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1 Registration – Class of 2011-2013

2 4 Credits English 3 Credits Math 3 Credits Social Studies 3 Credits Science 1 Credit Arts & Humanities ½ Credit Health ½ Credit Physical Education 11 Credits Electives 26 Total Credits Minimum Graduation Requirements

3 In addition to minimum graduation requirements: ◦ 2 years of the same foreign language ◦ “rigorous” electives Pre – College Curriculum

4  AP English III – Language & Composition  AP English IV – Literature & Composition  AP Calculus  AP Biology  AP Chemistry  AP Environmental Science*  AP Human Geography  AP European History/World Civilization  AP US History  AP French*  AP Studio Art * only two trimesters 11 AP Classes 2010-2011

5  English 101 (Both 101 & 102 will take place of English III or IV- must be taken in same school year to substitute)  English 102  European History 104 & 105  College Algebra Math 109  Precalculus Math 160  Business Math 105 (will not transfer to 4 year university)  Technical Math 115 (will not transfer to 4 year university)  Contemporary College Math 145 (will transfer to WKU) (All Dual Credit Courses require a minimum ACT or Compass score-- found in the course description guide) **Will not transfer to Centre, Tranys., and some out-of-state universities. Check with Mr. Meredith. ECTC Dual Credit Classes 2010-2011

6 AP ◦ Most are 3 trimesters ◦ Pay and pass exam to get college credit ◦ Very rigorous (Mixture of many college courses in one) ◦ Credit excepted nationwide ◦ Weighted GPA= More KEES $ Dual Credit ◦ All are 1 trimester ◦ Meet ACT/Compass requirements, pay tuition, and pass course to receive college credit ◦ Entry-level college course ◦ Credit may not be transferable to all colleges ◦ No weighted GPA

7 4 Credits ENGLISH English 180 A/B or English I A/B English 2 A/B or Honors English 2 A/B English 3 A/B or Honors English 3 A/B or AP English 3 A/B/C or English 101/102 English 4 A/B or Honors English 4 A/B or AP English 4 A/B/C or English 101/102 3 Credits MATH Algebra I A/B or Honors Geometry 9 A/B Geometry A/B or Honors Geometry A/B Algebra II A/B or Honors Algebra II A/B math elective (Class of 2012 and beyond) (a math course must be taken each year of high school) GCHS Graduation Requirements

8 Standard:Pre-College/Advanced: Algebra I Honors Algebra I Geometry Honors Geometry Algebra II Honors Algebra II Senior Math Precalculus AP Calculus Math Progression

9 3 Credits SOCIAL STUDIES Integrated Social Studies A/B World Civilization A/B or AP European History A/B/C US History A/B or AP US History A/B/C 3 Credits SCIENCE Integrated Science A/B Biology A/B or Honors Biology A/B Chemistry A/B or Honors Chemistry A/B (a science course must be taken through the junior year) 1 Credit ARTS & HUMANITIES (grade 10, 11, or 12) ½ Credit PHYSICAL EDUCATION I (grade 9) ½ Credit HEALTH (grade 9) 11 Credits ELECTIVES 26 TOTAL CREDITS Graduation Requirements (cont.)

10  12 weeks (3)  65-70 minute classes  3X5 Schedule

11 Trimester 1Trimester 2Trimester 3 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th

12 Term 1Term 2Term 3 English 2AGeometry AGeometry B ElectiveBiology ABiology B World Civ. AEnglish 2BElective World Civ BElective Band 10 th Grade Music Schedule

13 Term 1Term 2Term 3 AP English 3AAP English 3BAP English 3C Spanish II AHonors Chemistry AHonors Chemistry B AP US History AAP US History BAP US History C Precalulus APrecalculus BArts & Humanities B Arts & Humanities ASpanish II BElective 11 th Grade AP Schedule

14 Term 1Term 2Term 3 English 2AGeometry AGeometry B Welding 110Biology ABiology B World Civ. AEnglish 2BCarpentry 141 Carpentry 140World Civ BBrake Systems Lab Brake SystemsWelding 111Precision Measurement 10 th Grade Vo-Tech Schedule

15 FreshmanSophomore English 1A/B1English 2 A/B1 Algebra I A/B1GeometryA/B1 Int. Soc. Studies A/B1World Civilization A/B1 Integrated Science A/B1 Biology A/B1 Health/PE1 Electives-73.5 Electives-52.5 JuniorSenior English 3 A/B1English 4 A/B1 Algebra II A/B1Math Elective.5 US History A/B1Electives-126 Chemistry I A/B1 Arts & Humanities A/B1 Electives-52.5 4 – Year Plan - Minimum

16 FreshmanSophomore English 1 A/B1Honors English 2 A/B1 Algebra I A/B1Honors Geometry A/B1 Integrated Soc. Studies A/B1World Civilization A/B1 Integrated ScienceA/B1 Honors Biology A/B1 Health/PE1 Foreign Language I A/B1 Electives-52.5 Junior Senior Honors English 3 A/B1Honors English 4 A/B1 Honors Algebra II A/B1Math Elective.5 US History A/B1Electives-126 Honors Chemistry I A/B1 Arts & Humanities A/B1 Foreign Language II A/B1 Electives-3 1.5 4 – Year Plan – College Prep

17 FreshmanSophomore English 1 A/B1Honors English 2 A/B1 Honors Geometry A/B1Honors Algebra II A/B1 Integrated Science A/B1AP European Hist/World Civ A/B/C1.5 Integrated Soc. Studies A/B1 Honors Biology A/B1 Health/PE I1 Foreign Language II A/B 1 Foreign Language I A/B1 Electives-4 2 Electives-31.5 JuniorSenior AP English 3 A/B/C1.5AP English 4 A/B/C1.5 Precalculus A/B1AP Calculus A/B/C1.5 AP US History A/B/C1.5AP Foreign Language A/B1 Honors Chemistry I A/B1Electives-73.5 Arts & HumanitiesA/B1 Foreign Language III A/B1 Elective-1.5 4 – Year Plan – Very Rigorous

18  Grade Specific ◦ 10 th Grade: Yellow ◦ 11 th Grade: Blue ◦ 12 th Grade: Pink  Failed Courses  Career Interest  Career Academies ◦ CABLE ◦ STEAM ◦ Honors/AP  15 Courses and 6 Alternates  Teacher Signatures ◦ AP Courses ◦ Yearbook ◦ Journalism ◦ Independent Study Art ◦ Advanced Weightlifting ◦ Special Education-Resource Classes ◦ Co-Op  Forms need to be signed by parents and turned into Activity teachers by Wednesday, March 10.



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