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Finishing the War in the Pacific Early Japanese success in 1942 was frightening as the Japanese capture the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, the Dutch East.

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Presentation on theme: "Finishing the War in the Pacific Early Japanese success in 1942 was frightening as the Japanese capture the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, the Dutch East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finishing the War in the Pacific Early Japanese success in 1942 was frightening as the Japanese capture the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines, Wake Island, and the Aleutians.


3 The Philippines The Philippine Islands, some 7,000 in number, form a natural barrier between Japan and the rich resources of east and southeast Asia. Defending such a distant outpost against the rising power of Japan would be a formidable task. By January 1941 Japan controlled much of the surrounding territory. Although the United States had maintained military forces, the islands were largely unprepared for hostilities with Japan. As a signatory of the Washington Naval Treaty in 1922, the United States had agreed, in exchange for limitations on Japanese shipbuilding, to halt construction of any new fortifications in its Pacific possessions.


5 American Strategy after Midway Attack where resistance would be weakest (island hopping). 1943-44 Japanese pressed back from Aleutians, Gilberts, and Marshal Islands. MacArthur & Halsey do not like each other and given separate commands to keep separate.

6 Major Battles in 1944 Guam, Saipan, the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa all bloody engagements. Resistance by the Japanese was strong and difficult fights because they were large islands. They could support airfield that would make it possible for bombing raids in Japan. European model of war is to surrender if you are in a completely hopeless situation Japanese mode of war was to fight to the death.

7 Battle of Leyte Gulf Generally considered to be the largest naval battle of World War II and the largest naval battle in history. It was fought in waters near to the Philippine island of Leyte, from 23 October to 26 October 1944. United States troops invaded the island of Leyte as part of a strategy aimed at isolating Japan from crucial oil supplies. The Imperial Japanese Navy mobilized nearly all of its remaining major naval vessels in an attempt to defeat the Allied invasion, but was repulsed by the US Navy. They suffered very heavy losses, and the majority of its surviving heavy ships, deprived of fuel, were inactive for the rest of the Pacific War. Leyte Gulf is also notable as the first battle in which Japanese aircraft carried out organized kamikaze attacks.

8 The Potsdam Ultimatum On July 26, Truman warns without a surrender, the Allies would attack Japan, resulting in "the inevitable and complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitably the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland". In the end, Truman made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan. His stated intention in ordering the bombings was to bring about a quick resolution of the war by inflicting destruction, and instilling fear of further destruction, that was sufficient to cause Japan to surrender.


10 The Bomb The bomb may have ended the war two years sooner and in the end saved lives. Tough decission.

11 VJ Day Aug. 15, 1945 USSR declares war on Japan Aug. 8th that along with bombings they surrender and sign Sept. 2, 1945. Douglas MacArthur stay in Japan to run the country. Russia not allowed in and France retakes control of Indochina.

12 Post War Economy Need to change to peace time economy without going back into a depression. Soldiers need jobs, but factories may not be able to absorb them. GI bill will loan enough money for college, trade school, or small business loans. Many new teachers come from these ranks- tough disciplinarians. Science, technology, and space race creates need for new curriculum in schools. US now in position to be a great power, never had to rebuild.

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