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Question What is the most important issue facing government today?

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1 Question What is the most important issue facing government today?

2 Power Power is the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others C. Wright Mills, power elite refers to those who make the big decisions in U.S. society. (Pres. Obama) People of power and wealth tend to share the same ideologies & values This shared interest reinforces their idea of the world and of their special place in it

3 Question What career do each of you want to have after high school, college or trade school? Look at Table 10.2 on page 265

4 What is noticeable about those jobs? All of those job at the top of the level share four common features 1.They pay more 2.They require more education 3.They entail more abstract thought 4.They offer greater autonomy (freedom or self direction)


6 Prestige People want others to acknowledge their prestige Ancient times, only certain people could wear certain colors Today we see the President of United States What happens when the President enters a room? What happens when a judge enters a court room? Many people pay more for designer clothing Students attend universities for their name alone

7 Prestige Generally people have similar rank on all 3 dimensions (status consistent) People do try to maximize their status or their social ranking We do see people rank high on some dimensions of the social class while low on others (status inconsistency) Garbage man $20/hour ($42,000/year) compared to a journalist, teacher, clergy and etc…

8 Prestige Through status inconsistency, people are likely to confront the situation after another College Professors Important people in society, highly educated but don’t make the high level money Professors of business or medicine make more than other professors

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