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Progress of Free State Municipalities 28 May 2013

2 Table of Contents Progress made on recommendations
Presentation - Free State Provincial Treasury MEC’s Intervention; Municipal Budgets & IYM; Municipal Compliance & SCM; Municipal Revenue & Debt; Municipal Risk & Internal Audit; Municipal Accounting Services; Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure; and Support at Nala Municipality.

3 Table of Contents (Cont…)
Presentation - Department of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs Municipal Public Accounts Committees (MPAC’s); Management Support Program; Caseware and IMESA Projects; Audit Outcomes; Timeframes for Implementation of Valuation Rolls; Appeals against property valuations; Property Rates Policies & By-Laws; Legal Services; MIG Expenditure – 30 April 2013; KPMG Forensic Report – Nala; Ramathe-Fivaz Forensic Report – Matjhabeng; and Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission) – Matjhabeng.

4 Progress made on recommendations
Comment The Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs should consult National and Provincial Treasuries as well all relevant departments before implementing any section 139 interventions No municipalities in the province are under Section 139 interventions. Before implementation of Section 139, implementation the Department will consultant with NT, DCOG,PT and SALGA. The Moqhaka Local Municipality should address the issue of open toilets as a matter of urgency, as this matter impacts on the dignity of the community 1200 toilets have been completed The political leadership is visiting each household affected to improve delivery. The Provincial Treasury and the Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs should take appropriate actions with regard to the report that Matjhabeng Local Municipality was responsible for 50 per cent of all fruitless and irregular expenditure in the Province of Free State during the 2009/10 financial year FS PT and COGTA have formed a task team to support 3 municipalities (Kopanong, Matjhabeng & Moqhaka) that owe 55 percent of the unauthorised, irregular, fruitless & wasteful expenditure in the Province. PT has requested 3 municipalities to establish the Sub Committee of Council as per National Treasury Circular 68.

5 Progress made on recommendations
Comment The provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, the Provincial Treasury, and the South African Local Government Association should coordinate and establish a task team that will include all sector departments and assist the municipalities to deal with all challenges identified in this report. Section 71 reports have been prepared to Provincial Legislature on struggling Municipalities . Agreement have entered with Municipalities to fasttrack payments to bulk service providers. Intergovernmental debt steering committee has reduced the government debt by 60 percent within the province. Support was provided by departments to municipalities to resolve technical audit and accounting matters. Municipalities should take cognisance of the fact that tariff structures should account for repairs and maintenance other than provision costs only, particularly in light of the fact that municipalities are charging electricity tariffs that are below the cost of provision. Provincial Treasury and CoGTA conducted budget bilaterals with 20 municipalities to strengthen their operational and capital budgets: Funding mix; Capital budget in relation to IDP priorities; Operational budget (revenue and expenditure); and creditability of the budget. Bilaterals Conducted in May 2013 National Treasury should interact with the Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance with regards to the legality of the financial assistance that the latter department gives to municipalities. NT has conducted meeting with CoGTA. The department has noted the comments and will comply the instructions of the SCOF.


7 MEC’s Intervention MEC conducted onsite meetings with the Mayors, MMC’s, MM’s and CFO’s at following municipalities that have been identified as struggling: MEC conducted unannounced visits at Moqhaka and Dihlabeng municipalities during their budget public participation meetings. MEC’s office attended budget bilaterals sessions with 22 FS municipalities on the draft budgets for the 2013/14 financial year. Feedback letters were submitted to Mayors on draft budget evaluations on credibility, sustainability and relevance on the 22nd May 2013. Municipality Date of Meeting Matjhabeng 23 Apr 2013 Kopanong 25 Apr 2013 Moqhaka 29 Apr 2013 Ngwathe 21 May 2013 Phumelela 23 May 2013 Naledi 24 May 2013


9 Municipal Budgets – Compliance
Improvement in Compliance Submission - Budget Timelines Municipalities 2011/12 2012/13 Letsemeng Yes Kopanong Mohokare Naledi Xhariep Masilonyana Tokologo Tswelopele Matjhabeng Nala Lejweleputswa Setsoto Dihlabeng Nketoana Maluti-a-Phofung Phumelela Mantsopa Thabo Mofutsanyana Moqhaka Ngwathe Metsimaholo Mafube Fezile Dabi Late submissions Section 21(1)b of the MFMA, requires the Mayor of the municipality to tabled in the Municipal Council a table of key deadlines for preparation, tabling and approval of the annual budget.

10 Municipal Budgets – Compliance
Dates of tabling of draft budget - Comparative over 3 Financial Years Municipalities 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12 Date of tabling of Draft Budget Letsemeng 28/03/13 29/03/2012 17/03/2011 Kopanong 28/03/2012 19/03/2011 Mohokare 30/03/2012 31/03/2011 Naledi Xhariep 27/03/13 Masilonyana Tokologo 31/03/2012 Tswelopele 20/03/13 Matjhabeng 26/03/13 27/03/2012 14/03/2011 Nala 11/3/2011 Lejweleputswa 25/03/13 23/03/2011 Setsoto 30/30/2012 Dihlabeng 3/04/2013 Nketoana 26/04/2012 Maluti-a-Phofung 15/03/2011 Phumelela Mantsopa 30/03/2011 Thabo Mofutsanyana Moqhaka 2/04/2013 Ngwathe 11/04/2013 13/04/2012 11/04/2011 Metsimaholo Mafube 13/04/2011 Fezile Dabi Late submissions Section 16(2) of the MFMA, requires the Mayor of the municipality to tabled the annual budget at Municipal Council at least 90 days before the start of the budget year.

11 Bilaterals & Support 2011/12 Support was provided to the following municipalities: 2011/12 Municipality Support Provided Masilonyana Three PT officials assisted municipality to assess the budget, identify gaps and support the municipality on corrections to be made on the budget schedules. Phumelela Two PT officials supported the municipality for two days to correct all the budget schedules Ngwathe One PT official supported the municipal budget manager on technical matters on the budget supporting tables. Naledi Three PT officials assisted the municipality with the completion of the budget tables and advised the CFO with regard to tariffs. Mafube PT supported municipal BTO officials on the budget tables. Mohokare PT supported the municipality on the budget tables. Nala PT supported the municipal BTO officials on completion of the budget tables

12 Bilaterals & Support 2012/13 Support was provided to the following municipalities:2012/13 Municipality Support Provided Nala Seconded Official One of the resolutions taken by the National Treasury in order for the municipality to receive the withheld grants was to ensure that compliance with all outstanding matters and documents is adhered to timeously. (e.g. midyear assessment report, adjustment and draft budget). As a result a Provincial Treasury official has been seconded to Nala due to capacity challenges and shortage of staff within the Budget and Treasury Office to assist the municipality to comply with the requirements. This is to ensure that the municipality is in a position to review its mid-year performance, table and adopt the adjustment and the 2013/14 draft budget. Nala municipality is also assisted by holding weekly meetings with the Finance Steering Committee to monitor progress. Phumelela PT officials supported the municipal BTO officials complete the budget tables. Mafube

13 Bilaterals & Support 2013/14 Support was provided to the following municipalities:2013/14 Municipality Support Provided Ngwathe PT had a work session emanating from budget bilateral with the municipality to ensure credibility of information before adoption of budget by Council (21 April 2013) Naledi PT had a work session emanating from budget bilateral with the municipality to ensure credibility of information before adoption of budget by Council (23 April 2013)

14 Training Provided Training of Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan was conducted during the month of August 2012 for all municipalities. There has been significant improvement with regards to submission of SDBIP as a result of the support provided to senior managers of municipalities. This resulted in an increase in submissions from 5 the previous year to 19. Continuous technical support is provided on municipal budget returns and document Monthly Municipal infrastructure meetings (MIG ) which are arranged by COGTA are attended by the Provincial Treasury to monitor progress on infrastructure programmes

15 Municipal IYM - Support
Section 71 Reporting - Provincial Treasury’s In-year Monitoring (IYM) reports are in compliance to Section 71(6) and & 71(7) of the MFMA. Non-compliance letters and support is provided to municipalities. Section 71 reports credible has improved since prior financial years Disputes – Bulk Service Providers Provincial Treasury had dispute resolution meetings with the following municipalities: Kopanong Matjhabeng Nala Dihlabeng Maluti a Phofung Mantsopa Moqhaka Ngwathe Mafube Naledi


17 Municipal Compliance & SCM - Support
Supply Chain Management Centralized Provincial Supplier Database Launched in Xhariep District and will be rolled-out to other districts; SCM Toolkit in process of development; Updating of SCM Unit and Bid Committee; SCM information sessions conducted; Training provided on Contract Management; Local Content; Uploading of Contracts Above R100k; Assessment of SCM policies for alignment to Model Policy; Reporting Formats being finalized for roll-out during quarter under review; and Assisting municipalities with procurement plans for 2013/14.

18 Municipal Compliance - Support
Supported municipalities with compliance to the Minimum Competency Regulations; Rolled-out 30 MFMA Monitoring Indicators and municipalities have shown progress in implementation; Rolled-out revised system of MFMA delegations to 22 of 23 municipalities; Conducted Municipal Interns Forums to assist with capacity building of interns; and Provincial Capacity Building Forum in place in collaboration with CoGTA, SALGA and LGSETA. Minimum competency levels, 102 registered with SAICA, 22 modules completed and 93 is registered with DBSA and 85 registered with Wits Business (CPMD). SMC – 22 municipalities applied to NT, Maluti a phofung is in the process of application.


20 Municipal Revenue & Debt - Support
Intergovernmental Debt Steering Committee Intergovernmental debt was reduced by ± 60% since the establishment of the Committee All municipalities are supported by the Committee

21 Municipal Revenue & Debt - Support
Revenue Committees (Household and Business debt has increased) To reduce the debt position, the following municipalities established revenue committees: Kopanong, Mohokare, Masilonyana, Tokologo, Setsoto, Dihlabeng, Nketoana, Phumelela, Mantsopa The following municipalities are in the process of establishing revenue committees: Letsemeng, Naledi, Tswelopele, Matjhabeng, Maluti a Phofung, Metsimaholo Evaluation of policies Revenue related policies were evaluated against minimum legislative requirements: Tariff Indigent Credit Control & Debt Collection Rates Feedback provided to all municipalities

22 Municipal Revenue & Debt – Strategies / Initiatives
EXCO resolved that PT should support revenue and debt collection campaigns PT Circular 27 required municipalities to submit indigent registers, lists of councilors, municipal officials and public servants owing municipal debt Municipal councillors Verify that Councillors are not registered as indigents in indigent registers, Municipal officials Verification of debt for municipal services by municipal officials and councillors Public Servants Debt owed by public servants to be deducted from salaries


24 Risk Management Status (Xhariep. District)
MUNICIPALITY RM UNIT STATUS RMC STATUS COMMENTS Xhariep District Municipality Established (Vacant since March 2013) Established Newly appointed Committee that is chaired by a member of the Audit Committee; No indication when will the post be filled of the Chief Risk Officer. Kopanong Local Municipality Risk Officer (Appointed 1 Nov 2012) For the period under review there was no Committee. Mohokare Local Municipality Risk Officer (Appointed 1 August 2012) The municipality was assisted by the CRO from the district as it was a shared service. Letsemeng Local Municipality Not Established No commitment form the municipality on the appointment of the Risk Officer and the Committee and non availability hampers with the work of the internal Auditor( No risk Based Audit Plan) Naledi Local Municipality No commitment form the municipality on the appointment of the Risk Officer and the Committee and non availability hampers with the work of the internal Auditor( No risk Based Audit Plan).

25 Risk Management Status (Lejwe. District)
MUNICIPALITY RM UNIT STATUS RMC STATUS COMMENTS Lejweleputswa District Municipality Established Not established Manager: Risk Management permanently placed by lateral transfer to SCM unit. An official from SCM appointed as Manager: Risk Management. Technical competency a challenge. Matjhabeng Local Municipality (SNR Accountant Risk Management) MM committed to establish RMC obtained. Risk Officer Reports to Manager Internal Audit Tswelopele Local Municipality Commitment to establish RMU and RMC obtained from both the Mayor and the Municipal Manager during an entry meeting. Masilonyana Local Municipality MM commitment to establish RMU and RMC obtained. Tokologo Local Municipality Vacancy (June 2012) Risk Officer resigned. Could not obtain commitments Risk Management Committee not assessed yet. Nala Local Municipality (October 2012) Not Established Manager Internal Audit post upgraded to Manager Internal Audit and Risk No Risk Management Functions performed for period under review

26 Risk Management Status (TM District)
MUNICIPALITY RM UNIT STATUS RMC STATUS COMMENTS Thabo Mofutsanayana District Municipality Not established Risk Officer: advertisement placed. Shortlist stage. Manager Internal Audit used to perform function for Risk. MM committed to establish RMC obtained. Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality Established (Chief Risk Officer) Chief Risk Officer appointed in January 2013 Phumelela Local Municipality Commitment to establish RMC obtained. Nketoana Local Municipality (Risk Officer) (March 2013) Risk Officer reports to manager: internal audit RMC comprise of management only, no independent person appointed. Dihlabeng Local Municipality Chief Risk Officer is functional Risk Management Committee did not seat for the period under review. Setsoto Local Municipality (November 2012) RMC appointed in November and hasn’t seat for the period under review Mantsopa Local Municipality Dissolved Risk Officer was permanently placed by lateral transfer to IAU.

27 Risk Management Status (FD. District)
MUNICIPALITY RM UNIT STATUS RMC STATUS COMMENTS Fezile Dabi District Municipality Established Risk Officer Established (Using Audit Committee) Risk management unit is effective. Audit Committee is currently performing the functions of the Risk Committee. Appointment of the Risk Management Committee is pending. Metsimaholo Local Municipality Newly appointed Committee that is chaired by a member of the Audit Committee. Ngwathe Local Municipality Acting Risk and Compliance Manager Not Established No review of the work of the Acting Manager. No commitment form the municipality on the appointment of the Committee and non availability hampers with the work of the internal Auditor( No risk Based Audit Plan). Moqhaka Local Municipality No commitment form the municipality on the appointment of the Risk Officer and the Committee and non availability hampers with the work of the internal Auditor( No risk Based Audit Plan) 23 Score was based work done by PT. Mafube Local Municipality Risk Officer (Appointed 1 March 2013) There is commitment from the municipality to appoint before the new financial year.

28 Internal Audit Status (Xhariep. District)
MUNICIPALITY IA UNIT STATUS AUDIT COMMITTEE STATUS COMMENTS Xhariep District Municipality 1 x Chief Auditor 1 x Internal Auditor 1 x Intern 4 X Members (Shared) Both unit and audit Committee are effective. Kopanong Local Municipality 1 x Internal Audit Clerk Mohokare Local Municipality Outsourced Letsemeng Local Municipality 1 Auditor The municipality is in the process of outsourcing the Internal Audit Activity. Naledi Local Municipality The municipality did not provide evidence to substantiate KIP responses.

29 Internal Audit Status (Lejwe. District)
MUNICIPALITY IA UNIT STATUS AUDIT COMMITTEE STATUS COMMENTS Lejweleputswa District Municipality 1 x Internal Auditor 2 x Audit Clerks (new) 4 x Members Unit was non functional. But ad hoc assignments were performed. Audit committee is stable. Matjhabeng Local Municipality 1 x Chief Audit Executive 1 x SNR Internal Auditor 2 x Clerks 2 x Vacancies 5 x Members Unit is effective. Audit Committee is newly appointed. Tswelopele Local Municipality 1 x Intern 3 x Members Internal audit unit is effective. Audit Committee is stabilizing Masilonyana Local Municipality Newly established unit. No IA engagements conducted. Audit Committee newly appointed. Nala Local Municipality 1 x Manager: Internal Audit and Risk Management Both the unit and the committee are not effective. Tokologo Local Municipality (Co-sourcing) No risk based engagements conducted.

30 Internal Audit Status (TM District)
MUNICIPALITY IA UNIT STATUS AUDIT COMMITTEE STATUS COMMENTS Thabo Mofutsanayana District Municipality 1 x Chief Audit Executive 1 x Internal Auditor 1 x Intern 3 x Members (Shared) Inexperienced internal auditor and intern. Heavy reliance on CAE. Audit Committee stabilizing but needs more skills and experience mix. Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality 1 x SNR Internal Auditor (new) 4 x Audit Clerks (new) 3 x Members (Shared) but now opting out. Unit was non-functional . New appointments have been made. Due to appoint own audit committee. Phumelela Local Municipality 1 x Manager: Internal Audit (Vacant) PT audit team has been deployed to assist with the execution of 2012/13 audit plan. Nketoana Local Municipality 1 x Manager Internal Audit and Risk Manager. Internal Auditor Risk Officer Unit not effective but improvements have been noted. Dihlabeng Local Municipality - 1 x Chief Audit Executive. - 2 x Internal Auditors 4 x Members Audit Committee is stable. Setsoto Local Municipality 4 x Internal Auditors Unit is effective. Audit Committee is effective. Mantsopa Local Municipality 2 x Internal Auditors 3 x Members Unit is newly established and effective. Audit Committee newly appointed.

31 Internal Audit Status (FD. District)
MUNICIPALITY IA UNIT STATUS AUDIT COMMITTEE STATUS COMMENTS Fezile Dabi District Municipality 1 Chief Auditor 1 Auditor 1 Intern 4 Members Both unit and audit Committee are effective. Metsimaholo Local Municipality 1 Audit Manager 3 Members Ngwathe Local Municipality 2 Audit Clerks Advertised No risk-based engagements conducted during the period. Moqhaka Local Municipality 2 Vacancies 5 Members Audit Committee was non-functional during the period. Mafube Local Municipality 1 Vacant

32 Risk management and Internal Audit Support
All Municipality’s Internal Audit and Risk Management activities were evaluated and recommendations were communicated to address each municipality to improve the compliance rate. Trainings for both Audit and Risk Management were conducted. Audit Committee chairpersons’ forum was established to address their in effectiveness. PFMA Audit Team has been seconded to the following Municipalities to adress backlog Audits. Phumelela Local Municipality Masilonyana Local Municipality

33 Risk management and Internal Audit Support
Risk Awareness and Assessments are scheduled for the following Municipalities: Naledi Local Municipality Matjhabeng Local Municipality Mantsopa Local Municipality Lejweleputswa District Municipality Quality assurance is scheduled to be performed for all Internal Audit Units. This project is a joint project with National Treasury.


35 Municipal Accounting Services - Support
Masilonyana municipality The municipality was supported during the audit process Support was given in the compilation of the Annual Report in the new template. Although there was no commitment from the municipality, the new management have given an undertaking that the municipality will welcome the support from Provincial Treasury Monitoring of the audit action plan was done Support was given in the initial implementation of IMESA project Matjhabeng municipality The municipality will be supported in the preparation of the 2012/13 Annual Financial Statements. Provincial Treasury will assist the municipality to ensure that the preparation for year end takes place. A detailed key activity has been developed and arrangements are being made to meet with the municipality The meeting will also review the 2011/12 audit action plan for progress and verification thereof. We will also assist the municipality to draw up a timetable for the preparation of the AFS and there will be monitoring thereof.

36 Municipal Accounting Services - Support
Naledi municipality The municipality was supported during the audit process. 6 Audit Steering Committee meetings were attended by Provincial Treasury to render technical support to the municipality Problems arising from the contract with Centlec that lead to disclaimer of opinion for Naledi are being attended to with the assistance from Provincial Treasury A Delphi session to address the audit qualifications will be held next week National and Provincial Treasury compiled a financial recovery plan for the municipality Mohokare municipality The municipality was supported during the audit process. Three audit steering committee meetings were attended by Provincial Treasury Support was given in the compilation of the Annual Report in the new template A work session has been arranged for 04 June 2013 to prepare for the compilation of the 2012/13 Annual Financial Statements Problems arising from the contract with Centlec that lead to disclaimer of opinion for Mohokare are being attended to with the assistance from Provincial Treasury

37 Municipal Accounting Services - Support
Kopanong municipality The 2010/11 Audit report was evaluated and comments given to the municipality 9 Audit steering committee meetings were attended and assistance was given to deal with some of the audit queries. However, there were still issues that we could not assist with due to lack of information from the municipality. These issues are the following: Landfill site. There was a rehabilitation projection done but we could not get the proof that the land belongs to the municipality Classification of leases (cellphones) Centlec has entered into an agreement with the Southern Hemisphere municipalities including Kopanong Local Municipality to provide electricity services on its behalf to its communities and Free State Provincial Treasury has in numerous attempt requested to secure appointment with Centlec in a process to facilitate assistance between the municipalities with the main purpose of the issues mentioned below and no success/response has been achieved to secure such appointment: The impact of Centlec’s audit findings on Southern Free State Municipalities; The processes in place to ensure financial and performance reports are submitted to the Southern Free State Municipalities on a monthly basis; and The progress made towards addressing issues on the audit action plans.

38 Municipal Accounting Services - Support
Mafube municipality The municipality was supported during the audit process. 4 Audit Steering Committee meetings were attended by Provincial Treasury to render technical support to the municipality A session was held with the municipality to determine the readiness of the municipality towards the compilation of the 2012/13 Annual Financial Statements. The biggest challenge at the moment is for the municipality to appoint a service provider to complete the compilation of GRAP compliant asset register The municipality will be assisted with the compilation of the 2012/13 Annual Report on the new template Ngwathe municipality The municipality was supported during the audit process, although the challenge during the 2011/12 financial year and part of the 2012/13 financial year there was no appointed CFO. The CFO has just been recently appointed We assisted with the investigation into salary increases during the 2011/12 financial year A session will be held with the municipality to address the qualifications in the 2011/12 audit report and to ensure that the municipality submit the 2012/13 financial statements on time.

39 Municipal Accounting Services - Support
Phumelela municipality An assessment of the 2010/11 audit report was done, and progress on the implementation of the audit action plan was monitored The municipality was also supported during the audit process. Audit Steering Committee meetings were attended by Provincial Treasury to render technical support to the municipality The municipality was assisted in monitoring the work performed by the service provider Although the 2011/12 audit opinion was a disclaimer, the qualifications decreased to more than 40 in the 2010/11 audit report to 8 in 2011/12 one, 5 of which were on assets Setsoto municipality Council was given training in understanding GRAP compliant Annual Financial Statements Support was given to the municipality during the 2011/12 audit process

40 Municipal Accounting Services - Support
OTHER SUPPORT TO MUNICIPALITIES GRAP training was held to ensure that municipalities are kept abreast with Accounting developments. Training on the compilation of the Annual Report on the new National Treasury template was held Audit Technical Steering Committee Meetings took place during the audit process. These are meetings held with AG(SA) and CoGTA to deal with technical issues picked up during the audit process. Significant achievements include a reduction of audit findings for municipalities. The 2012/13 PROPAC resolutions will include the compilation of mid-year financial statements


42 Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure
PHASE 1 – Prior Years SCM Matters FS PT and COGTA is in the process to form a task team to support 3 municipalities (Kopanong, Matjhabeng & Moqhaka) that owe 55 percent of the unauthorised, irregular, fruitless & wasteful expenditure in the Province. Scope of Work of the Task Team Teams formed must investigate prior year Unauthorised, fruitless, wasteful and irregular expenditure incurred by the municipality. Report on findings presented to the council committee appointed to investigate such expenditure Report must be reviewed and endorsed by the committee Committee to present the report to council for: approval of report; write off were applicable or further investigation or Legal action and or criminal proceeding against officials and or Recovery of amounts from officials / parties concerned Composition of the Task Team Officials from FS PT and COGTA Municipal officials in Internal Audit and SCM MFIP Advisor

43 Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure
PHASE 2 – Current Year SCM Matters The Task Team will simultaneously deal with current year SCM issues: Identification of weaknesses within the municipalities SCM process for the 3 selected municipalities Rolling out SCM Quarterly & Annual Reporting Templates Assisting Municipalities to identify and rectify SCM Deviations i.t.o S36 of the SCM Regulations Rolling SCM Competitive Bidding Templates (Tender Processes) Training on Improved Contract Management

44 Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure
Ranking Municipality Unauthorised expenditure Irregular Expenditure Fruitless and wasteful expenditure Total Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure Total % of Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure 1 Matjhabeng Local Municipality 45% 2 Centlec (Pty) Ltd - 13% 3 Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality 4 Moqhaka Local Municipality 6% 5 Kopanong Local Municipality 4% 6 Mafube Local Municipality 3% 7 Metsimaholo Local Municipality 8 Dihlabeng Local Municipality 2% 9 Phumelela Local Municipality 10 Letsemeng Local Municipality 1% 11 Tokologo Local Municipality 12 Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality 13 Mantsopa Local Municipality 14 Nketoana Local Municipality 60 255 15 Naledi Local Municipality - FS 45 000 16 Mohokare Local Municipality 17 Lejweleputswa District Municipality 1 537 0% 18 Xhariep District Municipality 41 398 19 Fezile Dabi District Municipality 5 290 20 Maluti-A-Phofung Water 21 Tswelopele Local Municipality 1 411 22 Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality 60 078 23 Lejweleputswa Development Agency 20 840 24 Fezile Dabi DM Trust 25 Metsimaholo Mayoral Trust


46 NALA MUNICIPALITY Provincial task support provided
FS Provincial Treasury and Department of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs (COGTA) intervened, reason being: To obtain the 2009/10 & 2010/11 annual financial statements submitted for audit as soon as possible. Initial agreed date for submission was 30 November 2011, and the final proposed date for submission of the 2009/10 statements were 24 April 2012. To ensure consumers are billed for services and subsequently collection of revenue. Weekly meetings held on Mondays to evaluate progress and deal with challenges arising from submission of the financial statements and correcting the billing. A decision was taken to suspend the services of Pastel and BIQ was then requested to take over early in February Billing commenced at the end of February 2012.




50 Municipal Public Accounts Committees (MPAC’S)
The following Municipalities established MPACs: Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality Xhariep District Municipality with the following Local Municipalities sharing in the Committee Kopanong Letsemeng Naledi Matjhabeng Local Municipality Masilonyana Local Municipality Tswelopele Local Municipality Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality with the following Local Municipalities sharing in the Committee Mantsopa Local Municipality Nketoana Local Municipality

51 Municipal Public Accounts Committees (MPAC’S) (Cont…)
Dihlabeng Local Municipality Maluti a Phofung Local Municipality Fezile Dabi District Municipality with the following Local Municipalities sharing in the Committee Mafube Ngwathe Metsimaholo Moqhaka Setsotso

52 Management Support Program
Agreements concluded with Individuals and Service Providers for deployment to selected Municipalities to strengthen and expand available capacity towards achieving and maintaining Clean Audits. Municipalities includes the following: Nala Local Municipality Matjhabeng Local Municipality Naledi Local Municipality Mohokare Local Municipality Setsoto Local Municipality

53 Management Support Program - Achievements
NALA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Arrears Annual Financial Statements for 2009/10 and 2010/11 completed and Audited Arrears Annual Financial Statements for 2011/ % complete. To be submitted to AGSA 30 June 2013 Stable Financial Management System implemented and administration updated 20 months arrears billing resolved. Current billing up to date R 60 million arrears identified for collection from Business Community and negotiations with some completed Agreements with Service Providers not in best interest of Council terminated through negotiations Functional Organogram for Municipality reviewed and completed – also presented to Council Correct placement of staff currently underway KPMG Forensic Report implemented with COGTA support and discussions with Public Protector

54 Management Support Program – Achievements (Cont…)
SETSOTO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 2012/2013 Audit Opinion improved to Qualified – 2011/2012 Audit Opinion was Adverse Support was provided through IMESA partnership to provide Municipality with GRAP 17 Compliant Infrastructure Asset Register Municipality supported throughout the 2011/2012 MFMA Audit Process – resulted in improved 2011/2012 Audit Opinion Legal opinions were obtained on some Agreements and those not in best interest of Council terminated through negotiations Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure investigated and recommendations made to Accounting Officer Municipality’s Organogram was reviewed, corrected and to be presented to Council Salary levels of Officials was investigated and corrected to bring equity and parity about

55 Management Support Program – Achievements (Cont…)
NALEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Municipality supported towards compiling and submitting its 2011/2012 Annual Financial Statements to AGSA Support provided through IMESA Partnership towards a GRAP 17 Compliant Infrastructure Asset Register. Further support towards full compliance will be provided in Phase 2 (2013/2014 Financial year) Municipality was supported through close cooperation with System Vendor to improve on the correct and proper utilisation of the Financial Management System Accounting errors that could not be resolved for a number of years was investigated and corrected Unresolved Trial Balance errors over several years were investigated and corrected

56 Management Support Program – Achievements (Cont…)
MOHOKARE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Following civil unrest earlier community consultations were facilitated to improve relations – communication channels were opened for discussing service delivery issues and contingency plans developed for service interruptions Municipality supported to address water service challenges in Zastron – funding was obtained to re-furbish or replace obsolete pumps and equipment A Commonage Management Strategy was developed and implemented to address the issue and risk of stray animals and maximise the potential of stock farmers using communal grazing A Debt Collection Policy was developed and implemented to improve the collection rate The Municipality was supported throughout the 2011/2012 MFMA Audit process The Municipality was supported in negotiations with CENTLEC to improve electricity service. Current Service Provider Agreement with CENTLEC was referred for legal opinion. Negotiations are under way to re-structure the Agreement in such a manner that Council’s interests are better protected Municipality is supported to conclude on outstanding issues in respect of Forensic Investigations that are currently in the prosecution process

57 Management Support Program – Achievements (Cont…)
MATJHABENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Process undertaken to review and curtail unnecessary expenditure An ongoing process was implemented to review and terminate the services of Service Providers not yielding positive results/those contracts not in best interest of the Council Cases were the Municipality litigated in or were litigated against were reviewed in consultations with Council’s Attorneys to ensure value for money and to settle out of the Court those cases where the merits do not favour the Council Payment of long outstanding Insurance claims for damages to Council properties were expedited The Project Management Unit (PMU) that the Municipality outsourced is being investigated following poor performance and mismanagement of projects A training session for Councillors on Corporate Management and Ethics were facilitated and well received

58 Caseware During 2010/11 and 2011/12 CaseWare Software (compatible with all Municipal Financial Management Systems) was rolled out to District and Local Municipalities as part of Operation Clean Audit The Project yielded a measure of success in improving the quality of Annual Financial Statements For 2012/13 CaseWare was rolled out in partnership with Provincial Treasury to the remaining Municipal and Provincial Entities Training and Implementation for Provincial Entities was completed during 3 May 2012 to 18 May 2012 Training and Implementation for Municipal Entities completed from 28 May 2012 to 1 June 2012 To reinforce previous CaseWare Training and add value to the 2011/12 Annual Financial Statements of Municipalities 2 Refresher Training Courses were held as follows: 31 May 2012 Bloemfontein 01 June Bethlehem Training on Software updates and refresher training is again planned for May and June 2013

59 IMESA Project Partnership concluded with Institute for Municipal Engineering of South Africa (IMESA) in 2011/12 for a Infrastructure Asset Management System solution as currently used by eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Moqhaka, Kopanong, Masilonyana were selected as Pilot Municipalities in 2011/2012 Deliverables included: Provision of Infrastructure Management System Provision of training on use of the System Uploading of available Infrastructure Asset information on System Providing the Municipality with a GAP – Analysis Report on outstanding matters beyond Pilot scope to be addressed to be GRAP 17 compliant Pilots were completed and hand-over made to Municipalities

60 IMESA Project (Cont…) Moqhaka was supported though IMESA to implement findings of GAP Analysis and Infrastructure Asset Register was fully updated and corrected Interim Audit is currently conducted by the AGSA in anticipation of the 2012/2013 Audit – Issues identified in this Audit will be resolved in time for 2012/2013 Audit IMESA was approached to assist and support Setsoto Local Municipality in the run-up to and during its 2011/2012 Audit with making its Infrastructure Asset Register GRAP 17 Compliant Setsoto received lesser qualifications on Infrastructure Asset Register and Audit Opinion improved from Adverse to Qualified in 2011/2012 Matters of qualification is currently addressed and corrected for 2012/2013 Audit IMESA also reviewed work done on GAP analysis report of Kopanong, which the Municipality appointed consultations for Quality review report and recommendations were provided The intention is to support 10 Municipalities in 2013/2014 with GRAP 17 Compliant Infrastructure Asset Registers, based on the successes in Setsoto and Moqhaka

61 Specific support provided
Assessment of Municipal IDP’s during April 2013 Municipalities assisted with the implementation of PROPAC resolutions: Kopanong Local Municipality (17 October 2012) Lejweleputswa District Municipality (17 October 2012) Letsemeng Local Municipality (12 October 2012) Mafube Local Municipality (16 October 2012) Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality (31 October 2012) Matjhabeng Local Municipality (18 October 2012) Metsimaholo Local Municipality (25 October 2012) Moqhaka Local Municipality (9 October 2012) Nketoana Local Municipality (24 October 2012) Phumelela Local Municipality (19 October 2012) Setsoto Local Municipality (14 November 2012) Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality (21 November 2012) Tokologo Local Municipality (7 November 2012) Tswelopele Local Municipality (2 November 2012) Ngwathe Local Municipality (23 October 2012)

62 Specific support provided
Financial assistance provided to Municipalities: Xhariep District Municipality: Funeral cost of Municipal Manager of Naledi Local Municipality to the amount of R50,000 R10 million to cover the budget deficit Kopanong Local Municipality Compilation of the 2011/2012 Annual financial statements to the amount of R2,884,413.26 Naledi Local Municipality Chief Financial Officer’s salary to the amount of R720,000 Valuation Roll retention amount of R12,600 Mohokare Local Municipaltiy Salaries for the Municipal Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Director: Corporate and Director: Technical to the amount of R2,775,200 Water pumps to the value of R1,111,000 Letsemeng Local Municipality Chief Financial Officer’s salary to the amount of R1,060,000 Setsoto Local Municipality Municipal Manager’s salary to the amount of R500,000 Nala Local Municipality Legal cost – KPMG report amounted to R2,886,174 Financial management system to the amount of R1,000,000 Compilation of 2010/2011 Annual financial statements to the amount of R2,000,000

63 Specific support provided
Municipalities assisted with the implementation of the Municipal Property Rates Act: There are 5 Valuation Appeal boards which are remunerated by this Department. A hearing took place on 23 April 2012 at Matjhabeng Local Municipality to finalise all objections and appeals. Hearings were also held at Moqhaka Local Municipality on 18 – 19 September 2012 Hands-on support was given to the following Municipalities that needed assistance with the applications for extension: Nala Local Municipality Kopanong Local Municipality Mantsopa Local Municipality Setsoto Local Municipality Phumelela Local Municipality Tokologo Local Municipality Ngwathe Local Municipality Metsimaholo Local Municipality and Masilonyana Local Municipality National COGTA selected Tswelopele and Metsimaholo Local Municipalities to monitor compliance relating to certain criteria as stipulated in the Act and a meeting was held on18 April 2013 to discuss non-compliance.

64 Specific support provided
Hands-on support was provided to the following Municipalities: Mantsopa Local Municipality (22 June 2012 and 16 August 2012) Metsimaholo Local Municipality (5 July 2012, 24 August 2012 and 12 March 2013) Kopanong Local Municipality (17 August 2012, 13 February 2013 and 8 May 2013) Letsemeng Local Municipality (17 August 2012, 19 September 2012 and 21 February 2013) Ngwathe Local Municipality (24 August 2012 and 12 March 2013) Nala Local Municipality (6 March 2013, 7 May 2013 and 23 May 2013) Moqhaka Local Municipalty (8 June 2012) Mangaung Metro Municipality (26 July 2012 and 14 August 2012) Tswelopele Local Municipality (10 August 2012 and 18 February 2013) Dihlabeng Local Municipality (16 October 2012 and 20 February 2013) Tokologo Local Municipality (14 August 2012) Phumelela Local Municipality (12 September 2012) Nketoana Local Municipality (20 February 2013) The following Municipalities were assisted with property owners’ queries: Masilonyana Local Municipality Manguang Metro Municipality Metsimaholo Local Municipality

65 Legal Services By-laws
Municipalities may choose and adopt by-laws from a set of 43 standard by-laws promulgated by the MEC. The adoption and promulgation of By-laws is however dependent on Council Resolutions. As Council meetings are only held quarterly, it slows down the process considerably. In some cases Councils defer By-laws to the next meeting, whilst other Councils may not consider them at all. In some cases, communities are also not properly consulted during the process and capacity constraints within Municipalities also impact negatively on the process.

66 Legal Services (Cont…)
The current status on By-laws is as follows : Provincial:- By-laws promulgated 123 By-laws in process Total Thabo Mofutsanyana and Local Municipalities:- Promulgated 23 In Process 11 Total 34

67 Legal Services (Cont…)
Municipal legal compliance:- All Municipalities were during the previous financial year assessed and reported on compliance with the Systems Act. All Municipalities during the new financial year will be assessed and reported on compliance with the Structures Act. Municipal Policies:- COGTA have introduced polices in the different Municipalities. The adoption of policies depend on Council Resolutions. Municipal Policies adopted: 450 Adopted Policies in Thabo Mofutsanyana and its Local Municipalities: 114

68 Municipal Performance Monitoring
Working session on the Municipal Systems Amendment Act interpretation conducted in order to ensure that municipalities comprehend with the amendments Working session on the Municipal Systems Amendment Act Compliance Tool conducted in order to ensure that municipalities comply with all the prerequisites of the amendment Supported municipalities with regards to the reporting reforms, the new reporting template and the oversight report COGTA also supported municipalities with regards to developing LGTAS Refocusing and Profiling templates Compiled Councillor Competency Profile report which will assist in developing capacity building initiatives for municipalities

69 MIG Expenditure: 30 April 2013

70 MIG Expenditure: 30 April 2013 (Cont…)

The Directorate Municipal Infrastructure, Planning and Support, supported the following 13 Municipalities trough individual intervention meetings to assist with project planning, project preparation and achievement of expenditure targets. The meetings are normally attended by the Municipal Manager, CFO and Technical Director/PMU Manager. Ngwathe Matjhabeng Nala Nketoana Letsemeng Mohokare Naledi Masilonyana Setsoto Mantsopa Kopanong Dihlabeng Maluti a Phofung All 19 Municipalities were also supported trough 49 one to one working sessions to assist with the submission of accurate DORA reports MIG expenditure was further monitored trough 4 Quarterly MIG meetings held with all 19 Municipalities.

72 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala
Background Nala received a very negative Audit Report for 2008/09 Section 139 (Constitution) Intervention followed (Dec 2009) Transaction verification conducted as part of the Intervention Decided to focus further investigations on 15 Projects Main emphasis on SCM policy and associated process During investigation also diverted to some other allegations

73 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Approach to Investigation 1. Conducted Interviews with: Creditors selected from the database where possible irregularities were identified in the scoping review. Officials in the SCM department to obtain an understanding of the SCM policy and its application. Members of the community that were identified as possibly having received irregular payments. Individuals forming part of the tender process.

74 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Site Inspections: Undertook site inspections to verify that work claimed and paid for was completed Conducted Searches: Searched the SCM department after it became evident that all requested information had not been handed over to the investigation team. Searched other Offices for missing documentation. Analysed and Perused: Tender documentation of selected tenders to confirm that the selection processes followed was in terms of municipal policies Minutes of tender meetings relating to the selected tenders

75 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Mandate of the Investigation: Integrated Municipal Financial Management System Bucket Eradication Program Waste Water Treatment Plant Kgotsong Paved Road Phase 1 – 3 Monyakeng Paved Road Phase 1 – 3 Kgotsong Multi Purpose Centre Valuation Roll Upgrading of the Wesselsbron Taxi Rank Phase 2 Electrification of 500 households Meter reading services Kgotsong landfill site Monyakeng landfill site Naledi Clinic

76 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Summarised Findings: Contravention of the SCM Policy Manipulation of the SCM process Lack of performance by the contracted parties Amendment of documents prepared and utilised in the SCM process Breaches of Internal control procedures Poor value for money Contravention of the MFMA

77 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Other alleged issues: Allegations of premature invoicing to solicit bribes Documentation destroyed in anticipation of Investigation Payments made to temporary workers (R ) cannot be confirmed and substantiated 207 vehicles fueled at cost of Municipality (R ) that do not appear on vehicle list provided to Investigators No ghost employees found – instances where some staff received duplicate payments Security wall at Mayoral Residence – Council not specify an amount (R paid to contractor) – SCM not followed Credit cards – source documentation not always available and could not be provided with Policy No SCM followed to provide Mayoral vehicle

78 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Current Implementation Status Report presented to Council on 14 November 2011 Disciplinary proceedings were instituted against former Municipal Manager and Manager Technical Services – both no longer in Service Disciplinary proceedings ongoing against Official implicated in misuse of vehicles and petrol cards Criminal proceedings commenced, dossier opened with SAPS (Hawks Pretoria) Case No. CAS 167/01/2012, Investigating Officer, Warrant Officer E Crouse

79 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Current Implementation Status Full Report also handed to National Treasury who pledged support with further expertise and investigative work, if required Speaker re-paid R 10,000 back misappropriated on Council’s Credit Card In process of appointing Quantity Surveyor to access cost of wall erected at former Mayor’s private residence with a view to recover Preliminary “means assessments” done on contractors who did not perform. Nulla bona returns expected in some cases, but Department is negotiating with private legal firms to support Nala with civil recoveries

80 KPMG Forensic Report: Nala (Cont…)
Current Implementation Status Payroll review / investigation under way as part of Financial Recovery with a view to discipline staff involved and recover irregular salary related expenses Public Protector visited Nala on 6 February 2013 and expressed satisfaction with progress thus far made. Also pledged assistance and support in resolving outstanding issues

81 Ramathe - Fivaz Forensic Report: Matjhabeng
Background: Matjhabeng Local Municipality appointed Latitude and Ramathe-Fivaz Forensic and Investigation Accounting Services to investigate root causes of previous processes undertaken which did not result in desired outcomes / organisational efficiency

82 Ramathe - Fivaz Forensic Report: Matjhabeng (Cont…)
Approach to the Investigation Conducted Interviews with: Senior Management of Municipality Other Municipal Officials identified to provide information on allegations of irregularities Other parties outside the Municipality who held interest or information or benefited in an irregular manner 2. Analysed and Perused Relevant legislation, policies and procedures, Codes of Conduct, Organisational Structures and directives Relevant records and supporting documentation both hard copy and electronic

83 Ramathe - Fivaz Forensic Report: Matjhabeng (Cont…)
3. Site Inspections Undertook site inspections and verifications of work claimed and paid, also verified Municipal property and assets

84 Ramathe - Fivaz Forensic Report: Matjhabeng (Cont…)
Mandate For The Investigation Issues of false Rate Clearance Certificates Cash pay points Bad debts and debts written off Mechanical Stores Electrical Stores Supply Chain Management Sale of land and assets Waste Management Verification of Municipal properties

85 Ramathe - Fivaz Forensic Report: Matjhabeng (Cont…)
Summarised Findings: The Municipality suffered loss and damage on account of; Incompetence in Supply Chain Management The absence of adequate Contract Management Non-compliance with the Local Government Legal Framework governing operations Reliance on poorly structured Service Provider Agreements and incorrect legal opinions Incompetence in the Finance Department Poor oversight Weak Project Management especially on infrastructure projects

86 Ramathe - Fivaz Forensic Report: Matjhabeng (Cont…)
Position of the former Municipal Manager Municipality and its operations were adversely affected by historical events and transactions which placed it in financial distress and resulted in losses as contracted services were not of desired standard Certain agreements were terminated through negotiations and / or arbitration before the investigation, while others were terminated as such based on findings of the investigation It became also apparent that the Municipal Manager was under political pressure at times to accede to and / or effect certain decisions, as Councillors threatened to remove him from office In particular instances the Municipal Manager could also not rely on staff, as his signature on some agreements were found to have been forged

87 Ramathe - Fivaz Forensic Report: Matjhabeng (Cont…)
Position of the former Municipal Manager (cont.) Sensitive and confidential information were leaked to the media and other parties in an ongoing manner, which further compromised the Municipality and the Municipal Manager The Municipal Manager was moved into a position where he had to rely on wanting advice from persons that caused adverse publicity for the Municipality in the first place The Municipal Manager was increasingly isolated in his efforts to remedy difficulties facing the Municipality

88 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Background Commission constituted to investigate: Non compliance persistently reported Concerns on Matjhabeng’s ability to fulfill statutory obligations Concerns about institutional instability and governance in general Concerns on MIG implementation Possible mal-administration, fraud and corruption

89 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Approach to the Investigation: Set up in terms of Sec 106 of the MSA Provisions of Commissions Act of 1947 also applicable Provisions of Free State Commissions Ordinance, 1994 further applied Commission could: Order submission of documentation / vouchers/ objects or materials Order or if need be, subpoena witnesses to appear before it

90 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Mandate for the Investigation: The Commission conducted inquiries in to the following: Performance of Council Interface between Council and Administration Administrative capacity and capability Implementation of MIG Projects Supply Chain Management Outcome of support provided by the Service Provider, Latitude to the Municipality Assessing the implementation status of Ramathe Fivaz Forensic Report Allegations of fraud and corruption made against Political Office Bearers and Senior Officials

91 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding: Council Council did execute its statutory responsibility, but Standing Rules and Orders not properly regularised However, some critical governance structures / committees such as Audit Committee and Oversight Committee not fully functional Although good governance frameworks existed, these were not always fully enforced Council did not provide sufficient leadership and oversight over administration to a point of disfunctionality Council failed to enforce accountability from Senior Management over an extended period of time Councillors meddled and interfered in the Administration

92 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding (cont): Council and Administration Interface Structures, systems, frameworks etc. to regulate interface were in place but not observed Council and Administration interface depended on relations between Executive Mayor and Accounting Officer 2 Executive Mayors tended to encroach on responsibility and authority of Accounting Officer Councillors meddled and interfered in administration without sanction from Council

93 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding (cont): Administrative capacity and capability 50% vacancy rate and uneven spread of capacity High turn-over rate at Senior Management level with slow replacement rate. Critical position of Chief Financial Officer vacant for past 5 years, except briefly filled by irregular appointment Poor culture of public service and lack of supervision and management Weak strategic planning capabilities Culture of staff conflict deviates attention and energy away from priorities (especially factional conflicts) Inefficient business processes and delayed implementation Shortage of equipment, material and utilities, repairs and maintenance on especially infrastructure found wanting

94 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding (cont): MIG and Infrastructure Chronic backlogs in housing, water, sanitation etc. Many MIG Projects implemented over past 4 years Some contracts awarded and paid irregularly Poor project management and subsequent losses and damages now addressed by PMU management consultancy

95 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding (cont): Supply Chain Management The Commission findings corresponds with those of Ramathe Fivaz Forensic Report SCM consistently undermined in Municipality Bids awarded without following due SCM processes Contracts were entered into which were in contravention of Local Government Legislation SCM Unit poorly managed and staffed Contracts and Contract Management poorly executed and resulted in loss and damage for Municipality

96 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding (cont): Latitude Helpful to extent that assisted with institutional assessment, long-term vision and financial recovery plan Some value added, but many challenges remains Contract could have been better managed - Commission recommended its termination. No longer on site, but considers claims against Council Clash of interest when Director of Latitude appointed as Chief Financial Officer Relationship terminated since and Municipality successfully defended litigation from Latitude Director appointed as Chief Financial Officer and dismissed shortly afterwards

97 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding (cont): Ramathe Fivaz Forensic Report Identified risk areas and financial losses Identified weaknesses in financial management Identified weaknesses in Contract Management Some counter-productive agreements cancelled through negotiations and arbitrations

98 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Summarised Finding (cont): Allegations of mal-administration, fraud and corruption Former Executive Mayor Findings point towards possible administrative interference in some cases Commission could not be provided with substantial evidence to proof allegations of fraud and corruption Municipal Manager and Senior Managers Some infringements of MFMA provisions (referred to Ramathe Fivaz for further investigation) majority of allegations could not be sustained

99 Section 106 Investigations (Selesho Commission): Matjhabeng
Current Status of Ramathe Fivaz Forensic Report and Selesho Commission Report Ramathe Fivaz Report presented to Council on 15 November 2011 Handed over to SAPS (Hawks) Colonel Dlova, Case number CAS 155/07/2011 Also handed over to Special Investigation Unit (SIU), Inspector D Human Report remains a Draft Report at this stage, requires further criminal investigative work as discussed with the SAPS Ramathe Fivaz successor Company , Open Water Advanced Risk Solutions presented a proposal to this effect to Accounting Officer and Executive Mayor, still awaiting approval Selesho Commission Report Was presented to Council by MEC on 15 November 2011 Detailed recommendations also made in respect to remedial actions to be considered and implemented on Commission’s findings




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