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Recognition of the geology qualification Pieter Laga Belgian Luxemburg Union of Geologists Geological Survey of Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "Recognition of the geology qualification Pieter Laga Belgian Luxemburg Union of Geologists Geological Survey of Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognition of the geology qualification Pieter Laga Belgian Luxemburg Union of Geologists Geological Survey of Belgium

2 Content Being a geologist in Belgium Employment in the Sixties Employment in the Nineties Employment Today Lessons from the past, prospects for the future

3 Being a Geologist in Belgium Geologist: lack of official recognition Geologist: university degrees Master PhD engineer geologist

4 Employment in the Sixties Inflow: 20-25 graduates each year 5 universities Specialities: ‘traditional’ Research: paleontology & stratigraphy Applied: metallogeny

5 Employment in the Nineties Inflow: 25-30 graduates each year 6 universities (50% from 2 universities) Employment: 8% unemployed 14% employed in other sectors

6 Employment in the Nineties

7 Employment Today How many are we? Inflow: 50-60 graduates each year 4 universities Estimate: 1000 geologists in Belgium (1 geologist for every 10000 citizens) A new survey is being prepared

8 Employment Today New job opportunities Hydrogeologist Environmental geologist Cartography Geological Survey: Still largest team of geologists (25 geologists of which 50% permanent staff)

9 Employment Today Employment of Women Clear evolution: In Nineties: 12% of geologists were women Today: ~50% of new graduates are women New survey: Gender equality in employment?

10 Lessons from the Past, Prospects for the Future Number of graduates has doubled, but Belgium remains geologist-poor Employment strongly guided by legislation (cf. environmental sector) Traditional specialisations largely disappeared (revival in ore geology?) Employment in private sector is on the rise


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