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Status of National Effort to Enhance Road Safety in Ethiopia Presented by National Road Safety Coordinating Office 9 th Meeting of the UNRSC, 17-18 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of National Effort to Enhance Road Safety in Ethiopia Presented by National Road Safety Coordinating Office 9 th Meeting of the UNRSC, 17-18 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of National Effort to Enhance Road Safety in Ethiopia Presented by National Road Safety Coordinating Office 9 th Meeting of the UNRSC, 17-18 November 2008

2 Highlights of Road Traffic Accident In Ethiopia In Year 2007/08 2,160 people died due to road accident 8,958 people were injured Fatality per 10,000 vehicles is 80 Fatality per 100,000 population is 2.7

3 Baseline




7 Main Risk Factors for Road Traffic Injuries in Ethiopia



10 Specific interventions implemented in Ethiopia

11 1.Strengthened drivers training, testing and licensing 2.Defensive driving training for professional drivers 3.Strengthened road safety responsibilities in transport associations and organizations 4.Freight vehicles for passenger transport controlled 5.Strengthened vehicle inspection and spot checking 1.National and Regional Road Safety Coordination 2.Local Level Road Safety Coordination 1.Awareness training in targeted traffic control 2.Targeted traffic control implemented in pilot areas 3.Accident data collection and reporting system Implemented Road Safety Coordination Implemented Drivers Licensing and Vehicle Inspection Traffic Law Enforcement

12 1.Legal provisions relevant to traffic safety 2.Mandatory 3rd party vehicle insurance law 1.Traffic safety education for children 2.Mass media road safety campaign 3.Community road safety campaigns 1.Emergency medical service in Addis Ababa and regions Implemented Road Safety Engineering Measures 1.Road safety audit units in roads authorities 2.Studies of hazardous road locations 3.Road safety measures at hazardous locations Strengthened Legal Provisions Implemented Road Safety Education and Publicity Implemented Emergency Medical System



15 Accident severity May to September 2006 compared to same period of 2005 2005 2006 Reduction in % Death8444-47.6 Serious injury5927-54.2 Light injury2511-56.0 Property damage 168110-34.5 Total accidents336192-42.9 Targeted traffic law enforcement result in East Shewa zone



18 The way forward 1.Establish the transport management and road safety training institution for sustained capacity building at federal and regional levels 2.Strengthen traffic control to enforce speed limit and drink driving laws 3.Expand the Accident data system improvement 3. Strengthen the good practices obtained in previous community awareness creation effort 4. Strengthen the children road safety education. 5. Strengthen the ongoing mass media campaigns. 7. Strengthen the road safety efforts in transport associations and organizations 8. Strengthen road safety audit and measures 9. Support Emergency Medical Service improvement efforts of the Ministry Of Health


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