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Counselors Steve Watsey Michelle Cañas 9 th and 10 th Grade Counselor 11 th and 12th Grade Counselor

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2 Counselors Steve Watsey Michelle Cañas 9 th and 10 th Grade Counselor 11 th and 12th Grade Counselor 985-624-5046 ext 207985-624-5046 ext. 206

3 Topics Graduation Requirements TOPS Earning Carnegie units or “credits” Transcripts Typical Schedule Selecting Courses Honors and Gifted

4 Graduation Requirements All incoming freshmen will be required to follow the Louisiana Core 4 curriculum for at least the first two years. 21 Required Credits –4 English –4 Math –4 Science –4 Social Studies –2 Foreign Language or Speech –1 Art –1 ½ Physical Education or JROTC* –½ Health 3 Electives Total = 24 credits to graduate * Students may substitute JROTC I and JROTC II for PE and Health requirements. Students will be required to pass state end of course tests (EOC). This requirement is in addition to the required number of credits.

5 TOPS Students that take certain courses may be eligible for a TOPS scholarship. The courses and requirements are listed in the TOPS Program rules which can be viewed at: or on page 10 of the course description guide

6 Earning Credits Students will earn.5 credit per passed course for a total of 3.5 credits for each semester. Freshman will have a high school transcript at the end of the 1 st semester. Semester 1 (average of 1st and 2nd nine weeks grades) and Semester 2 (average of 3rd and 4th nine weeks grades) do not average together; each is its own self-contained unit.

7 Transcripts A transcript is the official record of courses taken and credits earned beginning in 9th grade. Only semester grades appear on a transcript. Failed courses can not be deleted off the transcript.

8 Typical 9 th Grade Schedule English I Algebra I World Geography Physical Science P.E. / ROTC Intro. To Business Computer Applications (IBCA) Art Elective Choice This typical 9 th grade schedule is aligned with TOPS and Louisiana Core 4 graduation requirements.

9 Elective Choices Fine Arts Survey Art I *Talented Arts (Music, Art,Theatre) Band Dance Chorus **Spanish II or **French II * Must have a current IEP **Must have proof of credit earned in Spanish I/ French I in 8 th grade.

10 Honors and Gifted Students enrolled in designated honors or gifted courses will receive an extra quality point according to the following scale: A=5 B=4 C=3 D=1 F=0 See page 6 for a list of designated courses. Students must have an IEP to be enrolled in gifted courses. Students enrolled in honors level courses must remain in the course for the semester.

11 Course Selection The 1 st semester of a course is the “A” semester and the 2 nd semester is the “B” semester. Please be sure to choose a course for each semester, both “A” and “B.” The schedule card should have 14 selections, 7 for the “A” semester and 7 for the “B” semester. (H) = Honors (G) = Gifted (R) = Resource Please choose 3 alternate electives in case original choices are unavailable. Example: __1100 ENG I A __1110 ENG I B

12 Thank You Thank you for your time and attention. Please visit Lakeshore’s website for additional information.

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