marks in the boxes, the entire search results will be sent to the option you choose. Note how PubMed lists the # of citations you have checked.
In this example, we will email the search results. From the Send To drop down menu, we have selected the E-mail with the Summary and Recently added options. The search results will be sent to the e-mail address you entered as the recipient.
From the initial (HINARI) PubMed page, we will run the HIV and pregnancy search and then apply various Filters. This is another invaluable tool to find the specific articles that are of interest to you. PubMed Filters
Filters allows you to search more effectively in the PubMed database. Searches can be limited by restricting terms to fields or setting specific date or record tagging parameters. The filters listed in the left column are the default ones.
By using Specify Custom Date Range filter, we have entered a six month range (2011/12/15 to 2012/05/15) and limited the search to these recent publications.
In the Article types, we limited a search to the Practice Guidelines and Review options. The results of the HIV and pregnancy search are 2124 citations (from an initial total of 13,000).
MY NCBI We briefly will discuss the My NCBI option on the top right-hand side of the webpage. Each individual must Register for this option.
Both filters we have selected are listed in the Your PubMed filter list. You can delete any filter by clicking on the check in the Active column.
We have now completed a PubMed search for hiv AND pregnancy. There are now three results filters – All, Free Full Text, and HINARI. To retain this search in your My NCBI account, you would click on the Save Search hypertext link. Via your My NCBI account, you can have email messages sent to you that will include citations and abstracts for all new Free Full Text and HINARI articles on this subject.
In the My NCBI page, you can see a list of the saved searches in the Saved Searches box - in this case HIV AND pregnancy and malaria AND bednets.. Note: the email that you receive from MY NCBI will have citations to recently published articles. To get the full-text article, you will need to return to HINARI and locate the specific journal issue.
We have returned to the Content page of the HINARI website as we want to open the Training resources webpage:
This page contains a series of modules that detail many of the features of HINARI that we have discussed – but in more detail. Note Module 7 that contains information about additional resources available from the HINARI website and the links to the distance learning courses.
This additional slide highlights the Brief training HINARI Short Course and various Training Tools plus Presentations. Also note the Authorship Skills material – series of modules written to assist researchers in publishing their outcomes.
The final slide highlights the Authorship Skills modules. This material was developed after requests from researchers at R4L workshops.
This is the 1 st slide of the distance learning version of the Short Course. It uses the Moodle software (an online course management system) and is accessible from Also available is the HINARI Train the Trainers Course.
All three R4L Short Courses also are available from the ITOCA website – primarily for those in sub-Saharan Africa. Go to for more information.
HINARI Dos/Users Material owned by the Publishers made available through HINARI can be used by Authorized Users or Walk-in Users –An Authorized User: an institutions or government departments employee, permanent or visiting faculty, or student –Walk-in User: anyone who comes to the Institutions premises and is permitted by the Institution to access services there
HINARI Dos/Articles For HINARI Band 1 participants: institution may supply printed or digital materials (documents) to the institutions employees, faculty members, students or another Authorized User remote access is permissible but limited to computers owned personally by employees or by institution publishers material may be placed in print Course Packs or placed in Electronic Reserves for students (delete after the end of the course)
HINARI Donts/Articles Downloading/Printing: users cannot download complete journal issues or books (per journal issue or book, 15% limit) Document supply: Cannot distribute documents obtained through HINARI to any other individuals or organizations outside the registered institution Document fees: The institution may not supply the document for a fee except to recover cost of printing Uploading: Cannot upload the material to or post to a publicly available website or elsewhere
HINARI Donts/Access Do not give the Publishers Material or User Name/Password to other individuals or institutions if others are interested in HINARI, send them to their institutions libraries Do not access HINARI while traveling outside the country Do not put the User Name/ Password on the Institutions website or any other Internet page Do not share or publish the ID and password through public sites on the Internet: Groups, Wikis or Blogs can put a link to initial page of HINARI or have information about HINARI
61 Besides HINARI, there are two sister research4life programs – AGORA for agriculture research and OARE for environmental research. In 2011, ARDI (Access for Research and Development and Innovation) joined as a partner.
HINARI: health research (8100 e-journals and 7,000 e- books and other resources, 150 publishers) AGORA: agriculture research (2500 journals, 75 publishers) OARE: environment research (3900 journals, 75 publishers) aRDi: development and innovation research (<50 journals, 12 publishers)
AGORA – Content Page
OARE – Content Page updated: 2012 12
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