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Child Sponsorship Update. 2 Nuevo Paraiso 87 Children in 7 Homes 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Sponsorship Update. 2 Nuevo Paraiso 87 Children in 7 Homes 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Sponsorship Update

2 2

3 Nuevo Paraiso 87 Children in 7 Homes 3

4 Examples Of Steps Government of Honduras contacts Sociedad, with knowledge of an abused 2 year old child The child is rescued, and Sociedad takes over legal and moral guardianship for the child until they are an adult – Sociedad/FoHC goal is to remove the child from harms way (typically a severely dis-functional situation) and help the child to grow into a fully functioning adult helping to break the cycle of extreme poverty 4 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration

5 Examples Of Steps Most other child sponsorship programs (e.g. World Vision) send the $30 per month donation to the village where the sponsored child lives Our program is different. We take physical and full financial responsibility for the child when they enter our program 5 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration

6 Our Program It costs us about $120 US dollars per month to cover the full cost of raising a child That is why our program requires 4 sponsors of $30 per month to cover the cost of raising one child 6 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration

7 7 Casa Roswindis – Nuevo Paraiso 13 children

8 8 Picture of Rosemay Reina, Dania & Elba Speak about Primary Health Care etc. Our Nuevo Team – Reina Rosemary, Elba & Dania

9 9 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration Some Of Our Nuevo Paraiso Tia’s

10 Some Statistics 2008 we added 190 new sponsors We now have 405 sponsors, sending over $12,000 per month to Sociedad for child sponsorship Breakdown of our sponsorship dollars – 65% Nuevo Paraiso – 14% Flor Azul – 21% Pedro Atala 10 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration

11 Our Current Strategic Activities Complete the site plan for Nuevo Paraiso – We know where the next 15 orphanages are going Revising the layout for our new orphanage buildings – Each home is designed to hold 12 children Improving our project documentation process for building future orphanages 11

12 New Buildings & Child Sponsors Each new orphanage (holds 12 children) costs about $35,000 USD to build, paint and furnish It takes 4 sponsors for each child, so when we open a new building we require 48 new sponsors 12

13 13 Thank you building brigades Opened Spring 2008

14 14 Holy Cross - 2007 Holy Cross Brigade 2007

15 15 University/Perilli Brigade 2007 Perilli University Brigade 2007

16 16 Kelly/Cain Brigade 2008 Kelly Brigade 2008

17 17 Grace House 2 – Opening November 2008 Thank you Grace Partnership in Faith

18 18 2007 GPIF Team 1

19 19 2007 GPIF Team 2

20 20 This is the sight for the new Community Center at Nuevo Paraiso

21 21 Holy Cross 2008 Holy Cross Brigade 2008

22 22 community center Perilli University Brigade 2008

23 23 Adult Awareness Brigade 2008

24 24

25 25 Latest Picture of the hall

26 Our Child Sponsorship Team Ana Vallejos - Honduras Anna Jamieson Dan Durst David Cain Debbie March Iain Jamieson Janis Kelly Jim McCallum Joanne Rowland Joan Barrett Julia Taylor Mary Jaynes Pat Elder 26 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration

27 2009 Goals Build two new orphanages – Grace House 3 – Two Brigades in November 2008 Add 150 new sponsors between now and end of 2009 Continue to work with Sociedad to further enhance the operations at Nuevo Paraiso Orphanages Continue to assist the other NGO’s with their child sponsorship programs 27 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration

28 Thank You Thank you to the staff at Sociedad, especially Anabell & the TIA’s (our very special house aunts) Thank you to all brigade leaders (building and medical and awareness) for highlighting our program while they are in Honduras Thank you to our child sponsorship committee And most of all, THANK YOU TO OUR CHILD SPONSORS FOR THEIR ONGOING FINANCIAL AND MORAL SUPORT 28 16.5% on Fundraising and Administration


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