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Answer the following questions: In English, what kinds of ways can you use nouns in a sentence? What are 3 professions that have a word for men that is.

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Presentation on theme: "Answer the following questions: In English, what kinds of ways can you use nouns in a sentence? What are 3 professions that have a word for men that is."— Presentation transcript:


2 Answer the following questions: In English, what kinds of ways can you use nouns in a sentence? What are 3 professions that have a word for men that is different from the word for women in the same profession?

3 Students will know and understand: I. The caput 2 part 1 vocabulary. II. The noun cases. III. Noun gender.

4 Fāma, fāmae-f.: rumor, report; fame, reputation (famous, defame, infamy) Fōrma, fōrmae-f: form, shape; beauty (formal, format, formula, formless, deform, inform) Fortūna, fortūnae-f: fortune, luck (fortunate, misfortune, unfortunate) Īra, īrae-f: ire, anger (irate, irascible) Nauta, nautae-m: sailor (nautical, nautilus, argonaut, astronaut) Patria, patriae-f: fatherland, native land (one’s) country (patriotic, expatriate, repatriate) Pecūnia, pecūniae-f: money (pecuniary, impecunious) Philosophia, philosophiae-f: philosophy (philosophy) Poena, poenae-f: penalty, punishment (penal, penalize, penalty, pain, subpoena) Poenas dare: to pay the penalty Poēta, poētae-m: poet (poetry, poetic ) Porta, portae-f: gate, entrance (portal, portico, porch, porthole ) Puella, puellae-f: girl

5 Latin uses endings to indicate the job of a noun in a sentence and we call the jobs cases. Nominative case-Subject noun or predicate nominative Genitive case-Shows possession Dative case-Indirect object, indicated by the prepositions to and for Accusative case- Direct object, sometimes the object of the preposition Ablative case-Object of the preposition Vocative case-Interjection or direct address

6 Like in English, Latin has 3 genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter (neutral). In most cases, the gender of a noun is not logical. Mensa-table f. Murus-wall m. Donum-gift n. Almost all 1 st declension nouns are feminine. Poeta-m.Nauta-m.Agricola-m.


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