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NT205 Gospels Fall 2012 David Smith Mark 1:1 VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ qeou/Å Mark 1:1 Matthew 1:1 Bi,bloj gene,sewj VIhsou/ Cristou/

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Presentation on theme: "NT205 Gospels Fall 2012 David Smith Mark 1:1 VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ qeou/Å Mark 1:1 Matthew 1:1 Bi,bloj gene,sewj VIhsou/ Cristou/"— Presentation transcript:


2 NT205 Gospels Fall 2012 David Smith

3 Mark 1:1 VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ qeou/Å Mark 1:1 Matthew 1:1 Bi,bloj gene,sewj VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ Daui.d ui`ou/ VAbraa,mÅ Matthew 1:1 Luke 1:1 evpeidh,per polloi. evpecei,rhsan avnata,xasqai dih,ghsin peri. tw/n peplhroforhme,nwn evn h`mi/n pragma,twn Luke 1:1

4 Information Cards Full Name (& Preferred Name) Hometown: Address / Phone Campus Info: Res Hall (or off-campus) Cell # Major / Minor Church (Home and Sussex): Activities / Hobbies / Special Interest/Sports / Musical interests / etc. 4

5 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 1. To express some of the major critical concerns surrounding the study of the Gospels.

6 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 2. To be able to think critically about the material presented by each of the gospel writers. Specifically, to explain the contributions of each gospel to our understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus.

7 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 3. To be able to articulate the theological contribution(s) each gospel has made to the New Testament canon.

8 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 4. To be able to study the gospels independently, dialogue with scholarship, and present findings in an engaging fashion for the edification of the church.

9 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 5. To develop a theology for each of the Gospels.

10 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 6. To develop one’s skills at interpreting and applying the biblical text to contemporary issues.

11 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 7. To be transformed by your encounter with the Word.

12 Mark 8:31-38

13 Text Books: Blomberg, Craig. Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey

14 Text Books: Holy Bible

15 Word about Translations

16 Class Requirements: 1. Reading (55% of Grade or 550 points) Each Gospel will be read in its entirety. There is no substitute for interaction with the Biblical text. 1st Gospel Reading (200 pts) Textbook Reading (200 pts) 2nd Gospel Reading (150 pts)

17 Class Requirements: 2. Research Project(s) ( 45% of grade) Geography of the Gospel World: (125 points) or Cultural Background of Gospel: (125 points) Synoptic Problem (125 points) Teaching Package (200 points)

18 Class Requirements: 3. Class Participation Class attendance will be taken regularly. You will be allowed two (2) absences throughout the semester. Subsequently, each miss will carry a penalty of 2% will be taken off the final grade; unless excused by a doctor or the Dean’s office. Keep a close watch on your absences. If the attendance sheet is incorrect, please bring it to my attention.

19 A final note about assignment due dates. The work is due at class on the date assigned. There will be an automatic ten percent (10%) reduction for each day the work is late. In the upper right-hand corner of each assignment, write your name, the section of the class (NT205), the date due, and the date you turned it in!

20 Grading Scale: Point Value Letter Grade Point Value Letter Grade 1000-950A769-730C 949-900A-729-700C- 899-870B+699-670D+ 869-830B669-600D 829-800B-599-belowF 799-770C+

21 Office: My office phone is 506.432.4406 My email:


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