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Year 5 Information Evening Dr Elaine Rawlinson September 2015.

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1 Year 5 Information Evening Dr Elaine Rawlinson September 2015

2 Welcome to Year 5 The aim of tonight is to help you to understand what you and your child can expect in Year 5.

3 The Year 5 Team Dr Rawlinson is the class teacher. Mr Baker is the class teaching assistant. The class will also work with Mr Yiacoumi for RE, Miss Todd and an outside agency for PE, and Mrs Wheeler and Mr Baker for PSHE.

4 Homework Children in Year 5 will be given two pieces of homework a week, going home on a Monday for return by Friday week. This will be a generally be a combination of Literacy and Numeracy to reinforce work covered in class. Sometimes, homework will be based on our topic to enhance the creative learning experience. Children should spend about 30 minutes on each piece of homework. There will be a sticker on each piece on which you can indicate whether your child has managed independently or required a little (or a lot of) help. If you find homework is taking much longer, consistently, please write a note on it. Children will also be set spellings and times tables each week in addition to homework. Reading remains a vital ingredient in Year 5 and I would encourage children to read as often, and as widely, as possible.

5 Ongoing Tests Spellings: 20 words will be given out on a Monday, for testing on the following Monday. The words will follow a spelling pattern each week. Please make sure your child learns the spellings for the test. Times Tables: There will be a times table test every Tuesday. Mental Maths: There will be a test in class each week. Fortnightly Maths: There will also be an informal maths test every other Friday (the week we don’t do extended writing) to consolidate knowledge from the previous fortnight’s class work. Extended Writing: In keeping with the school policy, the children will complete an unsupported, independent piece of work based on the week’s genre every other week, which contributes to their writing assessment.

6 Behaviour Management There are a number of behaviour management strategies used in Year 5, consistent with those used across the school. House Points: Awarded for excellent work in lessons, and for exceptional behaviour and helpfulness. Dojo Points: Awarded for adherence to the Golden Rules and Class rules. Star of the Week: Awarded for excellent work throughout the week. (One child each week.) In addition: Daily Certificates and Prize: Up to 5 ‘Stars of the day’ will be chosen from children meeting class expectations for behaviour and effort. School behaviour management consequences will be followed, as detailed in the Parent Partnership Books. Stickers will be put into Partnership Books as previously if your child’s behaviour is affecting his/her learning.

7 Post All post will be sent home on a Friday with the children in a card folder. Please help your child to look after the folder, bringing it back in to school (empty) after the weekend. Any messages can be written in the Parent Partnership Books (please ask your child to show it to me), left at the office, or through an appointment.

8 PE There are two PE sessions each week. (Currently timetabled for Tuesday and Friday.) The children need suitable trainers for outdoor PE, particularly as the field begins to get muddy again. Joggers are a good idea as the weather is getting colder. PE kits must be in school ALL week in case a sporting activity arises on the spur of the moment!

9 Food & Drink Your child should have a fruit snack for morning break time, even if they are having a school dinner. Please encourage your child to drink water regularly during the day and ensure that they have a named water bottle.

10 Booster groups: Literacy and Numeracy Literacy: Some children will work with Mr Yiacoumi in a regular booster group to make sure that they make the progress that is required during this term. Maths: Groups of children will be worked with in class to support their understanding and progression, and also to stretch and extend their learning.

11 World War 2 The children have already made an excellent start on our topic, and have embraced it very enthusiastically! We will be looking at a wide variety of writing genres this term. The children will be familiar with them from previous years, but we will looking to enhance their understanding, and further develop progression within the genre. The genres covered include: Newspaper reports; Diary writing; Poetry; Persuasive writing; Debates; Story writing; Letters. If you would like any more information about these, please let me know, and I will be pleased to assist! Topics for the remaining terms will be Oliver Twist (T3/4) and Around the world in 80 days (T5/6).

12 Trips this term Our trips have already started, when Year 5 had the opportunity to visit the Imperial War Museum. We are arranging a visit to Maidenhead Heritage Centre: 5 th Oct, approx £4.50 In January, we will be visiting a Workhouse near Guildford: 6,7 or 8 th January, approx £5 In the summer, we are arranging a trip to the V & A Museum. (Approx £15) Year 5 will also have the opportunity to go on a residential trip to Hooke Court, Wales: 22 nd -24 th June. (t.b.c.)

13 Visitors this term Please let me know if your family/friends have war time experiences to share with the class. Wanted: Occasional help on manual tasks would be appreciated, such as covering books in sticky backed plastic. Please let me know if you would be able to spare some time. Thank you.

14 Parents’ evening The first parents’ evening of the school year will be on the 6 th and 7 th October. We will be discussing the targets for your child and any ways we can work together to achieve them.

15 The most important aim for this year is to be actively involved in what they are learning. Our class motto is: ‘More concentration, less conversation – Talk for a purpose.’ We have a work focussed classroom, where everyone is encouraged to be responsible for themselves. We then have many exciting opportunities for learning and enjoyment in the year ahead.

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