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General Body Meeting 10/9/13. Bucket and Dipper Junior Honorary Ashley Forsythe.

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Presentation on theme: "General Body Meeting 10/9/13. Bucket and Dipper Junior Honorary Ashley Forsythe."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Body Meeting 10/9/13

2 Bucket and Dipper Junior Honorary Ashley Forsythe

3  16 points/semester  10 Event Points ◦ Includes  General Body Meetings  Committee Meetings  Fundraising Events ◦ 4 must be non-meeting points  6 Volunteer Points ◦ 3 must be Mirrors-related volunteering ◦ Up to 3 can be from outside volunteering if approved by exec board

4  Dues are due!  Budget has been made up; see Cole after the meeting or set a time to meet with him later this week

5 AdvertisingChalk, Signs, Buttons$300 Random Acts of KindnessCake, Cups, Candy$230 SelectionsAdvertising/Paper$25 Dance Venue, Food, DJ, Tickets, Decorations$4,500 PhilanthropyNo Cost$0 SocialSee Miscellaneous$0 TechnologyNo Cost$0 FundraisingAdvertising$25 HistorianSee Miscellaneous$0 SecretaryTshirts$500 MiscellaneousUnexpected costs$200 Total Budgeted Cost$5,780 Fundraising GoalDonation to James$5,000 Amount to leave in bank$1,000 Amount to Raise/Have$11,780 Amount in BankAs of 10/2/2013$2,500 Potential Funds (USG)$2,000 Potential Funds (CSA)$2,000 Needed to Fundraise$5,280

6  Ideals of a Class Honorary ◦ Stephanie, Liz and Kelly are collaborating with Mortar Board ◦ Contact Jenna Gaudio.16  AOSCH Point System (for the House Cup) ◦ At least two reps at each meeting ◦ Can have up to 5 (other Mirrors members get a Mirrors meeting point for attending) ◦ Going to AOSCH/other honorary events earns points too  Food Drive with Pay It Forward (Oct. 26-Nov. 25) ◦ Competition between honoraries ◦ Winners participate in a cook-off  Application info coming soon!

7  Volunteering points overlap  Volunteer Service Award  Various organizations to volunteer for (and voting)  James Volunteer Flu Shots!

8  Opinions on Application ◦ What did you think about the application process? ◦ Suggestions for changes?  Opinions on Officer Transition/Training ◦ What did you like/dislike? ◦ Suggestions for changes?

9  Thanks to everyone who helped with FEST!  Join our Buckeyethon team, Making Mirrorcles, by Friday before the registration fee goes up from $10 to $15!  Next dance committee meeting next Wednesday 10/16 at 9:15 in the Union

10  Dan-Schott updates/comments  Money raised so far… ◦ $175 Hall Councils ◦ $200 Involvement fair setup ◦ $45 J. Gumbo’s ◦ =$420 total…WE NEED MORE!  Fundraising Ideas?  Fundraising Committee stay for 5 min after to talk to Katherine and Dan!

11  Weekly meetings starting after break  Try to schedule accordingly  Hopefully keeping meetings on Wednesdays, just at an earlier time and at the Union  Doodle poll coming out soon

12  Advertising Committee  Look for an email from Nima with a doodle poll to choose a meeting time  Fundraising Committee stay for 5 min after to talk to Katherine and Dan  Next general body meeting 10/23/13!

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