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Established by the European Commission The European Research Council © Art & Build Architect / Montois Partners / credits: S. Brison ERC and Belgium │

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Presentation on theme: "Established by the European Commission The European Research Council © Art & Build Architect / Montois Partners / credits: S. Brison ERC and Belgium │"— Presentation transcript:

1 Established by the European Commission The European Research Council © Art & Build Architect / Montois Partners / credits: S. Brison ERC and Belgium │ 1

2 Established by the European Commission ERC in the H2020 Structure  The HORIZON 2020 main components:  Excellent Science  World class science is foundation of technologies, jobs, well-being  Europe needs to develop, attract, retain research talent  Researchers need access to the best infrastructures  Industrial leadership  Societal challenges  Excellent Science:  European Research Council (budget under H2020: € 13 billion)  Future and Emerging Technologies  Marie Skłodoswka Curie Actions  Research Infrastructures │ 2

3 Established by the European Commission ERC H2020 Budget ERC Budget € 13 billion │ 3

4 Established by the European Commission  Support for the individual scientist – no networks!  Global peer-review  No predetermined subjects (bottom-up)  Support of frontier research in all fields of science and humanities The ERC supports excellence in frontier research through a bottom-up, individual-based, pan-European competition │ 2 ERC’s mission Legislation Strategy  Scientific governance: independent Scientific Council with 22 members including the ERC President; full authority over funding strategy  Support by the ERC Executive Agency (autonomous)  Excellence as the only criterion Budget: € 13 billion (2014-2020) - 1.9 billion €/year € 7.5 billion (2007-2013) - 1.1 billion €/year │ 4

5 Established by the European Commission ERC offers independence, recognition & visibility to work on a research topic of own choice, with a team of own choice to gain true financial autonomy for 5 years to negotiate with the host institution the best conditions of work to attract top team members (EU and non-EU) and collaborators to move with the grant to any place in Europe if necessary (portability of grants) to attract additional funding and gain recognition; ERC is a quality label │ 5 Creative Freedom to Individual Grantee │ 5

6 Established by the European Commission │ 6 ERC ACHIEVEMENTS

7 Established by the European Commission │ 7 Data as of 12/01/2015 FP7 ERC Calls │ 7

8 Established by the European Commission After 8 Years of Existence… A Success Story  Highly competitive (overall success rate tending to 10%)  Over 4 300 top researchers funded during FP7 (2007-2013)  66 nationalities represented; Working in almost 600 different institutions in 32 countries  50% of grantees in 50 institutions : “Excellence attracts excellence”  30 000 publications acknowledging ERC support by September 2014  7% of these publications were in the top 1% most cited in their scientific field and year of publication  Benchmarking effect: impact on national programmes and agencies; national funding for best "runners-up" │ 8

9 Established by the European Commission │ 9 May-Britt Moser ERC Grantee AdG 2010 The Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 2014 was awarded to May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser, together with John O'Keefe, "for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain”. Edvard Moser ERC Grantee AdG 2013 ERC Grantee AdG 2008 The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2014 was awarded to Jean Tirole "for his analysis of market power and regulation". Jean Tirole ERC Grantee AdG 2009 Two of the Fields Medals 2014 awarded to researchers based in Europe: Artur Avila "for his work in dynamical systems” and to Martin Hairer “for his work on stochastic singularities”. Artur Avila ERC Grantee StG 2010 Martin Hairer ERC Grantee CoG 2014 2014 Distinctions to ERC Grantees

10 Established by the European Commission │ 10 ERC AND BELGIUM (FP7)

11 Established by the European Commission FP7 - Success Rates Per Country of Host Institution *) First legal signatories of the first grant agreement taken into account │ 11

12 Established by the European Commission │ 12 FP7 ERC calls Success Rate by Type of Grant

13 Established by the European Commission │ 13 SUCCESSAdGStG/CoGALL LS0,150,110,12 PE0,150,120,13 SH0,080,110,10 ALL0,130,110,12 FUNDEDAdGStG/CoGALL LS153752 PE174865 SH62733 ALL38112150 APPAdGStG/CoGALL LS99325424 PE114405519 SH74251325 ALL2879811268 FP7 ERC calls: Belgium Success Rate by Type of Grant & Field

14 Established by the European Commission │ 14 FP7 ERC calls Host Institutions in Belgium Current host institutions; data as of 12/01/2015

15 Established by the European Commission │ 15 FP7 Mobility of Researchers Current host institutions; data as of 12/01/2015 128 PIs with Belgian nationality in Belgium 22 foreign researchers in BE: IT(5), NL(4), FR(3) … 55 Belgian PIs abroad in NL(15), FR(11), UK(10), CH(8) etc.

16 Established by the European Commission │ 16 FP7 PoC Grants by Country of HI 7 ERC FP7 PoC grants in Belgium

17 Established by the European Commission │ 17 * Number of instances that experts of a certain country of origin are contributing to the ERC peer review FP7 ERC Panel Members by Country of HI and Gender Averaged over the first 13 ERC calls 26% of the ERC panel members were women

18 Established by the European Commission More information on National Contact Point in your country Follow us on │ 18 EuropeanResearchCouncil ERC_Research The European Research Council

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