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Mr. Craig English Social Studies Teacher. About Me BS in History – Ball State University Masters in K-8 Education – Arizona State University Married for.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Craig English Social Studies Teacher. About Me BS in History – Ball State University Masters in K-8 Education – Arizona State University Married for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Craig English Social Studies Teacher

2 About Me BS in History – Ball State University Masters in K-8 Education – Arizona State University Married for 6 years to a 1 st grade teacher (I don’t know how she does it.)

3 Topics Studied This Year Integrated social studies curriculum provides an overview of high school courses to be taken. To view the complete set of 8 th grade social studies standards, go to the district website under: Programs and Departments Curriculum and Instruction Topics by Semester Semester One American Revolution, New Nation, Constitution, Structure of Government, Economics, Geography Semester Two Review of World War One, World War Two and Holocaust, 20 th Century Genocides, Cold War, Modern Social Issues, Terrorism

4 Approach to Teaching Essential Question: How many parents remember hating history because you read straight from text books, chapter-by-chapter, answering the section review at the end of each reading? Engagement Philosophy To make learning history fun!!! Webquests Guest Speakers Jigsaw Readings Shout Out Notes Learning Stations Mind Mapping Story Boarding

5 Typical Day in Class Objective Warm Up/Make Agenda Entries Classroom Activities and Assignments Homework Expect approximately 3 times per week Text books available for check out if needed. Check agendas for class work and homework.

6 Grading Standard Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 59-lower = F Check Grades Online in Infinite Campus (IC) IC Passwords were distributed during the 1 st Week of School. IC updated every other day with missing work Hints for checking IC “Zeros” or “m” = missing assignments and count against student average Blank spaces or “X” do not count against students. Individual Grade Checks Sent Home Every 2-3 Weeks Please sign and return Look for graded papers sent home with students.

7 8D Alaska Avalanche Joanna Athey: (AVID Elective and Inclusion Specialist) Robin Flyte: (Science) Megan Jeffers: (Math) Beth Krohmer: (Language Arts) Craig English: (Social Studies)

8 Team Goals We set high standards for our 8th grade students because it is our job to prepare them for high school. Our team motto is "student responsibility breeds success." We are here to support and teach, but ultimately, we feel strongly that they are responsible for their academic success. If a student feels in control of his/her academic destiny, the more successful he/she will be in 8th grade and high school. We encourage students to be their own self-advocates and speak up when they need help or clarification.

9 Behavioral Expectations Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conductive to learning. Disruptive behavior in the classroom may be classified as anything that disturbs the teacher or other students during the class period.

10 Listed below are a few examples of disruptive behavior that are prohibited in the classroom: Cellular phones and Electronic Devices Challenges to teachers authority Eating or drinking in the classroom Excessive tardiness Making offensive remarks Classroom conversation not relevant to class discussion Sleeping

11 Consequences 1st Incident- The instructor will immediately give the student a Ticket/Slip for them to have signed by a parent/guardian and returned. 2nd Incident- Instructor will issue a CARE form to the student and they will be sent to the CARE room to reflect on actions. (Parents will be notified) For offences that were not listed current SJHS disciplinary procedures will be enforced.

12 Tutor Times 8D Tutoring schedule Athey : Tues. AM front office Flyte: Fri. 8:15 am rm 61 Jeffers: Mon./Thur. AM Rm 54 (P.M. by appt. only) Krohmer: Wed 8:15 am Rm 55 English: fri. 8:15 am Rm 53 *AM Tutoring times begin at 8:15 unless otherwise stated *Additional appointment times can be secured by contacting individual teachers

13 Questions?

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