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Master on Logistics and Supply Chain Management 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Third Meeting Magdeburg 4-5 March 2008 Otto-von-Guericke University.

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Presentation on theme: "Master on Logistics and Supply Chain Management 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Third Meeting Magdeburg 4-5 March 2008 Otto-von-Guericke University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Master on Logistics and Supply Chain Management 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Third Meeting Magdeburg 4-5 March 2008 Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, building 10

2 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda Welcome & Coffee Minutes of second meeting in Linköping Information from CD Coordinators meeting in Brussels Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Informal Lunch (12:30h) Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Report of the administration meeting (16:20) Next Meeting: actions arising AOB

3 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Short term actions arising from Meeting 1 Action DescriptionInstitutionLeader Activities M-UAB-A1 Design of curriculum structure. Proposal for Linköping meeting. LIUJO Outcome for PREP-1-A: PR01. Report collecting all data components and Local data discussion concerning local programmes including specialization courses to be delivered at each University during the master second year. Background: academic presentations at the first meeting.PR01academic presentations M-UAB-A2 LSCM Web design. Proposal for Linköping meeting. UABJR The proposal of the LSCM Web map and content organization will be presented at the meeting. M-UAB-A3 Admission procedures. Information gathering for Linköping meeting. AllAB Outcome for PREP-3-B: PR01.PR01 Analysis of the situation at each country regarding the admission procedures and requirements. Ask all partners for the elaboration a document describing situation at each country. Background: administration presentations at first meeting.elaboration a document administration presentations M-UAB-A4 Preparation for Erasmus Mundus call. UABJR The preparation of the proposal starts in order to apply next call 2008 M-UAB-A1 : progress report available at M-UAB-A2 : next slide M-UAB-A3 : no significant advance since Barcelona’s meeting M-UAB-A4 : deferred, new call is expected for Autumn, 2008

4 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP LSCM Web design status Contracting the domains is in progress:   Development and hosting subcontractor has been contacted Design meeting is scheduled for the following days

5 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Project Management and Budget actions arising from Meeting 1 Action DescriptionInstitutionLeader Activities MNGT-A1 Elaboration of the partner bilateral agreements. AllJR An agreement proposal is provided. This agreement proposal could be adapted if needed.agreement proposal MNGT-A2Staff Cost justificationAllJR Each partner has to ask the corresponding local administrative for the staff justification. An example is provided.example Urgent: all the pending agreements must be sent. UAB will print, sign and deliver to the partners 5980,42 €

6 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda Welcome & Coffee Minutes of second meeting in Linköping Information from CD Coordinators meeting in Brussels Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Informal Lunch (12:30h) Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Report of the administration meeting (16:20) Next Meeting: actions arising AOB

7 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda Welcome & Coffee Minutes of second meeting in Linköping Information from CD Coordinators meeting in Brussels Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Informal Lunch (12:30h) Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Report of the administration meeting (16:20) Next Meeting: actions arising AOB


9 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Mid term actions arising from Meeting 1 ActionDescriptionInstitutionLeader Activities M-UAB-A5 Course content outline. Proposal for Magdeburg meeting. AllJO Outcome for PREP-1-C: PR01, PR04PR01PR04 Design of course structure and elaboration of Documents describing:  Definition of skill and learning outcomes.  Course content outline. M-UAB-A6 LSCM Web development. Web available for Magdeburg meeting. UABJR A first version of the LSCM Web site will be presented at the meeting. M-UAB-A7 Admission procedures. Proposal for Magdeburg meeting. AllAB Outcome for PREP-3-C: PR01.PR01 Joint decision about the admission criteria, requirements and procedures. Elaboration of the Document (published at web) reporting the admission criteria, requirement and procedure as well as enrolment procedure and tuition fees when they become avalaible. Background: action M-UAB-A3. M-UAB-A8 QPLN: Quality And Evaluation Plan. Proposal draft for Magdeburg meeting. UMDGN Outcome for QPLN-A: PR01.PR01 1) Elaboration of the quality document according to the standards and guidelines defined by ENQA.standards and guidelines 2) Definition of Information Systems for collecting, analyse & publicise the relevant information about the programme quality assurance.

10 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP PR EP-1: PREPARATION AND DESIGN OF THE LSCM CURRICULUM Data gathering and distribution among partners (PREP- 1-A). Steering committee discussions at meeting in Sweden. (PREP-1-B). Design of course structure and course content outline (PREP-1-C). Finalisation of courses design at meeting in Magdeburg (PREP-1-D). Course content design: local meetings with the curriculum responsible (PREP-1-E). Assessment of curriculum work at meeting in Latvia (PREP-1- F) Elaboration of pedagogical material for learners: Development of case-study tools for virtual benchmarking (PREP-1-G). Elaboration of Material for teaching staff (PREP-1-H).

11 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP PR EP-1: PREPARATION AND DESIGN OF THE LSCM CURRICULUM ActivityLead1 st year2 nd year PREP-1-ALIU PREP-1-BLIU PREP-1-CLIU PREP-1-DMAD PREP-1-ELIU PREP-1-FRTU PREP-1-GUAB PREP-1-HUAB Design of curriculumstructure PREP-1B + PREP-1C Agreement on curriculum structure PREP-1C + PREP-1D Course content outlinePREP-1C EM due date Course content design Assessment on Curriculum work (Riga) PREP-1C + PREP-1D + PREP-1F Moved before summer

12 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP LSCM: The system LSCM Educational Needs  LSCM Joint Msc. Programme -Topics - Materials -e-Learning LSCM Competences & Learning Outcomes  Alumni LSCM Joint Master Delivery Internal Quality Assessment  External Quality Assessment  Professional Sector Prospective Student Profile Admission Requirements

13 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP LSCM: The system LSCM Educational Needs  LSCM Joint Msc. Programme -Topics - Materials -e-Learning LSCM Competences & Learning Outcomes  Semester Structure:  Common semesters: 1st & 2nd  Specialization semesters: 3rd & 4th Who and where ?  Student mobility: 2nd  3rd  Staff mobility: 1st & 2nd Semester Structure:  Common semesters: 1st & 2nd  Specialization semesters: 3rd & 4th Who and where ?  Student mobility: 2nd  3rd  Staff mobility: 1st & 2nd

14 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Semester structure: the proposal Manufacturing Transport Supply Chain CORE Manuf. CORE Trans. CORE SCM Fundamental CORE Trans. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

15 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Who & Where (proposal)  {C,D,E,F} A B A B C D E F Year 1 Year 2 30 st 10 st 30 st Up to 60 st Mobility

16 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP What

17 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Modules for the first year

18 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Distribution of second year focus areas UniversityMfg logTrspt logSCMSpecific focus UABX? RTUXXXLogistics Information Systems UMDXX? MULXX(Warehousing) LIUXXOperations Management * USGX? * the specialization can be called ”Manufacturing logistics and supply chain management”

19 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP LSCM: The system LSCM Educational Needs  LSCM Joint Msc. Programme -Topics - Materials -e-Learning LSCM Competences & Learning Outcomes  LSCM Competencies and Outcomes:  Generic  Specific Course outline:  Basic knowledge  Foundamentals  Core specializations LSCM Competencies and Outcomes:  Generic  Specific Course outline:  Basic knowledge  Foundamentals  Core specializations

20 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP LSCM: The system LSCM Educational Needs  LSCM Joint Msc. Programme -Topics - Materials -e-Learning LSCM Competences & Learning Outcomes  Competences:  Knowledge: to know …  Procedures: to know how to …  Attitudes Learning Outcomes:  Understanding  Demonstrate knowledge  Show (analytical) abilities and skills Competences:  Knowledge: to know …  Procedures: to know how to …  Attitudes Learning Outcomes:  Understanding  Demonstrate knowledge  Show (analytical) abilities and skills

21 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Tuning: Learning outcomes & Competences Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of learning. They can refer to a single course unit or module or else to a period of studies, for example, a first or a second cycle programme. Learning outcomes specify the requirements for award of credit. Competences represent a dynamic combination of knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities. Fostering competences is the object of educational programmes. Competences will be formed in various course units and assessed at different stages.

22 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Tuning: Generic Competences Instrumental competences: cognitive abilities, methodological abilities, technological abilities and linguistic abilities; Interpersonal competences: individual abilities like social skills (social interaction and co-operation); Systemic competences: abilities and skills concerning whole systems (combination of understanding, sensibility and knowledge; prior acquisition of instrumental and interpersonal competences required).

23 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Tuning: Specific Competences Ability to analyse and structure a problem of an enterprise and design a solution (i.e. entering a new market) Audit an organisation and design consultancy plans (i.e. tax law, investment, case studies, project work) Define criteria according to which an enterprise is defined and link the results with the analysis of the environment to identify perspectives (i.e. SWOT, internal and external value chain) Identify and operate adequate software. Design and implement information systems Identify and use adequate tools (i.e. market research, statistical analysis, comparative ratios) Identify related issues such as culture and ethics and understand their impact on business organisations …

24 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Discussion

25 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda Welcome & Coffee Minutes of second meeting in Linköping Information from CD Coordinators meeting in Brussels Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Informal Lunch (12:30h) Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Report of the administration meeting (16:20) Next Meeting: actions arising AOB

26 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda Welcome & Coffee Minutes of second meeting in Linköping Information from CD Coordinators meeting in Brussels Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Informal Lunch (12:30h) Academic session (room 250)  1st year: Course content outline.  2nd year: definition of working groups Administration Session (room 254) Report of the administration meeting (16:20) Next Meeting: actions arising AOB

27 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Course Content Outline

28 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Module Information 1/2 General Information of the Module  Title  Code  Type (Mandatory/Elective)  Level (MSc)  Year  Semester  ECTS  Prerequisites  Language of Instruction  Coordinator and Lecturing Team

29 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Module Information 2/2 Objectives of the Module  Learning Outcomes  Competences to be acquired Module Contents Teaching Methods Assessment Methods Recommended readings

30 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda Welcome & Coffee Minutes of second meeting in Linköping Information from CD Coordinators meeting in Brussels Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Informal Lunch (12:30h) Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Report of the administration meeting (16:20) Next Meeting: actions arising AOB

31 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Report of the administration meeting Admission procedures Admission requirements (administrative issues)  For each partner complete forms at Transcript holder/s and degree and diploma supplement issue Professors and students mobility programmes: external financing Master price calculation methodology  Report elaboration

32 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda Welcome & Coffee Minutes of second meeting in Linköping Information from CD Coordinators meeting in Brussels Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Informal Lunch (12:30h) Academic session (room 250) Administration Session (room 254) Report of the administration meeting (16:20) Next Meeting: actions arising AOB

33 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Next Meeting: actions arising Master Course definition:  Learning outcomes  Competences  Course content Preparation of the LSCM Consortium:  Cooperation agreement  Information Package - Course Catalogue  Procedures and Guidelines  Financial Endorsement

34 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Discussion PROPOSAL Agreements:  Master course definition:  All partners provide support  LIU coordinates and follows up  Preparation of the LSCM Consortium:  UAB elaborates the proposal  All partners submit the proposal to their respective Academic Authorities PROPOSAL Agreements:  Master course definition:  All partners provide support  LIU coordinates and follows up  Preparation of the LSCM Consortium:  UAB elaborates the proposal  All partners submit the proposal to their respective Academic Authorities

35 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP Agenda (second day) Welcome & Coffee Quality and Evaluation Plan End of the meeting Informal Lunch

36 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP QPLN: QUALITY AND EVALUATION PLAN This work package is aimed at the definition of the internal and external evaluation mechanisms for quality assurance. The following measures will be taken to monitor and evaluate the project progress: Definition of the internal Monitoring Committee and Quality Assurance procedures (QPLN-A). External quality processes: Advice and evaluation by an independent Advisory Committee integrated by expert practitioners within the discipline during the project development. Subcontracting fees have been included at the budget for this purpose. (QPLN-B). Quality Assessment. In addition to internal and external committees, students of the various partner institutions will be also included at different stages in the analysis and evaluation of the outputs to be achieved (QPLN-C).

37 LSCM 134522-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP QPLN: QUALITY AND EVALUATION PLAN ActivityLead1 st year2 nd year QPLN-AUMD QPLN-BUMD QPLN-CUMD Quality Internal+External Procedures Proposal QLPN-A EM due date

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