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 To find out about a time in recent history when the Jews were persecuted for their religious beliefs. During World War 2 a Jewish teenager wrote a diary.

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2  To find out about a time in recent history when the Jews were persecuted for their religious beliefs. During World War 2 a Jewish teenager wrote a diary about her life… What was the girl called? Anne Frank Where did she live? Amsterdam, in Holland. Where was she when she wrote most of the diary? She was in hiding. Why was she in hiding? She was in hiding because she was Jewish. Why were Jewish people being persecuted? A man called Hitler was in power in Germany. Hitler hated the Jews & wanted to kill them. Germany had invaded Holland, where Anne & her family lived. How old was she when she was in hiding? 13 years old Who was she in hiding with? Her mum, dad & sister, another family & a friend who was a dentist. When did she die? In March 1945, when she was 16 years old. How did she die? She died of a disease in a concentration camp.

3 Copy out this paragraph about Anne Frank & fill in the gaps using the words below. Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, ________ in 1929. She was ________ & German, her father was even an officer in the German army in World War I. In 1933, when Anne was __ years old, Adolf Hitler’s ____ party came to power in Germany. Hitler felt that Jews were not as good as other people & he began to _________ them. Anne’s family moved to __________, in Holland, to be safe from the persecution against Jews in Germany. However, in 1942, when Anne was ___, the Germans invaded Holland. They began persecuting the ____, such as forcing all Jews to wear a yellow star of David to mark them as Jewish. Anne’s family was ______ of what might happen to them & because they could not leave the country to escape, they went into _______ on 6 th July 1942. Anne was 13 years old. As a 13 th birthday present from her parents, Anne was given a _____. She started writing this diary all about her ____ & what was happening to her. diaryafraid4Jewish NaziGermanylifepersecute 13hidingAmsterdamJews

4 In her diary Anne Frank wrote: ‘I live in a crazy time.’  Do you agree with Anne? Explain your answers.  Was World War II ‘a crazy time’ for Jews to live in?  What do you think it would have felt like to have been Anne & to have been persecuted just because of your religion?  What do you think you would have done if you had been Anne’s parents? Would you have gone into hiding? From today’s lesson, what can you now tell us about a time in recent history, when Jews were persecuted for their religious beliefs? Complete one of the following two challenges: a.Read Anne Frank’s diary – If you didn’t want to buy the book, you can borrow a copy from your local library or there is a copy in school which you can ask your teacher to borrow. b. Write a diary entry for every day this week. Talk about the things that go on in your life & how you feel.

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