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Female Offenders. Each group of special needs offenders has its unique problems. And there are unique challenges supervising them.

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Presentation on theme: "Female Offenders. Each group of special needs offenders has its unique problems. And there are unique challenges supervising them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Female Offenders

2 Each group of special needs offenders has its unique problems. And there are unique challenges supervising them.

3 Female Offender Problems Female Offenders: Have problems common to male offenders Also have unique problems

4 Some Female Offender Problems

5 CBC and Parenting? CBCs promote constructive relationships between mothers and children. – Reduces next generation crime – New Trend: Similar approach with offender fathers and their children

6 Lenient Sentencing Bias Are FOs more likely than male offenders to receive lenient sentences?

7 Basis For Bias Less Serious Crimes General Bias Childcare Considerations Welfare Costs Concern For Future Criminality Of Children

8 Women and Crime Arrests Women 22% (4% increase) Men 78%

9 Drug Use and Crime Are women or men more likely to be under the influence of drugs when they commit crime?

10 Gender and Crime Are some crimes more common to women? What are they?

11 FO Arrests For which offenses are women most often arrested?

12 FOs Expanding Criminal Horizons Are FOs branching out to other types of crimes?

13 FOs and Violent Crime From 1984 until 1997: – FO serious violent crime increased 86% – Male serious violent crime decreased 5.6%

14 Violent Crime Incarceration Is there a difference in incarceration rates for violent crime comparing men and women?

15 FO Incarceration Generally For what type offenses are women most commonly incarcerated?

16 Incarceration Rates The number of FOs in prison increased 81% from 1990 to 1999.

17 FOs in the CJ System Even with increased in female crime, FOs are: 6% of prison population 21% of probationers 12% of parolees

18 Disparate Opportunities Have there been any differences in opportunities provided to female and male inmates, and probationers and parolees?

19 Hot Trend in CJ Female crime is increasing. What impact will this have on the CJ system and CBC?

20 Why Do FOs Commit Crime?

21 FO Deficits Few Marketable Job Skills More Responsibilities and Demands Than Men

22 Some FO Needs Finances Employment Skill Training Child Care Emotional Aspects of Child Care

23 Dependent and Subservient Behavior Many FOs are still learning dependent behavior patterns. Many FOs assume subservient roles to males.

24 Independence FOs need __________ and ________ to be independent. It might take courage to make your first skydive or give a speech to strangers.

25 Community Based Programs for Female Offenders Community based programs for FOs focus on: Developing Economic Independence Effective Parenting Skills Survival Skills for Independent Living Ref: MML pages 342-43

26 Economic Assistance Job Readiness Training Vocational Training (now non-traditional) Job Development and Placement Follow-Up Services

27 Effective Parenting Skills Nurturing Patience Setting Limits Supervision Appropriate Punishment

28 Survival Skills Money Management Locate and Use Community Resources Administering Contractual Agreements Car Purchase, Rent Apartment, Credit Card Rates

29 FO TX Issues Dependence Lack of Self Trust (Competency) Lack of Personal Responsibility

30 FO TX Shortcomings FO TX has traditionally been lacking due to: – TX programs place PT in passive role Can subvert TX goals

31 Interesting Quote “Fallen women don’t need to be put back on a pedestal. They need to learn to stand on their own two feet.”

32 The Greatest Obstacle to Female Offender Achievement What is the greatest obstacle to FO achievement?

33 Key Core Services for FOs What are the key (core) services for FOs?

34 Summary Comments 1. While there has been a tendency to treat FOs more leniently, the less serious nature of female crime is a more significant determinant of CJ processing than gender.

35 Summary Comments 2. Most FOs must overcome disadvantages of social class and minority as well as gender in attempting to achieve self- sufficiency.

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