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What are the core components of great teaching?.

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Presentation on theme: "What are the core components of great teaching?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the core components of great teaching?


3 1. Clear purpose or learning intention 2. Very clear steps to success or success criteria 3. Great modeling and scaffolding of expectations 4. Learning has to be challenging 5. Lots of opportunities for active discussion and feedback 6. Learning is active with multiple opportunities to master excellence

4 PRACTICE ZONE LEARNING ZONE Subconscious Ability Current Ability Potential Ability


6 Simply hitting a bucket of balls is not deliberate practice, which is why most golfers don’t get better. Hitting an eight-iron 300 times with a goal of leaving the ball within 20 feet of the pin 80 percent of the time, continually observing results and making appropriate adjustments, and doing that for hours every day – that’s deliberate practice.” Geoff Colvin, ‘What It takes to be Great’

7 FEEDBACK The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement is feedback. The simplest prescription for improving education must be ‘dollops of feedback’ Prof John Hattie, University of Auckland, Influences on Student Learning


9 Link to Feedback Marking Policy

10 Review of pupil progress and attainment “What are our challenges?” Review of pupil progress and attainment “What are our challenges?” Target setting for individual pupils “Where do pupils need to be?” Mapping of provision for pupils based on individual needs. “How will they get there?” Mapping of provision for pupils based on individual needs. “How will they get there?” Monitoring of pupil progress and ongoing adjustment of planning / provision “What else could we do?” Monitoring of pupil progress and ongoing adjustment of planning / provision “What else could we do?” Assessment activity to measure progress over given time “How well are we doing?” Assessment activity to measure progress over given time “How well are we doing?”

11 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2 Training for staff in setting progression targets Numerical targets and progress targets set for all pupils Review of standards with Improvement Partner Target setting shared with LA and Improvement Partner Assessments / tasks and internal moderation Review of interventions and provision map Progress Review Meetings for identified cohorts / pupils Raise Online – Report to Governors Assessment predictions to LA / SIP / Governors Progress Review Meetings Pupil / Parent Conferences to share targets and review progress Review of pupil progress and standards across school involving all school leaders Review of interventions and provision map Assessments / tasks and internal moderation Progress Review Meetings Review of pupil progress and standards across school involving all school leaders Review of interventions and provision map Progress Review Meetings Updated assessment predictions to LA / SIP / Governors Progress Review Meetings for identified cohorts / pupils SATS / Assessment Tasks Moderation of FSP / KS1 / Optional Data Phonics Assessments begin Data Analysis and whole school moderation of standards Review of interventions and pupil progress / standards involving all school leaders Provision Mapping Pupil / Parent Conferences Annual reports to parents

12 End FS21-3 points4-5 points6/7 points8 points9 points Beg Y1Towards LWSecure LWL1cL1bL1a End Y11c1b1a2c2b End Y22c2b2a3c3b End Y32a3c3b3a4c End Y43b3a4c4b4a End Y54c4b4a5c5b End Y64a5c5b6cL6 Progress from KS1 to KS2 16 APS points 18 APS points 18 points APS Levels of Progress from KS1 to KS2 2 levels3 levels

13 1. Clear purpose or learning intention 2. Very clear steps to success or success criteria 3. Great modeling and scaffolding of expectations 4. Learning has to be challenging 5. Lots of opportunities for active discussion and feedback 6. Learning is active




17 PLANNING FORMAT learning objective To use knowledge of inverse operations context addition and subtraction multiplication and division success criteria To switch numbers in number sentence To switch addition to subtraction and / or multipicaton to division To check that answers make sense using a calculator if appropriate To explain thinking using rules if possible Teaching sequence inc. key questions and timings What could missing number in sentence be? 1.2 + ? = 9.1 How do we know? What about ? x 15 = 18 What are the rules for this operation? (5 mins) Model and demonstrate with more examples (5 mins) Ask pupils to feedback in pairs (5 mins) Would these be written or mental strategies? Model solving word problem discuss strategies and sequences of problem solving. (10 mins) independent activities sen - (L2a) TA FOCUS GP What is the difference between 199 and 403... build up to a bottle holds 1 ltr of lemonade. Sam fills 5 glasses of 150 ml each. How much left? la - (L3c - 3b) TEACHER FOCUS GP Would you use? activity 23.5 x ? = 176.25 How many cartons of juice costing 30p each can I buy for £2 ma - (L3a-4c) If 7 x 8 = 56 what is 0.07 x 8? Give other decimal facts that are linked to this multiplication fact. Pupils to feed back in plenary ha - (L4b+) Pupils solve place value spider diagram problem and develop rules to test: 0.4-:-0.1=4 400x0.01=4 40x0.1=4 4000-:-1000=4 Plenary Would you use a written or mental method to solve the following problem? 25.5 x 176.25? Explain your thinking Pupils feed back from L3a-4c group

18 ning http://robcarpenter1971.tumblr.c om @carpenter_ro b

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