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(Preparatory programme) Master of Business Administration

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1 (Preparatory programme) Master of Business Administration
Peter Teirlinck & Maarten Hulselmans

2 Who is who

3 Prof. Dr. Tom Van Puyenbroeck, campus dean
Prof. Dr. Peter Teirlinck, BBA and MBA programme director Maarten Hulselmans, BBA and MBA programme coordinator / Teacher English 02/ , T’Serclaes, 5th floor (B-05-25) office hours 1st sem: Thursday 11:00-12:00 + appointment by

4 Student services Student Administration
Office: 1st floor, B (T’Serclaes building) Social Services Department Marieke Steurs: Els Jacobs: 02/ Office: A01-04,1st floor (T’Serclaes building)

5 Student services Ombuds Office
Marc Ophalvens: Erica Mechelmans: Maarten Kindt: Leen De Wolf: 02/ Office: A01-03/03, 1st floor (T’ Serclaes building)

6 Student services Study coaches
Krista Van Winkel: Annelies De Winter: 02/ Office: A01-07, 1st floor (T’ Serclaes building)

7 Study coaching

8 Exams: Pass/fail? Passing a subject ? Min. 10/20 (= credit )
Only the courses < 10/20  2nd exam chance Remark: register digitally for the exams of June and August/September! 2 chances to pass the course Eg fail course in January 2nd chance in August/September Eg fail course in June

9 Courses < 10/20  2nd exam chance
Retake a course for which you obtained less than 10 out of 20: Best result : you keep the best mark! (only within the same academic year) Eg Advanced Micro-Economics January: 9/20 August/September: 6/20 => You keep the 9/20

10 Courses 8/20 or 9/20 (prep MBA)
Prep MBA: 8/20 or 9/20 choice: Retake (2nd exam chance or next academic year) Tolerate: Only for 8/20 or 9/20 Up to a maximum of 10% of the total amount of SU of the whole preperatory programme minus exemptions Prep MBA = 30 credits  3 tolerances Advise: only tolerate after 2nd attempt, not in January! Master programme: no tolerances!

11 Obtaining a master degree
- If credits obtained for 60 units - Or if you only have one 9/20 and can graduate with distinction (minimum 68%)

12 Feedback exams After every exam period (Jan, June and Aug/Sep)
Feedback lecturers Have a look into your exam Compare expected answer with your answer Discuss study method Expectations lecturer Register digitally! General feedback Discuss overall results and study planning & study method Year programme & tolerances Study path coaches (T’Serclaes 1st floor A-side)

13 Re-registration May re-register for the same degree program
May re-register for the same course 2nd time in your year program: no problem 3rd time in your year program: * CSE ≥ 50%: no problem * CSE < 50%: no, you will be denied for one year! Remark: taking a course from the preparatory program for a 3rd time is possible. 4th time in your year program: no, you will be denied for five years! Remark: CSE = Cumulative Study Efficiency = SE over x years = credits obtained in x years / all study units registered for in x years

14 Study progress monitoring
Study credit: Flemish government Limited time frame to obtain degree Backpack full of study units (SU) SU are taken out: study programme Successful SU will be recharged in your backpack Not applicable to the preperatory program Info? Student Portal or Ombudsman’s office

15 Problems in the exam period?
Contact the Ombuds Service! No agreements with teachers! T’Serclaes: first floor - during the week (8h-18h30) : 02/ - during weekends (Saturday 8h-9h + 12h15-13h15 and Sunday 20h- 21h) : 0470/ : only for urgent matters, not for cancelling exams! NOT by and NOT leaving voic messages When… - you cannot participate in an examination (always take contact BEFORE the examination takes place) - you experience problems of some kind During the year: report absence to Ombuds Service

16 Further information

17 Student portal
Contact hours teaching staff Course schedules Education and Exam regulations Academic calendar ECTS files And much more …

18 Campus Brussels 1 Campus – 4 buildings Hermes  classrooms  cafeteria
T’Serclaes Library Restaurant Course Material Centre Student Administration International Office Terranova Erasmus

19 Course Material Course material centre
 Ground floor T’ Serclaes building Course material list & opening hours Digital learning environment  See

20 Library & restaurant Library Located in T’ Serclaes building
Restaurant & cafetaria  Cafetaria: Hermes building  Restaurant: T’Serclaes building

21 Communication Communication - KU Leuven e-mail - Notice boards: Toledo

22 Important dates 24/09/2015 at 12:30-13:30 in 4201 Info session digital learning environment & register your study programme 24/09/2015: no afternoon classes – Brussel Brost 30/09/2015 at 12:30-13:30 in 4215 Information session library 01/10/2015 at 12:30-13:30 in 4215 Info and registration session insurances (Euromut)

23 Rest of today’s programme
Free sandwich lunch (only if registered) 11:30 HERMES room: 1119 Information fair on studying and living in Brussels 11: :00 T'SERCLAES -0.5 Programme coordinators available for questions 14:00-16:00 T’Serclaes B05.24 Tour of the campus & tour of Brussels (only if registered) 13:00 Topic: City-centre highlights (HERMES main entrance) Afterschool drink (ESN - Scott's bar) 21:00

24 Erasmus exchange programmes
Erasmus exchange in 3 BA or ‘extended master’ Interesting choice partner universities in Europe and outside Europe Essential for academic, social and language skills                More information on Toledo: International Office KU Leuven Campus Brussels / FEB Antwerp

25 Questions?

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