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Sub-Theme 2 Modernization and Transformation of China Chapter 3 Early Attempts in Modernization Topic 1: Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government.

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2 Sub-Theme 2 Modernization and Transformation of China Chapter 3 Early Attempts in Modernization Topic 1: Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government

3 The Northern Expedition was completed1928 The Nanjing government was established1927 Jiang Jieshi led the Guomingdong to start the Northern Expedition1926 Sun Yixian died1925 The Huangpu Military Academy was established in Guangzhou1919EventsYear The establishment of the Nanjing government Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government

4  The Nanjing government struggled to carry out Sun’s legacy of national reconstruction. A modernization programme was begun. The division of government power Under the guidelines laid down by Sun, the government duties were carried out by the five ‘yuans’: The Executive Yuan → central administration The Legislative Yuan → making law The Judicial Yuan → interpreting law and order The Examination Yuan → administered government examination and civil service ratings The Control Yuan → supervised government operations Background The attempts in modernization

5 Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government The improvement in communications The Ministry of Railways was established in 1928 The ferry system at Nanjing was developed Modern airlines were initiated The postal service and telecommunications were much improved and expanded The industrial progress Great progress in light industries such as cotton weaving, flour production, matches, cement and chemical manufacturing Total importation of industrial equipment reached $500 million

6 Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government The increase in universities and colleges The Ministry of Education reorganized a large number of universities and colleges Extended subsidies to private institutions of higher education Secondary education also experienced immense growth The introduction of new currencies The substitution of the silver dollar for the tael The introduction of paper currency In 1935, silver was nationalized and the new paper currency issued by the four national banks was introduced

7 Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government The tariff autonomy In 1928, the Nanjing government announced to replace expired treaties and agreements with foreign powers Many countries successively entered into equal and friendly tariff agreements with China Later, the powers further agreed in principle to give up their extraterritorial rights in China The abolition of unequal treaties Succeeded in abolishing a number of foreign concessions: British: Hankow, Weihai and Xiamen Belgian: Tianjin In 1943, the United States and Britain abolished all unequal treaties with China

8 Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government The launching of the New Life Movement Started in 1934, to promote a spiritual awakening among the Chinese Stressed promptness, truthfulness, courtesy, loyalty, hygiene, devotion to public service Stressed the Chinese traditional virtues Related activities: military training and military instruction at schools

9 Attempts in Modernization of the Nanjing Government The failures of the modernization of the Nanjing government Problems of landlordism remained The government relied too much on the support of the warlords, the generals, the officials, the merchants, the traders and the moneylenders They were not anxious for any radical socio-economic reform The standard of living remained low for most people Little progress in democracy There were no general elections Positions in the government were monopolized by Jiang’s rich friends and a small sector of the community Being criticized as ‘strong only on the outside but weak on the inside’

10 The End

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