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Democratic Republic of the Congo By: Simrin Jhangiani.

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1 Democratic Republic of the Congo By: Simrin Jhangiani

2 Location of DRC

3 Imperial Ruler and Reason of Conquest Belgium was imperial ruler Were in control from 1901 – 1962 Reasons for conquest: -Henry M. Stanley went in search of Dr. Livingston -Came back raving about DRC -Sent back to prepare for imperialistic rule Good resources such as rubber and ivory Labor could be extorted from natives

4 Positive Effects of Imperialism Short Term Economy improved People worked harder Amount of trade increased Long Term Congolese realized how rich in resources they were Use resources to their advantage

5 Negative Effects of Imperialism Short Term Forced labor Congolese were tortured or worked to death Outcry around the world Rights were taken away People lived in bad condition such as slums Long Term No leaders were truly able to gain support of people No stable government Corrupt

6 Independence DRP gained independence on the 30 th June 1960 King Leopold was forced to give up rule to Belgian government Government decided to give political power to people Confident that they would gain it back People of DRP fought against giving it back Joseph Kasavubu and Patrick Lumumba

7 Important Leader for Independence Patric Lumumba Able to lead people of DRP Taught them that they could rebel and re-gain their rights People began to riot Riots between 4 th and 7 th January, 1959 and 31 st October 1959

8 Important Leader for Independence Continued Belgian government realized they could not keep control Rising demands for independence Round Table Conference in Brussels 18 th January 1960 On 27 th January 1960, Belgian and Congolese rulers decided to grant Congolese independence on 30 th June, 1960 Lumumba named vice president of Belgian Congo Later renamed “Democratic Republic of the Congo”

9 Economic Results of Imperialism More trading More awareness of resources But, people worked longer hours

10 Social Situation After Imperialism Congolese were treated horribly during the time of King Leopold Tortured and worked ridiculously long hours Slowly caused people to lose respect for each other People became more separated by language and culture Cause civil wars Women were treated horribly and given no respect Children were not able to have a proper education Social hierarchy exists

11 Political Results of Imperialism Lack of trust in government People still wanted freedom A lot of corruption Political leaders were not able to truly direct people and improve the country

12 Negative Role of Imperialism Before imperialism, people were treated better Socially, politically and economically, country was not really improved Belgian rulers were not a positive influence Economy has fallen heavily since imperialism as people weren’t truly taught how to keep it steady No mutual respect No education Corruption

13 Negative Role of Imperialism Continued.. Not as forward thinking Country might have slightly less improved infrastructure Happier people Leaders could be in control People might have been able to realize importance of resources Use resources and man power positively

14 Works Cited "Belgium's imperialist rape of Africa."World Socialist Web Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2012.. "Imperialism: The Belgian Congo « Welcome to the Congo." Welcome to the Congo. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2012.. "Mass crimes against humanity and genocidein the Congo Free State."THE CONGO FREE STATE GENOCIDE: CIRCA 1895 TO 1912. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2012. < Nolan, Stuart. "Belgium's imperialist rape of Africa." World Socialist Web Site. N.p., 9 June 1999. Web. 27 Apr. 2012.. Oak Ridge Staff. "ORHS Home Page." Imperialism in Congo. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2012.. "The Belgian Scramble." Belgian Imperialism in Africa. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2012. < "The World Factbook." AFRICA :: CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE. CIA, 13 Apr. 2012. Web. 27 Apr. 2012..

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