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The College Portfolio Requirements for Senior Year.

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1 The College Portfolio Requirements for Senior Year

2 WELCOME PARENTS The following is the presentation your children are given the first week of school. It includes the requirements for their graduation/college portfolio. the goal is to get the prepared for life after high school If you have any questions you can always reach me at:

3 And now.... The College Portfolio

4 Why, why... this is hard.... Why do we have to do this? To keep you on track and get you prepared for life after high school?

5 How do I do this? Simply fill the requirements and use what you can for a brighter future This will be used to fulfill your graduation requirement.

6 The College Essay The first assignment is the college essay. Why? most colleges require some personal essay the essay is what separates you from everyone else. It says “pick me”

7 Essay... cont’d This will be the first requirement We will be working on this in and out of class

8 Say something nice, please... Most colleges require recommendation letters.... who should I ask? In your portfolio you will have at least 3. Ask teachers, employers, coaches, etc.

9 When should I apply You should apply by December so you are not put on a wait list. College Fair visit at least three schools and ask questions. come back w/ apps for the school of your choice. Second requirement: Apply to three schools by December. For most colleges, the earlier the better

10 Career Day Not sure what you want to do with your life? On career day we will be taking the Kiersey Temperament Sorter which will lead you in the direction of careers most suited to you.

11 How do I pay for this? Hundreds of thousands of scholarships are available and as much goes unused every year. Ergo... you will be required to apply for at least 4 scholarships Guidance sends out multiple listings in the spring

12 Who is going to help me pay? Besides scholarships, Easton hosts a financial aid night. Students will be required to either go, or research the FAFSA online. no, we don’t want parental information, we just want you to be familiar with the forms.

13 Grant vs. Loan What is the difference? you find out and tell me

14 I don’t know which one to choose? Ahhh, but you will when you either visit a college or take a virtual tour After your visit, you will tell me all about it in a 250-400 word essay? discuss: likes, dislikes, population, dorm life, campus clubs, sports, etc.....

15 I’m just going to NCC, I don’t have to do this: The local community college follows the same process. Also, at some point you will be moving on to a four year school

16 I’m not going to college Well then, research the career in which you wish to pursue. Maybe it is a tech or trade school Maybe it is the military If you wish to stay at your job: what are the career advancements available?

17 What am I going to do with all of this? This will be the basis for your research paper required for your senior year. What can you do in this field? How much can you make? How can you advance? These are just a few of the many questions you will answer!!!!

18 What is the point of all this? So you have a file where everything that you need is available at your fingertips. When you leave you can take it with you and hopefully use it as a reference in the future.

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