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Published byEthelbert McKinney Modified over 9 years ago
1 Inteligenta Artificiala Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti Anul universitar 2006-2007 Adina Magda Florea
2 Curs nr. 13 Prelucrarea limbajului natural 2
3 Comunicare n Definitie: schimbul intentional de informatie generat de producerea si perceperea semnelor dintr-un sistem partajat de semne conventionale n Componentele comunicarii –intentie –generare –sinteza –perceptie –analiza –desambiguare –incorporare
4 Acte de comunicare n Teoria actelor de comunicare n locutie n ilocutie n prelocutie –asertive –directive –comisive –permisive –prohibitive –declarative –expresive Tipuri de agenti care comunica
5 Definire limbaj n Lexicon n Analiza lexicala n Gramatici n Analiza (pars oratoris) n Terminale, neterminale, reguli de rescriere n simbol de inceput n LHS RHS n Analza semantica n Analiza pragmatica
6 Lexicon Noun breeze | wumpus | ball Verb is | see | smell | hit Adjective right | left | smelly … Adverb here | there | ahead … Pronoun me | you | I | it RelPronoun that | who Name John | Mary Article the | a | an Preposition to | in | on Conjunction and | or | but
7 Gramatica n Neterminale – diferite categorii din propozitie –sentence S –noun phrase NP –verb phrase VP –prepositional phrase PP –relative clause RelClause
8 Exemplu S NP VP | S Conjunction S NP Pronoun | Noun | Article Noun | NP PP | NP RelClause VP Verb | VP NP | VP Adjective | VP PP | VP Adverb PP Preposition NP RelClause RelPronoun VP
9 Analiza sintactica –top-down parsing –bottom-up parsing –in adancime –pe nivel
10 Top-Down Parsing "John hit the ball" 1. S 2. S NP, VP 3. S Noun, VP 4. S John, Verb, NP 5. S John, hit, NP 6. S John, hit, Article, Noun 7. S John, hit, the, Noun 8. S John, hit, the, ball
11 Bottom-Up Parsing 1. John, hit, the, ball 2. Noun, hit, the, ball 3. Noun, Verb, the, ball 4. Noun, Verb, Article, ball 5. Noun, Verb, Article, Noun 6. NP, Verb, Article, Noun 7. NP, Verb, NP 8. NP, VP 9. S
12 Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) n Gramatici BNF - probleme n Utilizare LP n Gramatici cu clauze definite n DCG – gramatica; propozitie = clauza definita n neterminal = predicat de 1 argument n parsing = inferenta logica
13 In BNF S NP VP In LP NP(s 1 ) VP(s 2 ) S(Append(s 1, s 2 )) BNF Noun ball | book In LP (s = “ball” s = “book”) Noun(s)
BNF, DCG, Prolog BNFFOPLPROLOG S NP VP NP Noun Noun stench Noun wumpus VP Verb Verb smells Verb kills NP(s1) VP(s2) S(append(s1,s2)) Noun(s) NP(s) Verb(s) VP(s) (s = “stench” s = “wumpus”) Noun(s) (v = “smells” v = “kills”) Verb(v) sentence([S1, S2]) :- np(S1), vp(S2). np(S):- noun(S). vp(S):- verb(S). noun(stench). noun(wumpus). verb(smells). verb(kills). ?- sentence([wumpus, smells]). ?-sentence([S1, S2]).
15 Imbogatire DCG n Imbogatesc neterminale cu argumente suplimentare n Verifica corectitudinea gramaticala n Ataseseaza semantica n Adauga expresii / functii care se testeaza
16 Argument pt semantica DCGFOPL PROLOG S(sem) NP(sem1) VP(sem2) {compose(sem1, sem2, sem)} NP(s1, sem1) VP(s2, sem2) S(append(s1, s2)), compose(sem1, sem2, sem) slide urmator semantica compozitionala
The dog has legs.(caine parti picioare) The ball is yellow.(minge proprietate galbena) The ball is red.(mine proprietate rosie) The dog bites.(caine actiune musca) sentence(S, Sem) :- np(S1, Sem1), vp(S2, Sem2), append(S1, S2, S), Sem = [Sem1 | Sem2]. np([S1, S2], Sem) :- article(S1), noun(S2, Sem). vp([S], Sem) :- verb(S, Sem1), Sem = [actiune, Sem1]. vp([S1, S2], Sem) :- verb(S1,_), adjective(S2, Sem1), Sem = [proprietate, Sem1]. vp([S1, S2], Sem) :- verb(S1,_), noun(S2, Sem1), Sem = [parti, Sem1]. noun(dog,caine). noun(ball,ball). noun(legs,picioare). verb(bytes,musca). verb(is,este). verb(has,are). adjective(yellow,galbena). adjective(red,rosie). ?- sentence([the,ball,is,yellow],Sem). Sem = [minge, proprietate, galbena] Yes ?- sentence([the,dog,bytes],Sem). Sem = [caine, actiune, musca] Yes ?- sentence([is,dog,bytes],Sem). No ?- sentence([the,dog,has,legs],Sem). Sem = [caine, parti, picioare] Yes
18 Verificare corectitudine gramaticala n cazuri n subcategorii verbe: complementul pe care il poate accepta un verb n acord subiect predicat n etc. n Parametrizarea neterminalelor
Cazuri Nominativ (subjective) I take the busEu iau autobuzul You take the busTu iei autobuzul He takes the busEl ia autobuzul Acuzativ (objective) He gives me the bookImi da cartea S NP(Subjective) VP NP(case) Pronoun (case) | Noun | Article Noun //I VP VP NP(Objective)//believe him VP VP PP// turn to the right VP VP Adjective VP Verb PP Preposition NP(Objective) Pronoun(Subjective) I | you | he | she Pronoun(Objective) me | you | him | her
20 sentence(S) :- np(S1,subjective), vp(S2), append(S1, S2, S). np([S], Case) :- pronoun(S, Case). np([S], _ ) :- noun(S). np([S1, S2], _ ) :- article(S1), noun(S2). pronoun(i, subjective). pronoun(you, _ ). pronoun(he, subjective). pronoun(she, subjective). pronoun(me, objective). pronoun(him, objective). pronoun(her, objective). noun(ball). noun(stick). article(a). article(the).
21 Subcategorii verbe n Lista de subcategorii: ce complemente accepta verbul n depinde de verb n S NP(Subjective) VP(subcat) dar cazuri in care nu depinde n VP(subcat) VP(subcat) PP n | VP(subcat) Adverb I smell the wumpus now
VP(subcat) {subcat = np} VP(np) NP(Objective) | {subcat = adj} VP(adj) Adjective | {subcat = pp} VP (pp) PP | Verb smell[NP]smell a wumpus [Adjective]smell awfull [PP]smell like a wumpus is[Adjective]is smelly [PP]is in box [NP]is a pit give[NP, PP]give the gold in box to me [NP, NP]give me the gold died[]died
S NP(Subjective) VP(subcat) NP(case) Pronoun (case) | Noun | Article Noun Pronoun(Subjective) I | you | he | she Pronoun(Objective) me | you | him | her VP(subcat) {subcat = np} VP(np) NP(Objective) | {subcat = adj} VP(adj) Adjective | {subcat = pp} VP (pp) PP | Verb | VP(subcat) PP | VP(subcat) Adverb
VP(subcat) {subcat = np} VP(np) NP(Objective) | {subcat = adj} VP(adj) Adjective | {subcat = pp} VP (pp) PP | Verb | VP(subcat) PP | VP(subcat) Adverb sentence(S) :- np(S1,subjective), vp(S2, Subcat), append(S1, S2, S). VP(subcat) VP(subcat) … !!! vp(S, Subcat) :- Subcat = np, vp1(S1, np),np(S2, objective), append(S1, S2, S). vp(S,Subcat) :- vp1(S1, Subcat), pp(S2), append(S1, S2, S). vp1([S],np):-verb(S). verb(give). verb(make).
25 Analiza pragmatica n Analiza semantica n Desambiguare n Interpretare pragmatica – utilizare si efect asupra ascultatorului n Indexical – refera situatia curenta n Anafora – refera obiecte deja mentionate
26 Ambiguitate n Lexicala – acelasi cuvant diverse intelesuri n Sintactica – arbori diferiti de analiza n Referentiala – referire la obiecte anerioare n Pragmatica – referire la loc, timp
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