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1 I Like Spotfire on Facebook and Twitter and Linked Data on the Semantic Web! Brand Niemann July 22, 2010

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Presentation on theme: "1 I Like Spotfire on Facebook and Twitter and Linked Data on the Semantic Web! Brand Niemann July 22, 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 I Like Spotfire on Facebook and Twitter and Linked Data on the Semantic Web! Brand Niemann July 22, 2010 Disclaimer: These slides do not reflect the views of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and does not constitute endorsement by the EPA of the standards or products mentioned.

2 2 Facebook: Like Button I Like Spotfire on Facebook and Twitter and Linked Data on the Semantic Web!

3 3 Facebook: Like Button

4 4 Facebook: Like Button Iframe markup

5 5 Facebook: Like Button The Like button enables users to make connections to your pages and share content back to their friends on Facebook with one click. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the button can display personalized content whether or not the user has logged into your site. For logged-in Facebook users, the button is personalized to highlight friends who have also liked the page. If your web pages represent profiles of real-world things — things like movies, sports teams, celebrities, and restaurants, you can optionally use the Open Graph Protocol to enable users to establish lasting connections to your pages. Your pages show up in more places on Facebook and you gain the ability to publish stream stories to connected users.

6 6 Facebook: Open Graph Protocol The Open Graph protocol enables you to integrate your Web pages into the social graph. It is currently designed for Web pages representing profiles of real-world things — things like movies, sports teams, celebrities, and restaurants. Once your pages become objects in the graph, users can establish connections to your pages as they do with Facebook Pages. Based on the structured data (RDFa) you provide via the Open Graph protocol, your pages show up richly across Facebook: in user profiles, within search results and in News Feed. To turn your web pages into graph objects, you'll need to add Open Graph protocol tags and the Like Button to your webpages. The tags allow you to specify structured information about your web pages. The more information you provide, the more opportunities your web pages can be surfaced within Facebook today and in the future. Once you configure the meta tags on your web page, you can now add a Like button associated to this page.

7 7 Facebook: Open Graph Protocol <html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb=""> Community Infrastructure Sandbox for 2010

8 8 Facebook: Open Graph Protocol

9 9 Facebook: Spotfire

10 10 Twitter: Tibco Spotfire Also: Etc.

11 11 SemTech 2010 SemTech 2010 (June 21-25th in San Francisco, CA) is the world’s largest, most authoritative conference on semantic technology for enterprise computing professionals. It covers every major technology and application area you’ll need to know.SemTech 2010 Semantic technologies are being used in lots of industries today. Sometimes they address problems that couldn’t be solved until semantics came along, and other times they are used because they are faster, cheaper and simpler than the alternatives. Tibco and Spotfire were at SemTech 2010: –Semantic Complex Event Processing - The Future of Dynamic IT, Paul Vincent, CTO, Business Rules and CEP, TIBCO Software Inc., –Build Your Own and EPA Microsite with Semantics and Statistics in the Cloud, Brand Niemann, Semantic Cloud Computing Evangelist and Data Scientist, –Build the SemTech 2010 in the Cloud, Brand Niemann, Semantic Cloud Computing Evangelist and Data Scientist,

12 12 SemTech 2010 Semantic Complex Event Processing - The Future of Dynamic IT –Paul Vincent, CTO, Business Rules and CEP, TIBCO Software Inc.,, Harold Boley, Principal Researcher, National Research Council Canada, Adrian Paschke, Professor, Freie Universitaet Berlin Future software applications should become a more dynamic medium, e.g. for information dissemination, attention allocation, and automated reactions across all parts of the enterprise. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is an emerging enabling technology to apply actionable, context-aware knowledge from and against large amounts of event data in near real-time. Building on Action/Event/Process Ontologies -- e.g., OWL-S, WSMO, SWSL, and PSL for Semantic Web Services -- there is now the prospect of combining event processing and semantic technologies into an area we term Semantic Complex Event Processing (SCEP). Existing practices and commercial applications already move toward semantically improved event processing to provide smarter business processes, and some TIBCO Software use cases will be discussed. Paul Vincent works in Complex Event Processing using event pattern and decision rules to provide "Operational Intelligence" to businesses. CEP is a technology that augments conventional business processes and analytics, focusing on real-time events. Paul has worked on advanced rule-oriented projects in the US and Europe in financial services, government, defense, and manufacturing, and is a contributor to the OMG PRR and W3C RIF standards efforts as well as the Event Processing Technical Society.

13 13 Build Your Own and EPA Microsite with Semantics and Statistics in the Cloud Brand Niemann: The goal is to simplify and amplify what’s been done and call it Data Science. June 1, 2010. –The ability to take data -- to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it -- that's going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades. Source: What is data science?: Analysis: The future belongs to the companies and people that turn data into products.What is data science?

14 14 Build Your Own and EPA Microsite with Semantics and Statistics in the Cloud GSA to launch open government apps platform, June 9, 2010. June 9, 2010 A Gov 2.0 Platform for Open Government with Data Science: Mindtouch and Spotfire Linked Data Between Panels and Tabs.

15 15 Build the SemTech 2010 in the Cloud Screen-scraped the conference program into a well-designed spreadsheet that was imported into Spotfire which was embedded into the Mindtouch Wiki.

16 16 Build the SemTech 2010 in the Cloud Multiple Sheet Spreadsheet

17 17 I Like Spotfire Because of it’s: –Pedigree S-PLUS: –Started with Statistical Sciences (1988) and ended up with TIBCO as Spotfire (2008). »Spotfire is a business intelligence company whose origins trace back to the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, in the early 1990s that was bought by TIBCO in 2007. –Vision: Tufte Comment on iPhone interface design:Comment on iPhone interface design –Better to have users looking over material adjacent in space within our eyespan rather than stacked in time. This is especially the case for statistical data, where the fundamental analytical task is to make comparisons. Also see page 159 in Edward R. Tufte, Beautiful Evidence (2006), Graphics Press LLC.Graphics Press LLC –Results: Demos I Like: See example of Tufte’s “sparklines” (writing with data graphics) in the next slide. My Experiences:, EPA Microsite, Community Health Information, EPA’s CASTNET, Facility Registry System and Envirofacts, UK’s COINS and High Earners, Whitehouse Visitor Database and Staff Salaries, and Department of Energy’s Open Energy Information (RDF).

18 18 Example of Tufte’s Sparklines H1N1 Spread Courtesy of TIBCO Spotfire. See Web Player.Web Player

19 19 Spotfire Results First there was Put Your Desktop in the Cloud to Support the Open Government Directive and, Semantic Universe, April 19, 2010.Semantic Universe Second was Build Your Own (Spotfire) and EPA Microsite (Spotfire) with Semantics and Statistics in the Cloud, Slides, May 15, 2010.Own Data.govSpotfireEPA MicrositeSpotfireSlides Third was Build Your Community Health Information "Design for America" Using Mindtouch and Spotfire, Slides, May 17, 2010.MindtouchSpotfireSlides Fourth was Build EPA's CASTNET in less that two hours, see Mindtouch and Spotfire, Slides, May 21, 2010. Completed in 8 more hours by May 30, 2010.CASTNETMindtouchSpotfireSlides Fifth was Build Your Own with Mindtouch and Spotfire (see below) in the Cloud: The White House Visitor Database, Slides, May 22, 2010. See takes the 'Mumsy' test, FCW, May 26, 2010.MindtouchSpotfireSlidesFCW Sixth was Build EPA's EPA's Facility Registry System (FRS) and Locational Reference Database with Mindtouch and Spotfire in the Cloud: Virginia, No Slides, June 1, 2010.MindtouchSpotfire Seventh was Build the UK’s COINS in the Data Science Library Cloud (Mindtouch and Spotfire), Slides, June 9, 2010.MindtouchSpotfireSlides Eight was Build EPA's Envirofacts in the Cloud: Virginia FRS, NPL, and TRI (Mindtouch and Spotfire), Slides. June 14, 2010.MindtouchSpotfireSlides Semantic Solutions for Energy Management: The Clean Energy Commons: Using Semantic Technologies to Share the World's Energy Information (Mindtouch and Spotfire), June 27, 2010.The Clean Energy Commons: Using Semantic Technologies to Share the World's Energy InformationMindtouchSpotfire Ninth was Build the SemTech 2010 in the Cloud (Mindtouch and Spotfire), No Slides, July 2, 2010.MindtouchSpotfire Tenth was Build the White House Staff Salaries in the Cloud (Mindtouch and Spotfire). Slides, July 3, 2010.MindtouchSpotfireSlides More in process of Spotfire: Linked Data Between Panels and Tabs and of GAIN: Linked Data Between Data Catalogs and Apps. See for update.SpotfireGAIN

20 20 The Socrata Program Socrata: Making Data Social - social data discovery, a category of Web solutions that enable national, state, and local governments to achieve new levels of transparency and citizen participation while significantly lowering the costs of serving online data. Socrata calls its service of reorganizing the data into easy-to-read, interactive charts and graphs "social data discovery.“ –"The data is valuable, but the social data is valuable as well. It's one thing to put the data online, but it's another thing to actually get some civic feedback loop. Socrata makes easier to understand.” Source: Socrata CEO Kevin Merritt. Mindtouch and Spotfire does what Socrata does!

21 21 I Like Linked Data Because of it’s: –Transparency: “What you see is what you get!” Supports Exploratory Data Analysis (John Tukey) and Beautiful Evidence (Edward Tufte) by you and others. –Openness: Get the data back out (CSV), download the file (.dxp) and reuse it with 30-day free client, and publish it to Web Player Library. –Collaboration: Linked Data Across Visualizations Linked Data Across Multiple Databases (centralized) Linked Data Across Multiple Database (distributed)

22 22 Sources of Linked Data Annotate in RDFa: Embed in Web Pages –Facebook Like and Open Graph Previous URLs Originate in RDF: Store in Triple Store – -- massive 17 Billions Triples instance in Virtuoso! RDBMS to RDF: Semantic Middleware –Download as.gzip: SPARQL Query as RDF: – – –

23 23 Spotfire Wish List Support import and export to RDF and calculated column with URIs. –SemTech 2010: Support from Two Spotfire Clients (UCB Pharma, UK, and Eli Lilly, US). Paul Vincent – Semantics for Complex Event Processing. — Community Annotations of Linked Data Using Twitter and Real-Time SemanticWeb with Twitter Annotations (see next slide). Kingsley Idehen – Spotfire Front-End to Virtuoso and Embed RDFa in the Web Player Interface. Spotfire Design Patterns for Spreadsheets and RDF.

24 24 Spotfire Wish List — Community Annotations of Linked Data Using Twitter, Leigh Dodds, Platform Programme Manager, Talis, Tuesday, June 22, 2010 –Existing focus on Linked Data has been on surfacing data from existing databases and websites. Consumption of Linked Data is often to simply re-present the data (e.g., through a new user interface or visualisation). But there are other ways in which Linked Data can be created by aggregating data (e.g., from Twitter) and using it to enrich existing sources. Microblogging is an excellent mechanism for constructing "conversational interfaces" for annotating datasets. – is a web application that both consumes and produces Linked Data. Built on the data published by the BBC the application surfaces existing communities that surround broadcast media. combines these features with the means for the community to annotate that data with additional metadata, providing pointers to other resources. Ultimately the site provides a tool for the community to contribute to the inter- linking of data in the Linked Data cloud. This data not only benefits the community but could also be used by the original publisher. Real-Time SemanticWeb with Twitter Annotations, Joshua Shinavier, Research, RPI - Tetherless World Constellation,, Jans Aasman, CEO, Franz Inc.,, Thursday, June 24, 2010. –The ability of millions of average Web users to publish short, timestamped and even geotagged microblog posts, at a moment's notice, presents new opportunities for real-time and location-based services. Much as these services are changing the nature of search on the Web, so the Semantic Web will be both challenged and enhanced by real-time content. Furthermore, the ability to annotate microblog posts using highly expressive vocabularies, as in Twitter's upcoming Twannotations functionality, will provide an endless stream of up-to-date, structured information about the world. In this presentation, we discuss a semantic data aggregator which brings together structured microblog annotations with Semantic Web vocabularies and best practices in order to augment the Semantic Web with real-time, user-driven data, enabling a new breed of query services. Emerging formats, modeling issues, publication and data ownership of microblog content, data storage and basic techniques for real-time, real-place semantic search are presented.

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