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What Is Personality? The characteristics or blend of characteristics that make a person unique.

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Personality? The characteristics or blend of characteristics that make a person unique."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Personality? The characteristics or blend of characteristics that make a person unique.

2 What Makes Up Personality?

3 Psychological Core The most basic and deepest attitudes, values, interests, motives, and self-worth of a person—the “real” person. Example: A person’s religious values

4 Typical Responses The way one typically adjusts or responds to the environment. Example: Being happy-go-lucky, shy

5 Role–Related Behavior How one acts in a particular social situation. Example: Behavior as a student, parent, or friend

6 Psychodynamic Approach Behavior is determined by a number of unconscious, constantly changing factors that often conflict with one another. Emphasis is placed on understanding the person as a whole, rather than identifying isolated traits.

7 Trait Approach Behavior is determined by relatively stable traits that are fundamental units of personality. These traits predispose one to act in a certain way, regardless of the situation.

8 Situational Approach Behavior is determined largely by the situation or environment.

9 Interactional Approach Behavior is determined by both the person and the situational factors, as well as by their interaction.

10 Research Support: The Bottom Line Current impact. Considerable influence; adopted by most contemporary sport psychologists. Weakness. None. Contribution. Emphasizes the consideration of both trait and situational variables and their interaction. Interactional approach

11 Measure both traits and states. Measuring Personality Trait is a typical style of behavior. State is the situation’s effects on behavior—a “right now” feeling that can change from moment to moment. Traits Versus States

12 Situation-specific trait tests predict behavior more accurately than do general trait measures. Measuring Personality It is often more effective to compare personality test scores relative to an individual’s own previous test results than with group norms. General Versus Situation– (Sport–) Specific Measures

13 Selected Findings in Personality Research Some relationship exists between personality traits and states and sport performance, but it is far from perfect or precise. No single definitive personality profile has been found that consistently distinguishes athletes from nonathletes. Few personality differences are evident between male and female athletes. (continued)

14 The Iceberg Profile


16 Selected Findings in Personality Research Type-A behavior patterns (particularly the anger-hostility component) are associated with cardiovascular disease and appear to be altered via exercise. Exercise and increased fitness appear to be associated with increases in self-esteem, especially in low self-esteem individuals.

17 Cognitive Strategies and Athletic Success Using positive imagery and thought Exercising commitment and determination Setting goals Well-developed plans Well-developed coping strategies

18 Implications for Athletic Trainers Get to “know” your athletes before they become injured but if this is not possible, gather behavioral data from the individual and others who are familiar with them Realize that individuals react differently in various situations Vast changes from typical behavior should be noted – Intervene and make referrals when necessary

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