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Life Cycle Nutrition Adulthood and the Later Years.

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2 Life Cycle Nutrition Adulthood and the Later Years

3 Life Cycle Nutrition Life expectancy –Women African American: 76 Caucation: 81 –Men African American: 69 Caucation: 75 Life span: If you live live longer. Longevity: 130 years possible

4 Aging Of The U.S. Population

5 Observation of Older Adults Quality of life: How do you feel? Healthy habits –Physiological age –Chronological age Very different...

6 “It’s not the years, honey, its the milage!” REM: If Indy said it, then it must be true!

7 How do they do it? Some people just stay younger...or do they? –Adequate sleep? –Adequate nutrition? –Motion? –Smoke, drink excessively –Too big? Too small?



10 Manipulation Of Diet Energy restriction in animals: low fat?? –Benefits include reduced athersclerosis, insulin sensitivity, lower BP, lower body temp. and reduced oxygen consumption...

11 Manipulation Of Diet Energy restriction in animals: low fat?? –Benefits include reduced athersclerosis, insulin sensitivity, lower BP, lower body temp. and reduced oxygen consumption...

12 Manipulation Of Diet Energy restriction in humans: low fat?? Would it work? –Eat less? Less than what? Less than what you want, or less than average of population? –Starvation....bad. –Do you eat less, or move more? –Do you have to lose weight? –10% less seems to be a good starting point!

13 The Aging Process Stress: How does your body respond? –Increased heartrate, adrenaline, sweating... –Over time this compromises your immune system, health, etc.

14 The Aging Process Physiological changes –Body weight –Body composition: increase in fat, decrease in muscle. Sarcopenia-loss of skeletal muscle as we age.


16 The Aging Process Physiological changes –Immune system...again we see age compromises it. Flu shot anyone? –GI tract-inflammation common. Dysphagia-difficulty swallowing...congestive heart failure?

17 Tooth loss: –Oops!! –Yeah..its funny when it happends to a dragon! –Sensory loss: sight, taste, hearing...

18 The Aging Process Other changes –Psychological changes –Economic changes –Social changes

19 Energy And Nutrient Needs of Older Adults Water

20 Energy And Nutrient Needs of Older Adults Energy and energy nutrients –Protein –Carbohydrate and fiber –Fat These are even more important now that they were before!

21 Energy And Nutrient Needs of Older Adults Vitamins and minerals –Vitamin B 12 - can be an issue if you have atrophic gastritis (chronic stomach inflammation caused by low HCl/intrinsic factor levels) –Vitamin D-often low due to lack of dairy intake –Calcium-if not dairy, then juices! –Iron

22 Energy And Nutrient Needs of Older Adults Nutrient supplements

23 Energy And Nutrient Needs of Older Adults

24 Nutrition-Related Concerns Of Older Adults Cataracts and macular degeneration –Preventative nutrition includes antioxidants, zinc and lutein, zeaxanthin (vitamin A) –DHA might also help prevent degeneration!

25 Nutrition-Related Concerns Of Older Adults Arthritis –Osteoarthritis –Rheumatoid arthritis –Treatment

26 The Aging Brain

27 Senile dementia Alzheimer’s disease –senile plaques –neurofibrillary tangles

28 Choices


30 Risk

31 Food Assistance Programs Elderly Nutrition Program –Congregate meals –Meals on Wheels

32 Meals For Singles Spend wisely Be creative

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